Urban Inventor

Chapter 520 - Civilization Database

The pursuit of the sixth-level civilization is to advance to the seventh-level civilization. The earth civilization also has its own pursuit. That is to climb the technological tree as soon as possible and advance to the powerful sixth-level civilization. , Basically do not have to worry about being destroyed by other civilizations.

If there is a pursuit, we must put it into action.

After defeating Nathan civilization, the entire earth civilization did not stand still. Instead, it realized the importance of technology more clearly and invested in the vigorous era of great science and technology.

Unconsciously, two years later, the earth civilization has undergone no small changes, and the most significant change belongs to the promotion of earth civilization in the galaxy. Most of the fifth and fourth civilizations in the entire galaxy are In showing good to the earth, a large number of alien civilization caravans or missions come to the glorious star field every day, allowing the earth civilization to reproduce the style of “coming from all nations” in the interstellar era, while the local caravan or interstellar civilization Tour groups often receive warm hospitality when they reach other civilized sites. Even if they encounter an interstellar pirate group, as long as the identity is revealed, the other party will often retreat. The phrase “the one who commits my earth civilization, although it must be far away” is not Just to talk about it, in the past two years, Earth Civilization sent a number of small fleets to hunt down the Interstellar Pirates that hurt the citizens of Earth Civilization.

During this time, science and technology also made some breakthroughs, and the most sensational is the “civilization database”, this research was officially established in 2093, after decades of research and demonstration, it was only successful. The significance is extremely significant.

As mentioned earlier, the so-called “civilization database” is actually a gene injection that stores the inherited information of the culture, technology, history and other civilizations of the earth. Anyone in the civilization of the earth will invade the genes in the injection after receiving the injection. The brain cells are integrated as part of the genetic material of the brain cells. After completing this process, the injector’s brain cells have all the information in the civilization database. It is worth mentioning that the “Civilization Database” also integrates brain evolution agents and gene evolution related technologies, which means that anyone in the earth’s civilization only needs to inject a brand new gene injection to generate gene evolution, The evolution of the brain can also obtain the inheritance knowledge of the entire earth civilization. A citizen can represent the entire civilization to some extent, and can also inherit the entire civilization.

Of course, because this inherited knowledge is too important to be leaked, only a very small number of qualified personnel are qualified to inject the “civilized database”, and scientists have also applied the booming soul technology to the injection In the citizens of the “Civilization Database”, every citizen is implied by the soul level, and he must not do anything that harms the interests of the civilization of the earth, otherwise he will be humanely destroyed.

In addition to the “civilization database”, space technology has also made major breakthroughs.

The space transition technology, which is more advanced than the speed engine technology, has completed the feat of 7,000 light-years of sailing in a year in the experiment. With the continuous development of this technology, the civilization of the earth has begun to turn its attention to the star system. It is from the Milky Way to other stars such as the Andromeda Galaxy. However, the distance between the galaxies is too far away. The Andromeda galaxy, the closest star to the Milky Way, is more than 2 million light-years away from the Milky Way. Only when the space transition technology reaches 100,000 light-years per year. Only earth civilization can enter the Andromeda Galaxy on a large scale.

In addition to the space transition technology, Zhang Wei has been studying the controllable wormhole technology and finally made some progress, and solved one of his doubts. He has acquired the wormhole technology for more than 100 years. When he first obtained this technology, the data showed that the wormhole can pass through space, or space-time, or even a parallel universe, but he has opened three wormholes, two are In the Milky Way, there is also a civilized civilization in the Andromeda galaxy, and none of them leads to the parallel universe, which makes him wonder. Does the system pit him? However, as his understanding of space gradually deepened, he knew that the system did not pit him. The wormholes opened in this universe are basically leading to this universe, and the probability of reaching parallel universes is infinitely low unless you control the worms. Hole technology can open the wormhole to the parallel universe 100%. As far as he knows, all six civilizations have mastered this technology and can go to the parallel universe to develop and plunder resources.

March 15, 2137 of the earth calendar.

The earth civilization is boiling again, because Nathan Civilization officials involved in the events of the Rennes galaxy, including Galve, the veteran of the Nathan Civilization Senate, have arrived in the Glorious Star Field under the **** of the Earth Civilization Fleet. These people will be tried and punished by the laws of earth civilization on the basis of war criminals.

This century of trial has attracted the attention of countless citizens of civilized earth. When everyone heard that these war criminals were sentenced to death and spiritually punished for a thousand years, they all applauded and cheered. Incidentally, the so-called “mental punishment” is actually to back up the criminal’s memory, emotions, and thinking, so that the criminal’s spiritual copy can be punished in the virtual world.

In Nathan civilization, the people there have also seen relevant news reports through various channels, and their hatred for the earth’s civilization has increased a lot.

“Damn earth civilization, you destroyed our four Starfield Legions in the war two years ago, a total of 400 million space warships, and 4 trillion soldiers. You are the war criminals who deserve to die!”

“Earth Civilization robbed Bailey Civilization from our hands, and extorted enough resources from us to build 3 billion space warships. Now it is open to judge our veteran Galway. What a reason! One day, we will let Earth civilization pays the price! “

“Dear compatriots, no matter the number of people or the resources they possess, the civilization of the earth is far inferior to us, but their technological level is ahead of us by an era, so they can bully us! We must strive hard to improve The level of science and technology makes the cost of revenge for the civilization of the earth! “

Under the guidance of the Nathan Civilization Government and the media, the people of Nathan Civilization began to actively invest in the field of science and technology, and revenge to the earth civilization is their spiritual power!

However, it is so easy to catch up with the civilization of the earth in the field of science and technology. One of the enemies of the civilization of the earth, the Avengers Alliance, which is composed of the Hui civilization and other civilizations in the glorious star field, is increasingly desperate for this goal. , They were robbed of their homes by the earth civilization, determined to expel the earth civilization and restore the shining star field ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ to turn the shining star field into a bright pearl in the galaxy!

However, the reality is so cruel. They have been wandering in the universe for a long time before they became a vassal civilization of the Deya civilization in the later stage of the fifth level. They have received the protection of the Deya civilization and have not stabilized. They heard a series of big news, Earth Civilization has mastered a series of cutting-edge technologies such as completely hidden technology, space smashing weapons, etc., and has become one of the most powerful five-level civilizations in the galaxy. It easily defeated the fifth-level mid-level civilization Nathan civilization and received a lot of compensation. Enough to build 3 billion space warships.

This makes them desperate. The gap between them and the civilization of the earth is getting farther and farther. Not only that, after the civilization of the earth showed enough strength to dominate the galaxy, their sovereign civilization, Deya Civilization, actively sent a The missions went to the Glorious Star Field to prepare for diplomatic relations with the earth civilization, and the abominable earth civilization characterized them as terrorist organizations, and asked the Deya civilization to expel them. Although the Deya civilization has not yet agreed, but who knows whether it will be in the future Promise?

They even speculated that if the earth civilization and Deya civilization reached a dirty deal, perhaps the Deya civilization would take the initiative to wipe out all of them for the earth civilization. For a strong fifth-level post-civilization, eliminating them is a breeze.

Once again, they deeply felt the helplessness of the weak.

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