Urban Inventor

Chapter 46 - Zhang Wei was a little flustered

In the evening, Zhang Wei and his parents ate dinner together and returned to their villa.

After returning to his room, he turned on his computer and began to search for the news of the flying car conference. Unsurprisingly, domestic and foreign countries carried out large-scale publicity on this conference, and he and the anti-gravity flying car There are many reports about it.

It’s just that Zhang Wei didn’t have the mood to look at the comments that praised him online this time, because his attention completely shifted to another thing: “The task of the great inventor.”

System requires him to complete a sensational invention within one year.

He has now built an anti-gravity flying vehicle, and the anti-gravity flying vehicle has already made a splash in the world. To be reasonable, the system should prompt him that the task has been completed.

However, it did not.

Zhang Wei was a little flustered, thinking whether the system was wrong. He quickly meditated three times on the “Great Inventor System”, and immediately a touchable virtual screen that only he could see appeared out of nowhere.

There is only one option on the virtual screen: [Taskbar].

After opened, three tasks were displayed:

[Reverse attack of the school scum]: Completed.

【Demon School Master】: Completed.

[The attacking big inventor]: Not completed.


These three words are very dazzling, which makes Zhang Wei very confused. Where is the problem?

It must be that the propaganda is not strong enough. Many people in the world do not know that he has built an anti-gravity flying vehicle. For example, in the African region where the media industry is very underdeveloped, there must be many people who do not know about it. Yes, it must be so! Then, after going to the company tomorrow, we will hold a meeting and continue to invest in publicity, even if it is spent 100 million, 1 billion, or even 10 billion for publicity, he does not care, as long as it can achieve the effect of publicity. People know that he built an anti-gravity flying car. If there is no money, you can make it again, but if the task fails, he will lose the big inventor system, which is unacceptable to him.

Furthermore, he is not short of money. The anti-gravity flying car will be officially launched on the company’s official website at zero tonight. As long as 100 cars are sold, he will get at least 1 billion, and if he sells 1,000 cars, he will get at least 10 billion.

According to his prediction, selling 1,000 cars should not be a problem.

Thinking about this, he logged on to the background of the company’s official website, checked the number of people online, and then he froze for a while. The data showed that the number of people online exceeded 10 million.

Chen Yang, who once borrowed an anti-gravity flying vehicle from Zhang Wei, is one of the more than ten million people online.

Chen Yang is 23 years old and unemployed this year, but his dad is a billionaire super rich, and he spoils him, so he is rich and free. His favorite is usually drag racing, and he likes to collect all kinds of luxury cars. In his garage, there are luxury cars such as Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bentley, Rolls-Royce, etc., which are usually changed.

Since the last time I borrowed Zhang Wei’s flying car to drive, he has been fascinated by the flying car, and has been waiting for the official sale of the flying car. Today, he learned that the flying car will be officially released at 0am, and he was completely excited. , And then immediately go home to prepare for the panic buying.

After returning home, Chen Yang immediately turned on the computer, opened the official website of the future technology company, and then carefully read the announcement at the top of the website.

“Dear users, the first round of anti-gravity flying vehicles will be launched at 02:00 on November 12th. The number of sales for this time is 3,000, each model is 1,000, and it will be sold out! As for the next round The sales time is tentatively scheduled for December 12.

In addition, the top 999 successful customers will become the supreme members of the future technology company, enjoy exclusive member exclusive services, and also get a mysterious gift.


Reminder 1: Please note that foreign users, anti-gravity flying vehicles have only passed relevant legal permits such as flight permits in China, and flight permits and related legal permits in other countries are under negotiation. If you buy a flying car now, you will most likely be restricted from flying in your country.

Reminder 2: Due to the limit of bank transfer, only one million in advance is deemed to be a successful payment for this sale, and the remaining amount can be paid within 24 hours. If the remaining payment is not paid within 24 hours, it is considered that you have abandoned the purchase, and the company will refund one million prepayment to your bank account. “

Chen Yang is not interested in the so-called supreme members and mysterious gifts. What he cares most about is that only 3,000 flying cars will be released this time, and the next round of sale will be December 12, which means that if he did not buy this time In the case of a flying car, it will not be possible to buy it until a month later.

Are there three thousand flying cars? For China’s huge wealthy class, there are really not many. According to statistics, there are about 60,000 billionaires, about 4,000 billionaires, and about 200 billionaires. This is just the number of tycoons that can be counted. Those invisible tycoons are not counted.

Therefore, there are not many Chinese people who can buy out a flying car for 10 to 20 million, and those billionaires will not only buy one. If they want to buy it, they will definitely buy one for every adult in the family. . For example, Chen Yang is planning to buy three cars in his own house, and he and his parents will have one car each.

Not to mention, there are many foreign rich people who are also eyeing these three thousand flying cars.

Carefully calculated, these 3,000 flying cars are not enough points, it may be sold out in minutes. If he didn’t buy it, he could only wait for a month before buying it. This is totally unacceptable to him, he must be the first person in the world to have a flying car!

“What should I do to ensure that the flying car is snapped up?”

Chen Yang frowned deeply, suddenly his eyes lit up, one person might not be able to buy it, then find a few more people to help him buy it. That’s right, just hire 50 people to buy for himself. He doesn’t believe that he can’t buy a flying car.

More than Chen Yang thought of such a method, Hassan from Dubai is doing the same ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Hassan is a member of the Royal Family of Dubai, he has an endless amount of money once he is born Money is refreshing and annoying. He has a yacht as long as a football field. He has mansions around the world. The smoking carton is made of gold. Even the pet is extraordinary. It is a majestic lion.

After learning that a company in China had manufactured an anti-gravity flying vehicle, he developed a strong interest and came to China in person to prepare to buy a dozen flying vehicles. As for flight permits? He is a stately family, does he still need this thing in his own country? The only thing he had to worry about was whether he could become the first person in the world to have an anti-gravity flying vehicle.

Fortunately, the translator he hired in China came up with a way for him to spend money on hiring a group of people to snap up a flying car for him, each with a salary of 500 yuan.

Of course, not every online user is here to buy anti-gravity flying vehicles. On the contrary, most of the 10 million online users come to see the lively, they want to see the world ’s first batch of anti-gravity flying vehicles The sales event, after all, is also a memorable moment.

The time of one minute and one second passed, and it soon came to 11:59, only one minute away from the official launch of the anti-gravity flying vehicle.

Many people were excited and looked up, staring at the computer screen!

The number on the computer screen is beating, and soon entered the ten-second countdown!

Ten seconds!

Five seconds!

One second!

At the same time, countless people clicked the left or right mouse button quickly or slowly ~ www.mtlnovel.com Please read it.

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