Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 45

Chapter 45: Hunt Down The Poison Elvis

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In Tang Yi’s eyes, Poison Elvis is a Boss. .

Those who play online games know that Boss is equal to artifacts, equipment, and massive experience points.

Therefore, of course, Tang Yi will not let Poison Elvis pass it because he is afraid.

Tightening the residual shadow sword, Tang Yi’s eyes turned hard with his fierce eyes.

The poisonous Elvis saw Tang Yi approaching, his body trembling slightly, his scarlet eyes flickered suddenly, and his eyes were horrified.

Then, its body moved, with a residual body, and it turned away and ran away!

Before the battle, a monster with a level 4 equivalent to the strength of human war spirits ran away with a wound!

Dare you believe it?

Of course, the poisonous Elvis injury was not a factor at this moment, but more importantly, it was frightened by the cracking of the mountain collapse before Tang Yi.

As a level 4 monster, when has it seen any human being with such terrifying strength, and the skills he displays are as terrible as hell.

With the escape of Poison Elvis, some bloodthirsty cat monsters who were not seriously injured and could stand up also fled into the desert with frightened screams, as if there were some terrifying demons behind them.


Tang Yi sneered, running phantom step quickly caught up.

These are all experience points!

Poison Elvis is a Boss, how could Tang Yi let them escape?

Tang Yi figured like a lightning bolt, and rushed up, stabbing to death several bloodthirsty cat monsters that he had overtaken. .

The bloodthirsty cat monsters of level 3 are like chopping melons and vegetables in Tang Yi’s hands. They can be easily killed. Their original hard skin is like Tangfu in their hands, and they have no resistance at all!

At this time, Tang Yi had to sigh that it was really Feng Shui that took turns. He was just poisoned by Elvis Presley. Just a short time later, this scene turned around and turned him into chasing and killing Elvis Presley.

If this scene is seen by others, it must be so surprised that the chin falls off.

The overlord in the level 4 monster area was chased by a teenager?

Dare you believe it?

When you say it, people will treat you as a lunatic!

Poison Elvis saw Tang Yi chasing, his body trembling, and his scarlet eyes were filled with fear.


With a hissing noise, Poison Elvis swiftly ran away into the distance.

But the undead bloodthirsty cat demon heard this hissing, and no longer ran away. They stopped their bodies and turned to Tang Yi crazyly!

At this moment, they were not afraid of death. The original scarlet eyes became more red, and their faces were extremely crazy, waving claws, extremely fierce, and all rushed to Tang Yi without turning back.

It seems that there is more than one mention of their lives, as long as they can stop the demons behind them, then they do nothing. ap

“What a great race!”

Tang Yi lamented that he didn’t expect that when faced with extinction, the bloodthirsty cat monsters ignored their sacrifices to protect their king and escaped. This scene, I have to say, was quite touching.

However, Tang Yi will not let them go!

After spending so much effort, seeing that artifacts, exercises, and experience are in front of him, how can he give up halfway?

After gritting his teeth, Tang Yi made the sword with his right hand and his palm out with his left hand.

During this period, some bloodthirsty cat monsters who rushed to death and vowed to block Tang Yi’s advance were killed by his palm and sword.

The palm of the heavens is used by Tang Yi to the extreme. Every hack of the palm can kill one or two bloodthirsty cat monsters.

Unstoppable at all!

Even if the bloodthirsty cat monster is crazy, bloodthirsty, and the attack is fierce, in front of Tang Yi with Phantom Step, it is as unbearable as a child’s play, but Tang Yi is nothing. Tang Yi’s phantom.

Tang Yi could not be prevented from advancing, nor could he affect his degree.

These bloodthirsty cat demon swearing to death can only be moths to fight the fire and die, it has no effect at all, and can’t even stop Tang Yi for a moment.

Tang Yi is like a tank, going straight ahead, crushing everything that stands in front of it!

Tang Yi was quite satisfied with the fighting power at the moment.

The only shortcoming is that Tang Yi does not have a better set of swordsmanship at present, and the residual shadow sword can wield a power that is not as good as one-tenth of the star palm.

The star palm can kill one or two bloodthirsty cat demons in one blow, but the shadow sword can only damage the cat demonic, and can’t be killed. This makes Tang Yi particularly dissatisfied.

The underworld must work hard to fight monsters, and strive to explode a sword skill above the local level.

However, Tang Yi was not in a hurry, and all the weapons that he could use exploded.

Maybe, after killing the poisonous Elvis in front of you, a local or higher-level swordsmanship came out?

Thinking of this, Tang Yi’s pace was faster and more rapid.

At this time, there were not many bloodthirsty cat demons that could desperately stop Tang Yi, and basically died in Tang Yi’s hands.

Soon, there was only the lone figure of Poison Elvis.

Big Boss is about to die in front of him!

Tang Yi added again, and came to the back of Poison Elvis. Even if Poison Elvis passed quickly, but because he was seriously injured and continued to flee, Du had already come down and was caught up by Tang Yi.

At this moment, Poison Elvis’s body was trembling faintly, his limbs were unstable, and his mouth was low and panting from time to time. It seemed that he was already incapable of doing anything. He was about to be slain by Tang Yi!

And just as Tang Yi was about to approach the three-meter range of Poison Elvis, Poison Elvis suddenly froze his body like a forced brake, and then a harsh cold light appeared in his eyes. Zhang, a green mist was sprayed out by it.


The green mist is thick and dense, like a green gas wall, blocked in front of Poison Elvis.

In the blink of an eye, it spread to a few meters.

Some flowers and plants are covered with green mist, and the rapid withering withered to the naked eye is like life being sucked up and losing nutrients. The scene is extremely terrifying.

“not good!”

Tang Yi’s pupil shrank, and his heart was not good.

Tianyanshu once received information that Poison Elvis was able to spray poison mist and the claws were highly toxic, all of which were known to Tang Yi.

However, Poison Elvis has been seriously injured~www.ltnovel.com~ It can be killed at first sight, Tang Yi wants to kill Poison Elvis wholeheartedly, only to be negligent and forget that it has this life-saving means.

Not checking for a while at this moment, really got its way.

He is so close to Poison Elvis now, it is impossible to hide this wave of poisonous fog completely.

Tang Yi could only cover his mouth and nose with his clothes. Before he was submerged by the poisonous fog, his body twisted quickly, and the phantom step turned sharply, and he went around.

Unfortunately, due to the close proximity, many poisonous mists were still inhaled by Tang Yi.

Suddenly, Tang Yi only felt dizzy and dizzy, his limbs were weak, and he was about to lose his combat power and poisoned him!

However, this time he also fight!

After gritting his teeth, before he lost his fighting power, he bypassed the poison mist and used the strength of his whole body to cut the sword towards the poison Elvis!

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