Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 4376

Hearing Huan Dian’s inquiry, Huan Qing was surprised and said, “Have you all been told by the destiny?”

“He wanted to hide it for you, but how to hide this kind of thing?? The dignified king of Tianmu has made him so embarrassed, how can he hide it? “

Imaginary said of course.

“Then I can’t tell you about the fact that No. 10 has not reached the peak of the star realm.”

Huan Qing said dissatisfiedly, “This kid, I really don’t understand the rules, I have to talk about him when I look back.”

Huan Dian said, “Okay, say It’s all said, what else? Besides, you didn’t let people hide it. They can hide it for so long, and only told a few of us, which is already very good.” After a

pause, Huan Dian said, “Okay. , this is not the key, tell me, what happened to No. 10?”

“What else can happen? A genius!”

Huan Qing said casually.

“Genius? Can this be explained by the word “genius?” Huan Dian frowned, obviously very dissatisfied with this explanation.

“In short, he is more genius than any of you can imagine. I can only tell you that in this world, no one has such a genius as him, no matter the past or the future or the present! Otherwise, how can I let you Help him to join the deacon layer? Isn’t this because I want to keep him?”

Huan Qing said.

“Oh? No matter in the past, future or now, have you never seen a genius like him? Is he really so powerful?”

Huan Dian was surprised.

Huan Dian knows that Huan Qing is not a person who likes to talk big. If he is not absolutely sure, he will never talk nonsense.

And once he said it, then this matter is very likely to be true.

Huan Qing is very stable, which is why he can become Shadow Guard No. 11.

So at this moment, he said that No. 10 is the most genius existence in the past, future or present, then… he must know something, or some extremely exaggerated performance of this No. 10, which will make Huan Qing Say something like this.

On the side, when he heard Huan Qing’s evaluation, King Quan Wang was also very surprised. The future is the evaluation of the most genius, right? After all, in the history of Jiegong , there are many people who have done such a thing!”


“There are indeed many geniuses in history who have done this, but!”

Qing paused for a moment and continued, “But No. 10 can do more. Defeating the King of Heavenly Eyes with the strength of the fourth-order stellar realm is nothing to No. 10 at all. Even the King of All, he can do it. Defeat. Although he didn’t show it, judging from his performance, I think even that adult, he has the power to fight.”


“True or false!

” Looking at Huanqing in surprise.

That lord, how could they not know who he was talking about.

But that one is the strongest in the world palace, but he is a powerful being who suppresses the eternity and can repel the countless armies of alien races.

Such an existence would have an opponent?

Can Number Ten rival such a being?

Can there be a fighting force?


Although Quan Wang with a face and a Chinese character is also a Quan Wang, he is at the same level as that lord.

But even if it is them, they dare not say that they can fight against that adult!

Player Tang Yi , the

title of Lord of the Galaxy,

level 33

stellar passive special effects, Galaxy Barrier

Stellar Points 1999999 Points

80 Stellar Coins

Angel Coins 34773100

Merit 96635600

The Power of the Universe 20200011

Galaxy Skills

Supreme Magical Skill One Flying Star

Supreme Magical Skill 29 Nether God Light Supreme Magical Skill Three Mysterious

Crystal Barrier

Supreme God Technique 4 Ice Soul King Butterfly (10,000 points from Sanxing River),

Supreme Divine Technique 5 Eternal Slash , Body Technique

, Dragon-Tianqing Technique,

Ending Technique, Eye of the Universe,

Sub-professional stellar-level alchemy technique, high stellar-level forging technique, Shinto-level puppet technique…

Special column Jiuyou Endless Boundless Fire (10000000), Tianmu Purple Phoenix Bottle, Tianquan Jade Liquid.

Special Parts

Eye Parts Eye of the Galaxy

Body Legendary Body Hand Deified

Hand Halo

Galaxy Halo Special Item Slot

55 Amulet of Four Powers (5,000 points of the power of the Five Star Rivers) Special Item Column Wu Qinglong Amulet (One million Galaxy + 5 upgrade) Forging column Shen Gong Tianzheng Hammer, Yehuo Burning Furnace Carrier Black Demon Battleship Weapon column Main weapon Tai A black eater

Secondary weapon Qinghong sword

Armor bar

Helmet to perfection Helmet

mask Chiyou mask

Inner armor source of darkness

Outer armor Shadowguard high-level exclusive black robe

Cloak Tianxuan cloak (Samsung River 3000 points)

Gauntlet Thousand Shadow Gauntlet Nine Star Handball

Armguard Dragon Armguards

Gloves Saber-toothed Black Dragon Strength Gloves

Belt Giant Belt

Pendant of Ultimate Power

Pants Nine Dragons Trousers

Leggings Dragon Head Leggings

Shoes Boots of Divine Travel

Accessory Bar

Necklace Pure Heart Necklace

Ring Like a Fish Ring,

Ring Two Heavenly Star

Rings Three Heavens Ring (Samsung River 8000 points)

Ring 4 Eternal Diamond

Ring 5 Black Rider Ring

Array Flag 33

Array Flag 1 Wuxing Tiangong Flag

Array Flag 2 Real Flag

Array Flag 3 Fengshen Flag


Special Items Earth Spirit Bead, Wind Spirit Bead , Shui Lingzhu.

One hundred and sixty-six kinds of materials, such as star stone…

Temporary items battlefield coins x875006252, dark soul stone x7811253, shadow soul stone x1134214, abyss soul stone x451123, ice soul stone x6652447, bird soul stone x45644… Dark Alliance special envoy order. Shadow Guardian high-level token, Shadow Guardian communication jade pendant.

Player Tang Yi

Title Lord of the Galaxy

Level 33

Stellar Passive Effects Galaxy Barrier

Stellar Point 1999999 Points

80 Stellar Coins

Angel Coin 34773100

Merit 96635600

Cosmic Power 2020011

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