Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 4371

The secret room is very empty, there is almost nothing, the only thing there is a secret passage leading to the bottom.

There is a staircase extending down the secret passage. Because it is relatively dark, it is impossible to see how deep it is, let alone where this secret passage leads.

After the young man entered the secret room with Tang Yi and Huan Qing, he continued to lead them down the secret passage.

I have to say that this secret passage is very deep, and the three of them walked down for more than ten minutes without seeing the end.

In front of him is still pitch-black, except for the stairs or the stairs.

Fortunately, some holes have been dug in the rock walls around this secret road, and some bright lights are arranged in the holes. When people pass by, they will light up. Otherwise, walking in such a deep and dark secret road would be a real surprise. So infiltrating.

After walking down the secret passage for about ten minutes, everyone finally came to a place similar to a hall, and the hall was brightly lit with four huge stone pillars supporting it, and there were mysterious and complicated symbols everywhere.

Of course, that’s not the point.

The key is that on the ground of the hall, there is a huge magic circle. The magic circle is depicted with very complicated lines and inscriptions. There are also a lot of gems inlaid around it. The gems are various and colorful.

In the center of the formation, a giant gemstone measuring about one meter was inlaid.

The dazzling brilliance of the gems illuminates the entire hall more translucent.

Moreover, this huge array also exudes a powerful space atmosphere, and it should be a space array.

No need to guess, the giant array on the floor of the hall must be a high-level space array. This is not a martial arts field, and it is not comparable to the space arrays in other places.

At this moment, when Tang Yi and the two arrived at the hall, there were already people waiting in the hall.

And there are still a lot of people waiting, a total of two people.

The group consisted of four people, three men and one woman.

One of them is a middle-aged man with extraordinary aura. Even if he is middle-aged, he is still handsome and unparalleled. His strength has at least reached the star realm, and he has the aura of a superior. I think he should be the head of a force or a figure like the leader. .

The other two men and one woman are relatively young, in their twenties, and their strength is weak, only at the Shinto level.

The appearance of the two men and one woman is also quite good, the men are handsome and the women are beautiful, and they are very eye-catching.

The most important thing is that they are quite similar to middle-aged people, and it seems that they should be the second kind of relationship between the descendants of middle-aged people.

The other group consisted of three people.

All three are women.

The appearance of these three women is also very extraordinary, and they all belong to the beauty level. Although they have not reached the level of Tang Yi’s wives, they are not much worse.

The most important thing is that their figures are also very good, each of them is very tall, and the curves are very obvious.

And the three have their own characteristics.

One of them seemed a little older, full of charm, with a mature beauty.

The other two looked relatively young, with a little shyness and nervousness on their faces. Standing in the same place, there was a sense of beauty. Of course, although they were not as young as the slightly older women, they still had a youthful look on their faces. Beautiful, very pure and beautiful.

The two groups were also led by a young man wearing a gray robe.

Seeing Tang Yi and Huan Qing come in, they all turned their heads and glanced.

And when they saw Huan Qing wearing a black robe No. 10, they were all slightly taken aback.

Afterwards, I saw two groups of people, plus two gray-clothed youths immediately bowed to Huan Qing and said, “I’ve seen adults.”


“No need to be more polite.”

Huan Qing waved his hand and said, “You don’t need to care about me! Just take care of yourself.”


Everyone nodded.

But it’s impossible to say you don’t care.

After all, the black robe is the top of the shadow guards, with decision-making power and great power, belonging to the big man.

With a big man standing in front of him, there is still pressure on these ordinary shadow guard children.

Like the middle-aged people in the first group, and the older women in the second group, they are okay, they should have seen some things in the world, and they seem to be calm.

Although restrained, but not so nervous, only occasionally glanced in the direction of Huan Qing and Tang Yi.

But those juniors can’t.

They were not only cautious, but also very nervous, and they didn’t dare to look around.

Not to mention glancing in the direction of Tang Yi, even if he turned his head to the direction of Tang Yi and Huan Qing, he would not dare.

As if they had been struck by a talisman, they stood there blankly, looking straight ahead, daring not to act rashly.

Originally, before Huan Qing and Tang Yi arrived, they had whispered conversations.

But after Huan Qing and Tang Yi arrived, they stopped talking, they didn’t even dare to speak.

You can see how nervous and restrained they are.

Of course, there are also some daring juniors who are less afraid of death and do not know what it means to be nervous.

For example, a young man in the first group.

This young man should be second in age among the first group.

After seeing Huan Qing and Tang Yi, he said carelessly to the middle-aged man, “Father, who is this man in a black robe with the number 10 tattooed on his chest? Why do you call him Lord? His status Are you tall? Are you taller than your father? Father, you have a lot of voice among the shadow guards. I remember what it was called? Oh, the tenth hall master, right? And father, you seem to be still He leads ten teams of shadow guards and is in charge of multiple intelligence agencies. Isn’t this kind of power inferior to this No. 10 black robe?”

Hearing this, the middle-aged man was shocked, and hurriedly scolded in a low voice, “Don’t talk nonsense! Don’t talk about ten without permission. Sir No. 1. Although I am the head of the hall for my father, I am in charge of the hall, but being a father is just an errand among the shadow guards. It is nothing special. And this Master No. 10, the decision-making level of our shadow guard, belongs to The highest decision-maker of the Shadow Guard has a high status and a noble status! It’s not something we can talk about, understand? The next time you see someone wearing a black robe with numbers on their chests, you must be more polite and respectful, not like today The same nonsense, I don’t know the seriousness!” “Hey


“Really? The decision maker of the Shadow Guard! That should be very powerful!”

The young man only knew the seriousness at this time, and hurriedly said, “Then I won’t talk nonsense next time. “


“Just understand.” The

middle-aged man whispered, “However, these big men are not stingy people, as long as they don’t break their mouths in front of them, talk nonsense, or be disrespectful and impolite, I want to come. They won’t take anger at us.”

“Well. I understand.” The

young man peeked in the direction of Tang Yi and Huan Qing, and said, “Father, what do you think a high-level executive like him is here for? Today is the selection of Shadow Legacy! Could it be that he is going to supervise Shadow Legacy? Also, the person next to him… is he here to participate in Shadow Legacy?”

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