Ultimate Female President

Chapter 37 - Brother Niu

Hou Liang put the phone in his ear again and said, “Where is it!”

“What are you doing for me!” Mu Ling’s voice remembered.

Hou Liang lowered his voice and asked, “Is the black bodyguard your father asked you to be by your side?”

Speaking of this bodyguard, Mu Ling’s tone was full of dissatisfaction, she snorted, and said: “Yes! Of course, the pervert is now, now peeking at me in the corner!”

Hou Liang is sweating, this **** is really dead! No no no, it should be said that the nature is difficult to move, not only black but also very beautiful, but tonight this **** will be useful.

Hou Liang said in a tone of coaxing children: “We have a show here now! Do you want to come over?”

Mu Ling snorted and said, “I think you want my pervert bodyguard to pass by!” She smiled unintentionally and said, “Are you afraid of him retaliating for the last time we hit him?”

Hou Liang hadn’t answered yet, Mu Ling then said: “Although I know you are not looking for me, I still have to take a look. After all, have you called in person?”

Hou Liang heard Mu Ling’s impulsiveness in his voice, and squeezed sweat in his heart. This guy was really an uneasy master!

Hou Liang responded: “Yes, yes.”

After reporting an address, Hou Liang said, “You must come over quickly! Don’t wait for the good show to be missed, it will regret it for you.”

Mu Ling smiled and said, “If I missed a good show, do I need to find someone to help you collect the body?”

Hou Liang was surprised, but still said quietly: “What are you talking about? Why can’t I understand?”

“Cut!” Mu Ling snorted dismissively, and said, “Don’t think my grandma, I don’t know you, you are looking for me to find a niggas, that big **** is useless except fights, think with your toes I want to know why you are looking for me, OK? “

Mu Ling said in a contemptuous tone: “You too underestimated my IQ!”

Hou Liang sweated again, this little girl looked like a loli, but her IQ was not as simple as it seemed!

On the other side, Tian Tiantian climbed up from the ground with Liu Jing’s help. She screamed at Hou Liang: “Boy, you are so **** kind of dared to intimidate the old lady!”

The words are said like this, but Tian Tiantian’s tone is obviously not as arrogant as before. It is probably because Hou Liang’s hair is difficult. Hou Liang twisted his neck and looked at Tian Tiantian, his eyes flashed over Jing Tian. Suddenly surprised, he quickly shrank his neck.

Zhang Xiaoqi couldn’t stand it anymore, she rushed to Tian Tiantian in front of her two or three times.

“What are you doing?” Liu Jingdu asked in front of Tian Tiantian.

“What are you doing?” Zhang Xiaoqi raised her eyebrows and sneered, “You know it!” Zhang Xiaoqi slapped on Liu Jing’s face with a slap, his legs were not idle, and went directly to Liu Jing’s face Pedal up.

The whole person of Liu Jing stepped back suddenly, the expression on his face was full of shock, Hou Liang raised his eyebrows, but did not expect that this little girl who always likes to talk to the stinking monkey or big brother Hou would be like this .

Hou Liang has only two words in his mind, wild! Too wild, without saying a word, just start, the action is neat, the strength is strong.

Liu Jing stepped back a few steps and hit Tian Tiantian directly.

“You bitch!” Tian Tiantian pointed angrily at Zhang Xiaoqi and shouted: “Do you know what you are doing? I must make you die as soon as Brother Niu comes!” She shouted viciously. .

Zhang Xiaoqi’s mouth twitched, hehe smiled and said, “You still have to worry about yourself first!”

After finishing, Zhang Xiaoqi stepped over directly from Liu Jing’s body, pulling Tian Tiantian’s hair and pulling it up.

“Ah!” Tian Tiantian screamed: “Zhang Xiaoqi, you stinky bitch, you **** let me go!” Said, Tian Tiantian kept grabbing Zhang Xiaoqi’s hand, but Zhang Xiaoqi didn’t want it at all. The meaning of letting go of the hand even increased the strength, and directly pulled upwards.

“Do you know? Brother Hou doesn’t hit a woman, but I hit it!” Zhang Xiaoqi’s face leaned against Tian Tiantian’s face, and she spit Pandan. It’s just that Tian Tiantian’s face is somewhat deformed because her hair is torn by Zhang Xiaoqi.

Tian Tiantian struggled vigorously, but Zhang Xiaoqi held on tightly, she threw Tian Tiantian on the ground, and slapped it with a slap, with a crisp and loud sound.

“Do you really think you are a thing? I’m just accommodating you, doesn’t mean I’m afraid of you!”

“Slap!” It was another slap, Zhang Xiaoqi said angrily: “Brother Hou doesn’t hit a woman, but I hit it! Are you crazy? Why don’t you curse anyone? Continue!”

“Slap!” When the third slap fan was on Tian Tiantian’s face, Tian Tiantian’s face was already swollen and large, and there were blood stains on his cheeks. Tian Tiantian looked at Zhang Xiaoqi with a hateful gaze, with a little gaze Infiltrating people, but Zhang Xiaoqi completely ignored, dragged Tian Tiantian, stared at her coldly, and shouted: “Apologize to Brother Hou!”

Liu Jing had already stood up at this time. Zhang Xiaoqi was suddenly in trouble just now, and she was blinded directly. She eased her mind and rushed towards Zhang Xiaoqi without thinking.

Zhang Xiaoqi hid from the side, still holding Tian Tiantian’s hair tightly with one hand, and stretched her feet to kick on Liu Jing’s calf. She followed Hou Liang from childhood, and naturally learned some skills.

Liu Jing fell on the ground unsteadily, Zhang Xiaoqi said nothing, it was a slap, she said fiercely: “Do you know how long I have endured you? I can endure how you call me, how can you call Brother Hou like this? ! “

Hou Liang warmed in his side, could not help showing a smile, just like he was worried about Zhang Xiaoqi, Zhang Xiaoqi has always been thinking about himself.

There is a Liu Jing lying at the foot of Zhang Xiaoqi, holding Tian Tiantian’s hair in his hand, looks awesome, and at this time, two black vans appeared in front of the barbecue booth, a group of people with tattoos all over Run down from the van.

Hou Liang has been paying attention to the vehicles around him, especially large vehicles. He knows that the man who is called the cow brother will definitely call a large group of people to come. He must be some larger vehicles.

Seeing the two vans, Hou Liang had stood up and said to Zhang Xiaoqi: “Xiaoqi, come here!”

When the hunk came down from the van, Zhang Xiaoqi also immediately awakened, throwing Tian Tiantian’s head away and ran towards Hou Liang.

Hou Liang looked at Zhang Xiaoqi with some surprise. Zhang Xiaoqi gave Hou Liang an unwilling glance and said, “Look what!”

Hou Liang touched his nose and said, “I just took a big jump from what you just did.”

Zhang Xiaoqi shyly shyly lowered her head and whispered, “Do you think I’m like a bad woman too!”

“No no no!” Hou Liang quickly shook his hand and said, “How come, we do one thing, the result is the same, just like hitting people, hurting people too, but our reasons are more reasonable than them Now. “

“What is the reason we hurt people?” Zhang Xiaoqi asked with wide eyes.

“For justice!” Hou Liang said shamelessly.

“Hahaha, you are too shameless!” Zhang Xiaoqi whited Hou Liang and smiled.

Hou Liang and Zhang Xiaoqi talked and laughed, and did not feel as if they were coming to the enemy. This was also done by Hou Liang deliberately. She didn’t want Zhang Xiaoqi to be too nervous.

The people on the van quickly came down. Hou Liang counted carefully. There were twenty-three people. At the front was a tall-looking man with sunglasses. He quickly ran towards this side. Mouth shouted: “Sweet? What about my careful liver?”

A big man, Da Lao Yuan shouted such words, Hou Liang instantly felt his stomach trembling.

He stood near the barbecue stall and glanced on the ground, looking at his ten first brothers, his face began to become gloomy, and finally his eyes fell on Tian Tiantian whose face was already swollen. Shocked, he ran over and pulled Tian Tiantian up and asked tentatively, “Are you Tian Tiantian?”

No wonder Brother Niu would do this. Zhang Xiaoqi’s three slaps are not vegetarian ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ That exhausted all his energy. These three slaps directly smashed Tian Tiantian’s face like a pig’s head.

“It’s me dear!” Tian Tiantian cried out in a wow, she pointed at Zhang Xiaoqi and said fiercely: “It’s the stinky bitch, she beat me like this, husband, you must help me Revenge! “

Brother Niu’s eyes fell on Zhang Xiaoqi’s body. Zhang Xiaoqi’s body is a relatively tall type. Although she is not old, she still can’t cover her delicate outline. At first glance, she knows that she is a beautiful embryo. It looks pretty, but Zhang Xiaoqi has a temperament that Tian Tiantian doesn’t have.

After listening to Tian Tiantian ’s words, Niu brother glared and said to Zhang Xiaoqi: “Chick, it ’s really brave! Even my people dare to fight, you do n’t ask me who I am!”

Zhang Xiaoqi leaned behind Hou Liang, rolled his eyes, and said, “I know you, aren’t you the bull brother?”

Brother Niu was stunned, but they didn’t expect that they even knew their name. At this time, Liu Jing also limped and came to her. Her eyes looked at Hou Liang and Zhang Xiaoqi resentfully. : “Brother Niu, the two of them are arrogant, it is this man who made your brother sent like this! We also reported your name, but this man is particularly arrogant to say, cow Brother shit, bull **** is almost the same. “

Hou Liang was stunned, did he say such a thing? Obviously Liu Jing is adding oil and vinegar!

“It’s mean and shameless!” Zhang Xiaoqi whispered behind Hou Liang.

I have to say that the effect of this method is really not bad. When Niu brother heard Liu Jing’s words, his face suddenly became somber. He looked at Hou Liang, his mouth twitched and said, “Brother, I don’t care which way you are. Mixed, but you should know, what should be the most important thing when people come out to mix this year? “

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