Twisted Realm

Chapter 9 - re-entry

When he came to the bathroom, he took off the newspaper on the mirror. Meng Xuan was full of energy and stared at himself in the mirror.

Several bizarre experiences have allowed Meng Xuan to summarize some ways to enter the world in the mirror.

Facing yourself in the mirror, focus, doubt yourself, and find the weird balance between existence and nothingness.

As Meng Xuan stared at himself in the mirror for longer and longer, the sense of strangeness and strangeness became more and more obvious. At the same time, he could clearly see that in his eyes in the mirror, the more More and more black smoke is condensing.


When the black smoke in his eyes in the mirror was so thick that it almost condensed, a sense of shock entered Meng Xuan’s mind.

The mirror surface seemed to fall into the water surface of the stones, and waves began to appear.

Meng Xuan is a little curious, is it because the mirror in his bathroom has changed strangely, or is there some kind of mutation in himself?

He didn’t immediately touch the mirror to enter the world in the mirror, but walked out of the house, picked up a red brick downstairs, and returned to the house, only then did he reach out and touch the mirror.


A sense of vibration and pulling appeared, Meng Xuan’s eyes went dark, and he felt that he had entered that viscous passage again.

He stretched out his hand and wanted to explore the surroundings of the passage, but he couldn’t touch anything. The huge suction formed by the whole passage made him unable to control his body at all and could only be forced to move forward.

Immediately, the feeling of spitting came.

Meng Xuan was sprayed out of the passage again, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

He looked at his hand, at this moment he was holding a red brick.

“You can bring real objects into the mirror world!”

Meng Xuan is a little excited. Does this mean that he can enter the mirror world with modern thermal weapons and equipment, which is of great significance to his exploration of the mirror world.

“It’s a pity that Chinar’s gun control is too strict. Otherwise, if you get a few guns, you might have a chance to fight against the monsters in the laboratory…”

Meng Xuan has some regrets, but this is still good news for him.

The monster he encountered last time was really too powerful, and he was instantly killed without even seeing what the other party was. If there was no equipment to assist him, he did not think that ordinary humans could fight such existences with their bare hands.

He looked at the mirror, and in the real world, he was still frozen. What surprised him was that in the real world, he also held a red brick in his hand.

“So, what exactly is this in my hand? A reflection of something real?”

Meng Xuan fell into a brief contemplation, and soon ignored the question.

Anyway, it’s fine if you can bring things over, no matter how he came here.

He walked out of the bathroom, found a pair of dishwashing gloves in the kitchen, and went straight to the living room door.

After sticking it on the cat’s eye for a while, and after confirming that the monster was not in the laboratory at this time, Meng Xuan gently opened the door.

There was silence, and the smell of dust and decay filled the entire laboratory. Meng Xuan carefully checked the entire room and made sure that there were no other abnormalities before he let go.

The black-robed mummified corpse suspected of being a Nelson was still quietly curled up in the corner of the laboratory.

“If this mummy is really a Nelson, it may have existed for six or seven thousand years…”

Thinking of myself facing a mummified corpse thousands of years old in a dark and rotten room, even if I was as calm as Meng Xuan, I felt a little hairy at this moment.

He looked at the ground. There were leather file bags and white paper scattered on the ground, as well as the equipment he brought from home that night.

Ignoring the equipment that might affect his running speed, Meng Xuan walked over to the leather file bag and the scattered white paper. Because he was wearing gloves, he was very relieved to get started and gathered all the scattered papers into the leather. in the bag.

He wanted to try to see if he could bring items from the mirror world into his home, or even bring them out of the mirror world.

Unfortunately, he failed.

He would feel a strong sense of resistance no matter if he was holding any objects in the mirror world close to the door.

In the end, he had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​bringing items from the mirror world back to the real world.

“They are the incarnation of light and have the ability to communicate with the unknown world to gain knowledge in it, so they have established a splendid civilization…”

Meng Xuan suddenly remembered the description of Nelson civilization.

“So all I can take with me is the knowledge here?”


Meng Xuan glanced at the lavender crystals embedded on the four walls of the laboratory with regretful eyes. This thing is worth a lot of money at first glance, but unfortunately I can’t take it out.

The experiment failed. Although Meng Xuan was a little disappointed, he was not depressed. These were all things he had expected. He picked up the iron **** from the ground and was going to see if there was anything else of value on the suspected Nelson corpse. s things.

Carefully used the **** in his hand to lift off the black robe on the mummified corpse.

The mummified corpse was wearing a slightly reflective silver tights under the black robe. Although the corpse was shrunken, some obvious traces could still be seen on its body, proving that it was most likely a female mummified corpse.

Meng Xuan focused his attention on the silver tights worn by the mummy. This tights had patterns similar to fish scales. He poked it with the **** in his hand, and felt that the defense seemed to be pretty good. It should be similar to soft armor. Inner armor.

Meng Xuan was a little moved for a while. This thing seems to be the creation of Nelson civilization. Maybe it can resist the attack of that monster?

Meng Xuan shook his head, gave up the idea, and took off the clothes from the corpse, which was still too disgusting.

Then he continued to stab the mummy with a hoe. It was a pity that he didn’t find anything like a diary on the mummy’s body. UU Reading www. It seems that not all dying people like to keep a diary.

Meng Xuan felt a little regretful that he did not get the diary and other items related to the identity of the corpse.

However, Meng Xuan made a new discovery in the inner pocket of the mummified black robe.

A purple crystal card with extremely complex patterns, with a striking eye-of-Nelson pattern embedded in gilt on the front of the crystal card.

Meng Xuan felt that this crystal card would be carried around with him, and it might be a relatively valuable thing. The lines on it were a bit dazzling, and it made people feel dizzy when looking at it too much, so he put it in the leather bag with the documents.

He didn’t check the laboratory again, because he believed that with his level of knowledge, he couldn’t see the reason for these devices, so he simply leaned on the door of his house and began to read and memorize the contents of the document.

No way, since the document itself cannot be taken out, he can only take out the “knowledge” in the document.

However, remembering this unknown text gave Meng Yan a headache.

The structure of this type of text is very complicated, and I feel a little dizzy when I read it too much. The most important thing is that I don’t know the meaning. After a few minutes of rote memorization, Meng Xuan felt that every word looked the same and didn’t remember anything at all. .

What if I had the ability to never forget?

Meng Xuan rubbed his forehead, gave up the idea of ​​a large memory, and prepared to memorize a few words that seemed to be more important first, and then went out to see if he could translate what the document was about.

He took out the first page of the document and began to memorize a few complicated characters that looked like titles at the top of the line.

Just when he was concentrating on memorizing characters.

A pair of flickering red light spots appeared again silently in the darkness of the laboratory door, but Meng Xuan didn’t notice it.

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