Twisted Realm

Chapter 8 - civilization

He pulled down the entry. The entry was full of introductions about the ability and the scenes that appeared in the comics. One of the messages caught his attention.

“According to the author Kagemoyama, the inspiration and design prototype of this ability came from the legendary ‘Eye of Nelson’…”

“The Eye of Nelson…”

Meng Xuan finally understood why he felt familiar with this crossed pair of pupils before.

It should have been seen when collecting and viewing prehistoric civilization materials before, so I left an impression.

He clicked on the search page and began to search for information related to Nelson’s Eye.

This time, the information on the Internet has become richer.

He found the picture of “Nelson’s Eye”, because the Nelson civilization disappeared without a trace overnight, leaving very little information, so most of the relevant historical materials that can be found are cultural relics of its derived civilization.

The graphics on the black-robed mummy that Meng Xuan saw were not as delicate and complex. Most of the stone carvings and sculptures left over from Nelson-derived civilizations were very simple, and they could only be seen as a cross formed by overlapping two eyes, one horizontal and one vertical.

“According to the cultural relics unearthed from the civilizations affiliated to Nelson, the Eye of Nelson should be called the ‘eye of omniscience’ or ‘eye of the void’, which has a very important position in the civilization of Nelson’s family, similar to the totem And the family emblem, it is said that the Nelson people believe in the multiplicity of the world, advocate the unity of birth and death, and need to examine existence and nothingness from a multi-faceted perspective.”

“The Eye of Nelson expresses the meaning of seeing everything, and it is an important basis for Nelson people to communicate with the unknown world and obtain diverse knowledge from it. It is a racial emblem formed by the fusion of theology and faith… “

Meng Xuan saw a lot of speculation on the Internet about the meaning of Nelson’s Eye.

Most of the views believe that the Eye of Nelson is related to the legend of the Nelson civilization that communicates with other worlds to acquire knowledge, and is an important witness of the Nelson civilization.

“The ‘Omniscient Eye’ worshipped in the Nelson civilization, it is said that this civilization is the incarnation of light, able to communicate with the unknown world, obtain advanced knowledge and power from it, and thus create a splendid civilization. Could it be that the black-robed mummy I saw last night , is the legendary Nelson, and what the Nelson civilization communicates is the world in the mirror?”

Meng Xuan had some excited speculation in his heart. According to the legacy of Nelson civilization, he felt that this speculation was very likely to be true.

“So the language I don’t know is Nelson?”

After finding the clues, Meng Xuan regained his energy for a while, and began to search for relevant information about Nelson’s words on the Internet.

Unfortunately, this time he didn’t find more information.

Because nothing about the Nelson civilization has been left with any historical data or words, and its mysterious and great figure can only be glimpsed from its derivative civilization.

Meng Xuan was a little disappointed. Without the relevant text left, he couldn’t translate the words he saw, and the structure of these words was very complicated. At a glance last night, he didn’t remember much at all. Can he enter the world in the mirror again? are still unknown.

He continued to search aimlessly, during which Liu Yuran opened the temporary card, and next to him, he was playing the lowest rank duel arena with an anxious look on his face.

Soon, Meng Xuan got a new clue. This time, the clue came from an online forum called “Mystery House”. This forum is quite familiar to Meng Xuan, because there are many fans of mysterious ancient civilizations.

The title of this post is “Old Nelson has long been revealed in its derivative civilization.”

This post is a guessing post, but it is reasonable and well-founded. It lists several ancient writings of Nelson-derived civilization that have been passed down to the present. It uses the method of structural comparison to analyze the similarities of these types of words. Comparing with other aspects, it is concluded that these several kinds of characters are likely to come from the same ancient script system.

This post is done very carefully. The author is obviously an expert in the field of ancient writing. There are also several typical ancient civilization words. What makes Meng Xuan feel bright is that there are some types of words in the structure, which are similar to his. The lately seen text is very similar.

Below the post is a series of amazement and comments from netizens.

The great netizen named “Where did he come from” who posted the post made a deep impression on Meng Xuan, so he sent him a friend request and planned to communicate with him if he had the opportunity in the future.

Afterwards, Meng Xuan continued to search for information about Nelson civilization, but unfortunately he did not gain much. Most of them were unrealistic guesses without much useful information.

However, the news about the recently discovered Essar civilization in the archaeological world has attracted Meng Xuan’s attention, but the ruins are still being excavated and researched, and follow-up news needs to be awaited.

He turned his head and looked at Liu Yuran next to him. This guy was banging on the keyboard, and the operation was as fierce as a tiger. As a result, the last rookie left, and the master on the opposite side seized the opportunity and immediately dropped it. He was almost angry. smashed the keyboard.

This guy is really good at cooking and playing.

Meng Xuan was a little speechless.

Speaking to Liu Yuran, who was in a panic and was about to start another round, Meng Xuan refunded the internet fee for an hour and left the internet cafe.


Because it was too late, Meng Xuan didn’t go to the swordsmanship hall to exercise, so Meng Xuan grabbed a casual lunch near his own community and went home.

The first thing I did when I got home was to check the status of the mirror in the bathroom.

Meng Xuan opened the newspaper that sealed the mirror, and found that the mirror had some changes compared to this morning.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Meng Xuan found that the somewhat familiar sense of strangeness and strangeness reappeared in his heart.

Staring at himself in the mirror for about five minutes, this sense of strangeness and strangeness became stronger and stronger. He was surprised to find that there was obvious black smoke slowly condensing in his eyes in the mirror.


There seemed to be an inexplicable sound, and the black smoke in his eyes in the mirror suddenly dissipated, and the strangeness and strangeness disappeared all at once, as if it was just a temporary illusion.

“still have a chance.”

Meng Xuan thought calmly, it seems that although he died once in the mirror world, it is not that he has no chance to enter it again, but he still needs a certain recovery period.

“That is to say, death in the mirror world is not real death for me, but a rebirth in another sense?”

Meng Xuan lowered his head and thought, and then felt that this inference was not quite correct. UU Reading

“The first time I came into contact with the shadow in the mirror and was pulled into the world in the mirror by it, I felt like a catastrophe was imminent. If I was dragged into the world in the mirror by it, something very bad would definitely happen.”

“Also at my home in the mirrored world, the strange pictures that appeared on the TV snowflake screen also gave me a creepy sense of danger, which shows that I am not really immortal in the mirrored world, so be careful when you act. , try to avoid death.”

Meng Xuan secretly guessed that although the death did not seem to have caused him any harm, maybe the monster he encountered this time could not pose a threat to him in the real world. Who knows if he will encounter a similar black shadow in the future. strange creatures.

After sealing the mirror again, Meng Xuan began to solve his dinner and homework. Because the whole class’s math scores in the monthly exam were relatively poor, in return, the math teacher Lao Wang gave everyone a lot of homework.

tick tick tick tick

Minutes passed by, Meng Xuan’s eyelids trembled while he was doing math problems at the desk, and finally he fell down on the desk and snored.

The time soon came to ten o’clock.


There was an inexplicable vibration in Meng Xuan’s ear while he was sleeping, followed by a hoarse whisper that sounded like a call.

Meng Xuan suddenly woke up from his deep sleep.

I don’t know if it was just waking up, or for some other reason, all kinds of indistinguishable ghost images flashed in front of his eyes.

His eyes finally recovered, and his eyes were fixed on the window in front of the desk.

The reflection on the window was also watching him quietly, and a strange, familiar and unfamiliar feeling appeared in his heart.

Meng Xuan stood up and walked towards the bathroom. He knew that it was time to enter the mirror world again.

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