Twisted Realm

Chapter 472 - plot

Black Truth HQ, Morgoda, Arm of Shadows.

Dean Tenatilios, holding the scepter in his hand, stood quietly on top of the Arm of Shadow, looking at the giant-eyed **** moon in the sky.

“Master Consul.”

Thick black smoke emerged, condensing a huge figure covered with tentacles.

“Is there any news from the Dark Fang and the Unthinking Mist?”

Dean Tenatilios turned his back to the shadow and asked in a hoarse and terrifying voice.

“We have completely lost contact, and they have not sent back any news, they are probably dead…”

The huge figure said slowly.

“Is Evan’s connection also disconnected?”


Hearing his subordinate’s answer, Dean Tenatilios fell into a brief silence.

“Closely monitor the various branches of the Fallen Legion, and if there is a problem, immediately counter it.”

Dean Tenatilios said indifferently.

“Follow your will.”

The huge figure responded, and the figure suddenly burst into an endless black mist and disappeared.

The top of the Arm of Shadow was quiet again.

hum! !

Suddenly, the scepter in Dean’s hand vibrated violently, broke free from his palm, and floated in the sky.

This abnormality caused his pupils to shrink sharply, and he knelt down on one knee on the ground in a conditioned reflex.

“Great master, your humble servant welcomes your arrival.”

Dean Tenatilios made a humble voice.

“Get up.”

From the floating scepter came a clear and beautiful voice of a woman.

“You…have been able to come to reality?”

Dean Tenatilios asked tentatively.

“What do you think?”

The crisp voice sounded again, but there was a strange horror in Dean’s ears.

The boundless terrifying oppression appeared in Dean’s will. As the dignified dark consul, he was rolling on the ground at this time. The extreme fear overwhelmed him, causing him to growl in pain.

“It’s me who said too much… Please forgive me!!!”

Dean let out a difficult roar, and just when his soul was about to be torn apart by fear, all fear suddenly disappeared and returned to nothingness.

Dean got up from the ground, knelt down respectfully, did not dare to say a word, was shocked by the extremely terrifying power of the other party.

This is the strongest among the supreme, standing at the peak of all existence.

The king in white, the mother of fear!

Even if he can’t come to the world, even if he is affected by the separation and seal of the two worlds, the power revealed in a little way is so huge and terrifying, even if Dean himself is the pinnacle of the entire world, and is only one step away from the supreme existence, he still needs to be there Trembling under power.

Even if the influence of genealogy is mixed in it, it is enough to show that the power that the mother of fear can descend is not as simple as imagined.

He really doesn’t understand that with such a strong power, it still has such a profound impact on the world, and there are many other supreme beings to help the mother of fear, who is blocking it?

In this world, can there really be an existence that can stop this great existence that has almost explored the bottom-level mysteries of the world?

Dean Tenatilios was skeptical.

But why do the supreme beings who seem to have taken advantage of all the opportunities and have integrated with the essence of the world fail again and again?

“Evan has betrayed, and he will control the genealogy node of the Legion of the Fallen and hand it over to someone. At the critical moment, the entire Legion of the Fallen will become his source of strength. At that time, that person will give black The truth is hit as hard as ever.”

The crisp voice from the scepter said lightly.


Hearing this news, Dean suddenly changed color. He thought that Evan might have a different opinion, but what he didn’t expect was that the other party would actually hand over the entire Legion of the Fallen to another person. What did that guy want to do? !

And according to the words of the Mother of Fear, that person will eventually use the Legion of the Fallen to inflict heavy damage on the black truth. This is a prophecy derived from the supreme existence, and there is a great possibility that it is correct.

“I will organize my strength now and completely destroy the Legion of the Fallen in the shortest possible time!”

Dean said in a low voice.

“No, quite the opposite.”

Aina’s crisp voice slowly came from the floating scepter.

“On the contrary?”

Dean was a little confused when he heard this.

“You don’t need to deal with too much, you just need to be my container!!”

Endless crazy black smoke poured out of the scepter instantly, wrapping Dean round and round.

The terrifying black smoke kept pouring into Dean’s body from any crevice in his body.


Dean let out a low growl of fear, and there was no more sound, only the body under the black robe fell to the ground and kept twitching and shaking.

Boom! !

The scepter floating in the sky lost its strength and fell to the ground.

More and more black smoke poured into Dean’s body, and his body twitched more and more violently.

Eventually, the black smoke disappeared, and Dean’s body stopped twitching.

After a long while, Dean’s body twitched slowly, and he slowly got up from the ground.

His movements seemed very weird and distorted, as if he had just adapted to this body, and it took a while to return to normal.

“Hee, the body I’ve been preparing for so long is finally ready to use.”

Dean let out an extremely weird and weird laugh, looking extremely terrifying.

With strange steps, he picked up the fallen scepter.

He stood quietly at the top of the arm of shadow, and after a long time he made a strange whisper: “Aigus, and that unknown existence, without your attention, after playing for so long, I finally You can take it easy, and then, let’s watch my performance.”

“You think you’ve done everything?”

“It’s naive.”

“Unfortunately, you will never have a chance to see it again.”



Half a month passed in a flash.

All sides fell into a short-lived calm, but a bigger storm was coming.

This time, this storm will affect both virtual and real worlds, and every life cannot escape.

The Paradise of the Black Death, the Temple of Birth.

A white light flickered, and Meng Xuan’s figure appeared in front of the gate of the Temple of Birth.

The door of the Birth Temple opened, and the figure of Arcana Salo walked out of the Birth Temple.

“Looks like you’re ready?”

Akanassaro looked at Meng Xuan and said, at this moment, she felt that Meng Xuan had a different feeling, illusory and real, full of some kind of contradiction and elusive feeling.

It seems that the actions of the Twisted Conqueror genre have swelled his power to a terrifying height again.

“Yes, next, I need to use Black Dead Paradise as a transfer point. This good show can start at any time.”

Meng Xuan said lightly.

“What is your goal this time?”

Acanasaro asked.

Meng Xuan raised his head and seemed to see the **** moon floating at the top of the sky in the virtual world through the layers of space. He said:

“The goal this time is to change the sun for the virtual world.”



Shadow Arm.

“Dean” stood at the top of the Shadow Arm, with countless shadows kneeling beside him.

“My lord, everything is ready, and you can launch an attack on each Legion of the Fallen at any time, and a defense line has been built against the Serio Federation.”

A tall shadow said.

“The fifteen-month round…the time should be enough.”

“Dean” pondered in a strange voice, and let out a faint whisper.

“Then let’s attack.”

He slowly raised the scepter in his hand and said.

“What is our goal this time?”

A shadow asked.

“Dean” paused slightly, and then said:

“Quiet the rebellion and welcome the coming of the Supreme Being.”



Bone heights, pale halls.

In the center of this hall, which was completely built from the skeletons of natural creatures, there was a huge white bone throne. On the throne, sat a terrifying humanoid life with a height of nearly ten meters and wearing white bone armor.

Deep pale flames flickered in his empty eyes, as if a single glance could take away the life of a creature from its source.

At this moment, beside the bone armor Hilton’s throne of bones, there is a black-robed figure standing.

“Looking at this situation, the Black Truth is about to launch an attack. Apart from sticking to the ground, you really don’t need me to do anything else? However, even if you stick to the Skeleton Heights, the Black Truth’s Twisted Legion is obviously stronger than the Skeleton Legion under my command. If it is better, I’m afraid I won’t be able to last for too long.”

Hilton looked at the black-robed figure beside him, and made a sound of soul that made the space tremble.

“The original plan needed some help from you, but the plan went smoother than expected. The three generals of the Fallen Legion are so good at talking.”

Wan Rog said with a chuckle.

“Of course, even in those days, most of us couldn’t help ourselves. If it wasn’t for the one who suppressed everything from above, who would want to make ourselves look like this ghost? We tried our best to save some of our reason. Isn’t it the day of radical change and decontamination? How can we refuse such a great opportunity?”

“But you have to hurry up. I can feel that the ontological reason I have stored for thousands of years has almost been exhausted. I am afraid that such a rational conversation cannot last for too long. The other two guys, and my It should be about the same.”

Hilton said lightly.

As one of the strongest in the Legion of the Fallen, Evan was the most affected at the beginning, often unable to control their own will and behavior because of twisted power, but as the first generation of conquerors, they have never forgotten He resisted, but never really gave in.

They have stripped, sealed, and accumulated their little rationality. It may take decades to maintain a day of rational thinking, but they have never given up, and they have imprinted this stripping into their instincts, just to preserve them. Leave this sane to use at the critical moment, and now, it is time for them to wait.

“I admire your perseverance, don’t worry, the seed has entered your will, when the war begins, everything will be purified…”

Wan Rog said with a smile.

boom! ! !

At this moment, extremely terrifying fluctuations came from the edge of the Skeleton Heights.

Endless black clouds enveloped the sky, and frantic, twisting waves began to spread.

“Looks like we don’t have to wait any longer.”

Hilton slowly stood up from the throne of bones, and the bone armor collided with a crisp sound.

The Twisted Legion’s attack on the Bone Heights sounded the horn of war, and within the realm of black truth, a war of siege and suppression against the Fallen Legion was launched everywhere.

“The war has begun.”

Akanassaro looked at the pictures projected in front of the fallen legions of various places, and said to Meng Xuan. .

“Yeah, it’s started.”

Meng Xuan sighed and nodded. The next moment, the sanctuary expanded behind him, revealing the huge army in the sanctuary ready to go.

Among these troops, there are not only Dorogu, Cangyao, Lolita and others from the real world, but also many unfamiliar faces.

“White Princess” Winnie, “Beast King” Hazared, “Magic Sound King” Wenger…

The faces of the eleven warriors of the Twisted Conqueror were also solemn.

“Go, reason is your wings, end the chaos in this world.”

“Let the ‘Holy Sun’ rise in that dark sky!”

Following Meng Xuan’s whispers, endless white light enveloped the bodies of these warriors, putting on white armor for them.

Pong! !

Countless overlapping wings bloom behind them.

They poured out of the sanctuary, and according to the pre-made plan, with the help of Arcanasaro Black Death Paradise, they jumped to different corners of the virtual world.

Really I will, all-out attack!



“Are you going to start?”

Hei Lao stood on the peak with his hands behind his back, watching the changing celestial phenomenon in the distance, and let out a whisper.

“Although our choice was right, time has passed and people’s hearts are not ancient. There are always people who hold the right in their hands and are unwilling to let it go. Not everyone can make the right choice.”

The old man sighed.

“So, sometimes, some people, need some help.”

A legion stepped out from the void behind him, led by twisted conquerors such as the Beast King Hazared.

“This land, this country, is where I once lived after all, and I don’t want those innocent people to shed blood.”

The old man shook his head and said.

“Death is inevitable, but those who live will usher in a better tomorrow.”

The Demon King said lightly.

“Don’t worry, when the Holy Sun blooms over the sheltered places of every temple, countless lives will help those in power make choices.”

“Starting today, the virtual world will usher in a new era. Let us raise a new sun for this world.”

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