Twisted Realm

Chapter 452 - know

“What exactly did you do?”

Signetti, who forcibly stopped the natural burning trend, stagnated in mid-air, looked at Meng Xuan, and looked at the direction of the seventy-two king pillars who had disappeared. Some were speechless.

Doesn’t it mean that unless the supreme existence of the same level, or the collapse of the kingdom of God, no one can untie the shackles of the golden thread? A guy like the King of the First should not lie.

“With some small tricks, all in all, he should be in much bigger trouble than me now.”

Meng Xuan said lightly, only he himself knew the danger at that time.

When the first king showed his twisted and alienated state, he actually saw something wrong, and at the same time, he also realized the clues that he had been neglecting before.

The first king was staring at him. In this environment, the power of the seventy-two king pillars was gathered. If they were desperate, their situation would be very dangerous.

Therefore, he took the plan and set a game for the first king instead.

A weakness that maybe even the original king himself had never thought of, and at the same time, it also made Meng Xuan understand the state of the seventy-two kings at this time and the truth of what they did back then.

What they do may be crazier than most people imagine.

They are not just fusing the twisted power, but trying to swallow the twisted False God itself and replace them!

After seeing the alienation state of the primordial king, he immediately recognized the aura of the evil eye lineage in it. For a time, he had a lot of associations and had some enlightenment. At the same time, he also had more Much confusion.

All the clues seem to be connected, some of the “secrets” and “revelations” obtained by the Seventy-two Kings Pillar in the depths of the Zero Realm, the experiment on the twisted secret pattern originally led by the Seventy-two Kings, the The twisted laboratory based on the secret pattern of the evil eye lineage and inexplicably shattered, the strangely preserved test data in the laboratory, and the Acanasaro who is suspected of being Eggers and has a special identity…

In the twisted laboratory he entered, the research on the secret pattern of the evil eye was probably led by the king of the beginning!

The Eye of Nelson…The Eye of the Supreme…The Evil Eye…

To a certain extent, there is a certain overlap between their abilities, and from the top-secret experimental data held by the mummified corpse suspected of Acanasaro, the laboratory did find the The source of the evil eye lineage of the silent state, Agnals Evil Eye.

Then, in order to break through his own limitations and master more power, the first king, Jiu Zhan, used a special method to invade the “Dark Veil” of the kingdom of God of Agnars Evil Eye, and mastered some of his authority. It’s just that the distortion of this power is so severe that even the King of the Prime cannot fully control it, which led to the self-seal of the King of the Prime.

Perhaps, the other seventy-two king pillars have also invaded the power of the twisted virtual gods similar to their own abilities, and want to replace them safely and master that power that transcends everything, but it is unlikely that all seventy-two king pillars They have mastered that kind of power. After all, the number of distorted False Gods is not infinite. Perhaps some of them have adopted the method of dividing and eating, dividing the Divine Kingdom of Twisting False Gods, so they have entered the self-seal collectively. .

And Meng Xuan himself has a lot to do with the evil eye secret pattern lineage, which is the foundation for him to embark on the extraordinary path. Although it is now abandoned, it has long been replaced by the power of the seven-color flower secret pattern lineage, which is closely related to his own lineage. The source of the connection has been cut off long ago, but in that laboratory, what he obtained was not only the secret pattern of evil eyes.

There is also the experimental record, which records the relevant information about Agnars Evil Eye and his kingdom of God “Dark Veil”, and also records the coordinates and rituals of communicating the “Dark Veil”.

It was a rather complicated and dangerous ritual. Even in Meng Xuan’s current state, in the kingdom of God, like a creator, he could turn the fake into the real, but it wasn’t something that could be completed in a short period of time.

However, if the target’s own power of the kingdom of God is used as a guide, the complexity of this communication ritual can be reduced to an extremely low level.

And at the moment when he was pierced by the golden thread, the power of Agnarus Evil Eye in the golden thread helped him finally complete the ceremony, successfully communicated the “Dark Veil” for a short time, and bloomed a flower. The seven-colored flowers were sent to the past through this passage.

The seven-color flower blooms in the dark curtain of the kingdom of God. Although the power cannot cause any damage to the kingdom of God, it is like a stone thrown into the lake, enough to cause enough ripples and waves to break a certain calm and balance, and This effect, for the current Prime King, is fatal.

They are still far from digesting the power of the distorted False God without any negative effects. The alienation used at this moment is actually to achieve a delicate balance between the imprint of their own kings and the power of the distorted False God. This exerts more power.

This kind of balance seems strong on the surface, but in fact, it is very fragile. As long as there is any slight shake in the essence, it will bring them huge trouble.

Just as the King of the Prime himself said, in addition to the same level of supreme power, only when his divine kingdom is shaken can Meng Xuan be able to get rid of the shackles of those golden threads.

And what Meng Xuan did was to destroy the delicate balance in the essence of the opponent. Now, the King of the First may even stabilize his own power of the kingdom of God and maintain his sanity from the power of Agnars Evil Eye. It takes a lot of effort to swallow, and naturally there is no more energy left to restrain him.

Agnals Evil Eye, Twisted False God… Such an existence can be swallowed by humans, and the information revealed in it is really scary.

This can’t help but remind him of a problem that has troubled him for a long time. Judging from the information obtained from Eggers’s memory island, in that era that was erased from the long river of history, the original distorted False God seems to be more Like a symbol of the bottom-level rules of the world, their descriptions have never been humanized, and they will only follow twisted instincts without any self-will to speak of.

But now, whether it is the “Mother of Fear” he has encountered, or the “Greeding Black Horn”, they all have obvious personality characteristics, which obviously do not match the description in that period of history. Questions raised in the Twisted Experiment Log.

Originally, he thought that this personality trait might have evolved, but now it seems that the fact is more amazing than imagined.

These personalities are not evolved, but the “personality” of the individual retained after the power of the most primitive distorted False God is swallowed and assimilated by an individual.

That is to say, most of the distorted virtual gods who are active now, those supreme beings in the mouth of the black truth, before they became the supreme beings, they were also living human beings.

The dragon slayer eventually became an evil dragon, and the **** slayer finally became a new god.

When the Seventy-two Wangzhu ventured into the depths of the Zero Realm, the biggest secrets discovered were probably those ancient False Gods who were in a state of annihilation and had not been swallowed and occupied by “personality”.

The original experimental records have made it very clear that when Agnars Evil Eye was first discovered, this ancient False God indeed only retained the characteristics of pure distortion and chaos.

And it is precisely because of this reason that the Seventy-two King Zhu sensed an opportunity to break through their own boundaries. As godslayers, they eventually went on the road of becoming a new **** and never returned. I don’t know if it was intentional or unintentional. , they are all on the path of depravity.

Regarding the mystery of the collapse of the Nelson civilization, Meng Xuan already had a complete inference in his heart.

At that time, the power of the seventy-two king pillars in the real world reached its peak, and there was no way to advance. Whether it was because they felt the threat of distortion, or simply to break through the boundaries and master more power, they pulled the two closer. The distance between the worlds opened the channel between the two worlds, entered the virtual world, and searched for higher meanings.

However, the distorted pollution was beyond their imagination, and even their abilities were unstoppable, and eventually even spread to the real world, affecting the entire Nelson civilization.

However, through contact with the distorted virtual gods in the virtual world, they discovered some of the alternate characteristics of the distorted virtual gods. They have very distinct personalization and personality characteristics, which may be related to their initial cognition of the distorted virtual gods. Very big difference.

Afterwards, perhaps through the peeping of the unique and powerful bloodline power of the Prime King, they found the primitive ancient False God in a state of annihilation in the depths of the Zero Realm. Through a series of studies on its distorting power, they discovered some key information.

Through the pedigree of the secret pattern, and constantly trace the origin, when the source of this pedigree has died out, and the coordinates of the opponent’s kingdom of God are in hand, there is a great possibility that they will be able to occupy the magpie’s nest, devour the opponent’s power, and replace it.

This idea made them start crazy attempts, but their ambitions are obviously greater. They are unwilling to give up their own reason, hoping to maintain their own reason after integrating the power of those ancient virtual gods, they think To truly conquer the twist.

But obviously, they failed, they entered a long tug of war with the twisted power, and even the Nelson civilization was abandoned by them and began to hide behind the curtain, carrying out certain plans.

This reminded Meng Xuan of the sudden destruction of the twisted laboratory. Listening to Wan Rogge’s story, the laboratory seemed to be destroyed by the sudden awakening of Agnars Xie Eye, but now it seems that at that time, Iger Nars Evil Eye is likely to have been occupied by the dove, that is to say, it is not Agnars Evil Eye who really destroyed the laboratory, but the original king who has controlled some of the power of the dark curtain!

The First King is destroying some evidence…

Meng Xuan immediately realized this. The experiment in that laboratory involved the research of the evil eye kingdom. This is a taboo of the King of the Prime. Destruction is almost inevitable. It is impossible for a character like the King of Prime to give his handle to him. into anyone’s hands.

This also indirectly shows how difficult it was to keep the experimental record under the pressure of the original king at the time.

However, this also made him have some doubts. Since the laboratory is so important, the body of Acanasaro has been left undiscovered for more than 6,000 years? And he himself also practiced the secret pattern of evil eyes, why didn’t he attract the attention of the king of the first?

Perhaps, the integration of the evil eye kingdom of God was not ideal in the beginning, and it has not yet reached the level of complete control over the pedigree, and the laboratory he entered was actually very small, more like a small part of the entire huge laboratory. Part, maybe that part, it was because of Arcana Sara that it survived the cataclysm of destruction, and escaped the eyes and ears of the First King.

After all, after six thousand years of death, the woman Akanassaro was still able to hide in his body and invaded the core temple of the Black Death Paradise. It is hard to imagine how strong she was during her lifetime.

In this way, the reason why Arcana Leroy appeared in the laboratory at that time can be clearly stated. The key information hidden in the laboratory is not only as simple as twisting the road of the conqueror, she also The information about the weakness of the Seventy-two King Pillar was stolen without the King of the first being aware of it!

Who is standing behind Arcanasaro? Is it Eggers? The one who came from an erased civilization?

Perhaps the personification of the distorted False God also came from that era? Someone killed gods in that era, but eventually became a new god?

Signiti said that what he saw with Nelson’s eyes was that no one could master the original palace, but at this time Meng Xuan did not quite believe this conclusion.

After all, if Eggers can’t have an influence on the original palace, he can’t imagine how the other party can make such a series of careful This is simply manipulating time.

Meng Xuan gave birth to a sense of powerlessness. From the words of the first king, he could conclude that even the first king’s Nelson’s Eye was some kind of layout of Eggers, and it was him who broke free from the annihilated history. , preparations for returning to the world.

Then what will he be?

“How are you doing?”

Sigourney’s voice woke Meng Xuan from his thoughts.

“Are you okay?”

Sigourney asked Meng Xuan.

“It’s okay, the impact just now is not big, probably because they want to capture me completely, so the power is not aggressive.”

Meng Xuan nodded and said.

“Although I don’t know what method you used, it’s not surprising that since you are the original darling, you have your own secret method.”

“However, since the power of the Seventy-two King Pillar has faded, now is the time for us to reap the fruits of victory. If the Seventy-two King Pillar recovers, I am afraid there will be some twists and turns.”

Sigourney looked towards the barrier, and the broken golden ritual chains were slowly being repaired. Although the speed was not fast, it was uncertain whether there would be any changes after the Seventy-two King Pillars stabilized their power.

“Zero Realm Apostle…”

Meng Xuan also turned his gaze to the barrier. The Apostle of the Zero Realm is a special level. He has mastered the divine nature and has truly entered the lower level of the Zero Realm. Even the seventy-two king pillars of the year were nothing more than this class. It is only the peak powerhouse, and when it reaches this stage, it can truly be called qualified to know the secret.

At this stage, is the “key” on your body mature?

Meng Xuan did not know whether this step was going to be **** or heaven.

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