Twisted Realm

Chapter 449 - expedition

Something similar to East Bayro is happening throughout the Eastern Hemisphere.

With the support of Meng Xuan’s ability at this moment, and the addition of the huge extraordinary power of the entire Black Devourer, the strength of the True Self Society has undergone an essential transformation.

The current real self, in the real world, is the existence of the overlord level.

Except for the seventy-two king pillars and the power of twisted forces, no one can compete with it.

Now, the distorted power has been temporarily removed from the real world by Meng Xuan and Signety, and the representatives of the seventy-two king pillars seem to have disappeared inexplicably. In the whole world, there is no power that can stop the true self. footsteps.


Only a few words can describe the expansion speed of the True Self Society in the Eastern Hemisphere. With the help of the contagious and erosive power of the Seven-color Flower Secret Pattern, as the expansion progresses, the true Self Society members become more and more powerful. The stronger it is, the faster it expands.

It was expected to be half a month, but in fact, it only took nearly seven days, and the forces under the command of the True Self Society allowed the “Magic Web” to cover the entire Eastern Hemisphere.

The transcendent forces were almost completely subdued and became a member of the Seven Colored Flower family, contributing their own strength to the magic net and the sanctuary.

Led by these people, the magic web is expanding to nearly a billion ordinary people throughout the Eastern Hemisphere.

The real self will expand smoothly, and there are no obstacles related to the seventy-two king pillars along the way, which is somewhat beyond Meng Xuan’s expectations.

However, it also made him more convinced of what Sigourney said.

Those guys, it is impossible to give up the real world, because this is the foundation of their existence, the reason why they quietly hide in the dark and watch him and Sigourney act recklessly must have other purposes and conspiracies.

Perhaps, at this moment, all the king pillar agents are gathering together to discuss how to deal with it.

Or maybe, in the last lesson of breaking the barrier, when the key to that step is taken, they will launch a desperate counterattack.

All in all, the smoother the expansion goes, the more difficulties they will face, Meng Xuan knows.

The final battle that Sigourney spoke of, betting everything, was not empty words.

Shahe City.

In a short period of time, this place has become a holy city, because the original size of Shahe City is small, and there are too many pilgrims who come here, causing a lot of unnecessary trouble, so I am responsible for the internal affairs of the True Self Society. The Lolita of Shahe City limits the entry and exit of Shahe City, but this still cannot solve the current situation of overcrowding in Shahe City.

In the sky of Shahe City, above the high clouds, the radiance of the Sanctuary is so bright that it has almost condensed into a solid body.

A staircase formed by the gathering of rays of light extended from the sanctuary and fell into Shahe City, like a staircase connecting the mortal world and the gods.

Countless figures are climbing this seemingly endless ladder. Legend has it that this is the gift of the great eye of the true self. Anyone who can climb to the end of this ladder with their own strength can enter the sanctuary. Among them, get the baptism of God.

However, from the appearance of the ladder to the present, not many people have been able to ascend to the kingdom of God, and it is difficult for even powerful extraordinary people to do so.

Because this is not only a test of strength, but also a test of comprehensive talents such as xinxing and will.

At this moment, in the sanctuary, at the foot of the holy mountain, a group of people bowed their heads and stood still under the illumination of pure will.

Lin Ya, Lolita, Xu Longying, Barris, Mungo, Dorogu, Clodi, Cang Yao, Wanling, Luna…

There are also Lu Li, Gu Lao and Gu He. Unfortunately, the heart seeds of King Miao and Lao Feng were not able to bloom in the end. They were completely exhausted and died at the most brilliant time of life.

These are all familiar faces.

Today, these people represent the True Self Society, the highest level of power in the Seven-colored Flower Lineage, and are the controllers of each lineage branch and Sanctuary node.

On this day, they were summoned from the various sanctuary nodes together to the sanctuary headquarters. They knew that something important would happen today.

Perhaps, this will truly open up a new era in the real world.

hum! ! !

Suddenly, a wave of fluctuations came from the top of the holy mountain, and the dazzling and soft white light spread out, and they couldn’t help but look up at the top of the holy mountain.

At the top of the holy mountain, in front of the temple, and on the edge of the cliff, they saw a tall figure in white robes. From this figure, they felt a sacred, pure and rational power. This feeling is not even like It makes them feel as if they are not facing a creature, but a **** who has lost his humanity and left only his divinity.

Compared with the feeling not long ago, Meng Xuan is completely different.

The power of half of the real world gathered on him, resulting in many unprecedented changes, not just a simple increase in power.

He can feel that both the pure will and the bite device seem to have undergone some kind of change, which is a feeling that is moving towards the essence and the answer to the mystery, and even, vaguely, he can detect some unknowns that he had never noticed before. Connections, those things that are hidden in the deepest and most incredible things in the world.

He clearly felt that a certain “key” that unlocked these incredible things seemed to have completed a phased growth.

He was getting closer and closer to the truth, and it was an unprecedented feeling.

Somewhere, he felt that as long as he broke the barrier of the Zero Realm and became an Apostle of the Zero Realm, he should be able to initially glimpse part of the truth.

And to break that barrier, the help of the group of people under the holy mountain is indispensable.

His realm, because the essence cannot be improved, is now inaccessible. The power blessing of half a world gives him the ability to spend infinitely, but this is obviously extravagant. He needs to spread out these powers and accept those who accept The player pushes to a higher realm and becomes the help to break through the barrier in the final battle.

“Break this cage, I need your strength.”

“From the disappearance of the Nelson civilization to the present, this cage has been trapped in the real world for countless years, and we are all just beasts in the cage in the eyes of others.”

“But now, we’re about to break out of this cage and truly be free.”

“This is the freedom to gain strength and the freedom to destroy. The cage is a **** and a protection. Without it, we will face those terrifying unknown existences, which seem to be no different from death.”

“But I know we’ll get to this point eventually, even though we know there’s thorns ahead and it’s a dead end.”

“Because human beings are the most intelligent creatures, and their greatest ambition is to have the right to freedom, even if the price is death.”

“Now, the real freedom is in front of you and me, and what we have to do is to pierce that layer of film, and, by the way, kill some enemies who don’t have long eyes.”

“Accept them. This is the power I promised you.”

Above the holy mountain, Meng Xuan in a white robe opened his arms, and countless rays of light radiated from him, illuminating everything.

The high-level members of the True Self Society who were at the foot of the holy mountain burst out with dazzling seven-color lights.

Pong! !

A pair of holy wings bloomed behind them, and majestic power poured into their wills.

outside world.

hum! !

The dark night sky of the entire eastern hemisphere is illuminated. In different regions, where the nodes of each sanctuary are located, huge and magnificent figures manifest, endless white light, twelve pure white wings, dazzling light.

At this moment, the magic net of the entire Eastern Hemisphere was sublimated, and all the powers were fully activated.

On the other side, in the chaotic starry sky above Elna, Signety turned his gaze to the eastern hemisphere as bright as day, and felt unparalleled power from those rays of light.

“As expected of the person who was originally selected, I have to work harder.”

Signety looked at the miniature Earth in his palm, and more than a dozen beams of light lit up from the land block in the Western Hemisphere.



Half a month passed quickly, and the day agreed by both parties has come quietly.

Antarctic central circle, no man’s land.

This is a country of ice and snow, and a forbidden area for life. The temperature here is close to minus 90 degrees, which can freeze almost all life activities. Even with modern technology, it is difficult for ordinary humans to step into this frozen world.

However, today, the peaceful Antarctic central circle in the past is very lively. In the sky, a pure white sanctuary is facing the chaotic starry sky, and countless extraordinary people with wings on their backs have descended on this extremely cold place.

The power of the True Self, led by Meng Xuan, and the power of Elna, led by Signetti, officially joined forces in this extremely cold place.

The endless rays of light and the fiery breath of life turned into colorful lights, and even the extremely cold permafrost seemed to be melted by this enormous power.

After discussion, the two sides jointly decided, and finally chose this place as the final place to sprint the zero boundary barrier.

In the sky, through the kingdom of God, Meng Xuan and Sigourney looked at each other, neither of them said a word.

After all, this time, it is not only those who are acting, but also the 72 King Pillars.

“let’s start.”

“We have this whole world behind us.”

Signety spoke first.

“let’s start.”

Meng Xuan also nodded, and their will spread through the kingdom of God in an instant.

On a global scale, at this moment, all life is organized by the two major forces, and the sanctuary nodes and the branches of the chaotic starry sky in the sky manifest, casting miracles and rays of light.

Whispered blessings, whispered prayers, and whispered chants appear in every corner of the world.

Countless wills turned into little sparks, rose from the earth, swayed and floated into the branches of the kingdom of God.

Gather the will of all living beings, and sublimate in a short period of time.

The brilliance of the two great kingdoms above Antarctica shines even more, and those high-level personnel of the two great forces who have the ability to enter the depths of the Zero Realm, shoot beams of light into the sky.

“The general trend of the world, the future of the era, fight here!!”

Signety and Meng Xuan spoke at the same time, and the grand voice shook the whole world.

“Expedition!! Expedition!!”

The rays of light on everyone covered the Antarctic central circle completely. The next moment, all the rays of light shrank sharply and disappeared. In the Antarctic central circle, the rest was still the eternal ice cold.



In the Zero World Ocean, the silence of the past has also changed, and those golden waves are violently surging, it seems that there is hostility due to the arrival of some intruders.

Countless subtle ritual chains hidden in the golden ocean continued to erode towards the invaders, but they were all pushed away by two rays of light, one white and one dark, and could not have a substantial impact.

The prohibition of the shallow layer of the Zero Realm can no longer prohibit the actions of Meng Xuan and Sigourney.

Under the cover of the two great kingdoms of God, a group of people set off towards the Zero Boundary Barrier.

Along the way, except for the erosion of the golden wave, they did not encounter any obstacles.

Soon, the barrier of the zero world appeared in front of them.

hum! !

The power of Meng Xuan and Sigourney’s kingdom of God rippling, rippling all the golden waves around them, opening up a vacuum area, and the appearance of that layer of barriers can be seen in front of everyone at this moment.

This should have been a layer of translucent film, but at this time, the film was embedded with countless tiny ritual These ritual chains were woven into an airtight film. The big net blocked the eyes of all those who hoped to peep to the other side of the other side.

Meng Xuan’s pupils shrank, and the structure of those tiny ritual chains could be seen in his eyes.

Five rounds, long sword, animal head, teardrop…

These ceremonial chains are connected by extremely small imprints of the kings. Among them, the power of the kingdom of the gods is full of the kings. It is this kind of power that has trapped the real world for thousands of years.

It was at this moment that Meng Xuan and Signety discovered that these tiny marks were producing some kind of change.

It vibrated slightly, and emitted faint rays of light. These rays of light were connected together, and some kind of viscous force stretched out from the rays of light, gradually wriggling and blending into the upper body of a human shape.

These upper bodies are male and female, old and young, just like growing on that barrier, and they look very weird.

These are all representatives of the seventy-two king pillars. Their eyes are confused. At this moment, they have been affected by an unknown will and can no longer be called “self”.

The most interesting thing is the central one of the seventy-two human figures. It is a rigid human figure similar to a puppet model in a shopping mall. He has no facial features. In the center of the entire pale face is an extremely complicated Eye of Nelson. The pattern, but compared with the ordinary Nelson’s eye, this eye really makes people feel a sense of “aliveness”.

Signeti felt that the blood in his body was about to boil under the gaze of this eye, as if he would soon be out of his control.

“You came after all, this is not the place you should set foot.”

The familiar sigh appeared in everyone’s ears again.

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