Twisted Realm

Chapter 33 - white clothes


The woman’s cell phone rang.


The woman made a soft voice.

“Lin Ya, have you reached your destination?”

A hoarse male voice came over the phone.

“It’s right now.”

Lin Ya replied lightly.

“You have half a month.”

The hoarse male voice chuckled lightly.

“I know.”

There was no change in Lin Ya’s expression.

“Then do you know why you were asked to choose your relative’s house as your destination this time?”

The hoarse male voice continued to chuckle.

“It’s just between us, nothing to do with other people.”

Lin Ya’s voice became indifferent.

“If you obey the order obediently, there will be no trouble. If you fail on purpose, what will the person sent next time do? I’m not sure.”

The hoarse male voice didn’t care about the coldness in Lin Ya’s words.

“It’s only the last three times. This is what the master owes you. If I pay it off, we will never have anything to do with it again.”

Lin Ya said indifferently.

“Hopefully, if you insist on saying that, it’s not so easy to figure out what Yuan Wujian owes us.”

The hoarse male voice said noncommittally.

“I said it three times. After three times, you still come to me. I don’t mind if the fish die and the net breaks.”

Lin Ya said lightly, hung up the phone, and looked at the receding scenery outside the car window, wondering what she was thinking.



“Um… Where are you? I’ll find you?”

“You don’t know where you are? Can you tell me what are the characteristics of your location?”

“You said that there are many people in your place? What is the characteristic of a lot of people?? Where are there not many people in this place?”

“Then wait for me at the exit.”

“What? There are too many people and you don’t know how to get to the exit? Are you a lunatic?”

“Where do you come to find me where I am? Okay, let me see.”

Meng Xuan looked up at the sign of the shop where he was.

This is a fried chicken restaurant with a very trendy name, “Cooking Chicken Seriously”.

Looking to the left, it is a spicy hot pot restaurant with a very creative name, called “Spicy Next Door”.

Finally, looking to the right, it was a small barber shop with an amazing name, “J·8 Styling”.


“Forget it, let me find you. You find a conspicuous place first, and then tell me what features there are.”

Meng Xuan decided to spend some time looking for the other party. After all, it would be a little weird if he wanted to register his own place name…

After spending a lot of time talking, Meng Xuan finally found the other party who was surrounded by a few traffic policemen in the traffic police hall near the traffic light.

“I haven’t seen you for many years. The little brat of that year has grown so big that I almost didn’t recognize it!”

Seeing Meng Xuan, Meng Xuan didn’t recognize the other party, but the other party recognized him first. He walked over with a smile and pushed the suitcase, and took off the sunglasses on his face.

Seeing the other person’s face, even if Meng Xuan couldn’t recognize the beautiful face, he was slightly stunned.

Such a delicate face can be used as a plastic surgery template, it won’t be done.

Meng Xuan was a little suspicious. At the beginning, he thought that the other party was not so beautiful.

He looked at the other person carefully. He was wearing a tight black sweater and washed light blue jeans. He was over 1.7 meters tall and had waist-length hair. The most important thing was his temperament, full of confident aura, the most attractive. .

As expected of studying dance art, it seems that my cousin should be doing well in Suhai.

Meng Xuan thought to himself.

“You’ve changed a lot. I almost thought I met a star.”

Meng Xuan shrugged.

“It’s so sweet, didn’t I bother you? I heard from your mother that you are dating your girlfriend? How about it? I’ll take it out and let me see you, so I can check it out for you?”

Lin Ya blinked her eyes at Meng Xuan and said narrowly.

“It’s all my mother’s guesses for everything that doesn’t exist. I just went to the swordsmanship hall to exercise.”

Meng Xuan said speechlessly, why does his mother tell others everything.

“You still practice swordsmanship?”

Lin Ya was a little surprised when she heard this, and pinched Meng Xuan’s arm.

“Yes, it’s pretty solid.”

“of course.”

Meng Xuan shrugged and helped push the suitcase. The two chatted while walking. Because the suitcase was too big, he simply called a taxi by the roadside and drove towards Jinhui Community.

Back home, Liu Wanru prepared a sumptuous dinner, and her father Meng Dongqi was still on a business trip and did not come home.

After the three of them chatted and laughed after dinner, Meng Xuan helped Lin Ya tidy up her sister’s room and put away her luggage, so Lin Ya officially moved into the house.

After that, everyone was busy, and nothing unusual happened.

Meng Xuan locked himself in the room, doing his homework while waiting for the opportunity to enter the mirror world again.



As time passed by, a sense of silence and strangeness flooded Meng Xuan’s heart.

Meng Xuan put down the pen in his hand, took out the mirror wrapped in newspaper from the bottom of the bed, took out the folding knife in the bag, held it in his hand, and stared at the mirror quietly.

The black smoke in the eyes of the person in the mirror gradually condensed, and ripples like the water surface appeared on the mirror surface.

Meng Xuan held a folding knife in his and touched the mirror surface.

The familiar attraction came, and Meng Xuan was sucked into the channel full of sticky feeling again.

It was still dark in the passage, and nothing could be seen clearly, only the steady stream of attraction kept pulling him forward quickly.


He felt a touch of strangeness and strangeness, and the cold hairs all over his body seemed to burst. The powerful premonition of the crisis brought by the paranormal ceremony was a crazy early warning. Since the acquisition of the paranormal ability, Meng Xuan has never tried such a huge sense of crisis.

That kind of feeling is like a lonely human being trapped on the seabed at a depth of 10,000 meters, or floating in the boundless space.

Loneliness, despair, confusion, helplessness, insignificance, there is no possibility of confrontation.

Meng Xuan felt a little confused, not knowing where this premonition of crisis came from.

Suddenly, he saw that there seemed to be a white light in the darkness ahead.

Is there something that can be seen in this passage?

Meng Xuan was alert in his heart, but he was pulled by a strong traction force, and he couldn’t even move his body at all, so he could only passively rush towards the white light.

As the distance got closer, Meng Xuan gradually discovered that the white light seemed to be a white sleeve, somewhat similar to an ancient sleeve robe.

brush! !

Meng Xuan passed through the white sleeves, and the touch of silk on his face disappeared in a flash. He felt that there seemed to be some kind of force in the sleeves that wanted to grab him.

Zizizi! !

A violent frequency disturbance sounded, and Meng Xuan quickly moved away from the white sleeves.

Then he followed the attraction and shot into the distance quickly.

He turned his head, looked around hard, and saw the white sleeves shining in the darkness, slowly indenting into the darkness and disappearing.

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