Twisted Realm

Chapter 29 - inherited

“But in this way, the writing system is too huge, and just learning the writing will consume most of Nelson’s time.”

Meng Xuan didn’t quite believe this guess, but he thought back carefully. Except for so many Nelson characters that he memorized, there seemed to be no repeated characters except those with the same meaning. The structure of this kind of characters was really too complicated.

But if the number of characters in a writing system exceeds hundreds of thousands, it becomes a big problem to learn.

To know the country of China where you lived in your previous life, there are less than 100,000 Chinese characters in total, and only more than 3,500 commonly used characters. In this way, Chinese is still one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn in the world. Many people don’t recognize all Chinese characters in their entire life.

“Perhaps this is not a problem for the Nelsons. For them, words are second only to totem emblems. They have some mysterious meaning and are their analysis of nature. It is said that they all have super-high IQs. With advanced consciousness transmission technology, children can be enlightened by memory transmission. From this perspective, the inheritance of words is not a problem for them.”

“But the Nelsons who remained after the unknown disaster lost this technology. Although they inherited the blood of the Nelson civilization, they did not inherit their brilliant civilization. They had to simplify the words and derive a variety of different meanings. In order to facilitate the learning and memory of the next generation, this is the reason why the Nelson-derived civilization is now found to be ambiguous.”

“If we can find the remnants of the real Nelson civilization, maybe we can find and use this technology, which has unimaginably important implications for the entire human world…”

“Where did you come from?” It seemed that the more we talked, the more excited we became.

Great God, you have a big brain…

Meng Xuan was a little speechless, but after thinking about it, the Nelsons back then could even enter the world in the mirror, and were able to unearth all kinds of magical rituals. It seems that it is not unacceptable to have rituals similar to “knowledge bestowment”. matter.

Will there be similar technological residues in the experimental base?

Meng Xuan was a little moved, and felt that he could pay more attention in the future.

After the Blood Origin Ceremony, do a strength assessment. If the improvement is considerable, immediately find a way to kill the red-eyed monster and continue to explore other rooms in the experimental base without delaying any longer.

He has been trapped in that laboratory for too long, and has been killed by red-eyed monsters too many times, and he is a little tired and angry.

“If you want to systematically teach yourself the ancient knowledge of Nelson’s series, I recommend you to read the following books to lay the foundation, and read the related ancient books better…”

At the end of the chat, “Where did it come from?” recommended Meng Xuan a list of books, saying that if Meng Xuan is interested in the study of ancient Chinese characters, he will avoid many detours in learning from these books, and he said that if he has any questions, he can Leave a message on the online account to ask him, he probably goes online once or twice a week on weekends.

After Meng Xuan repeatedly expressed his gratitude, the other party’s spectacled dog head portrait slowly turned dark.

Meng Xuan asked the network administrator for a pen and paper, recorded the name of the book list given by the other party, and planned to go to the library next time. He sighed in his heart that there are still enthusiastic people in this world.

After leaving the Internet cafe, Meng Xuan walked towards the pet market. With the help of “Where did it come from”, some minor problems were solved, and the translation and analysis of the Blood Origin Ceremony was completed. It was time to start preparing the materials.



A week later, get out of class is over on Friday.

“Mom, I won’t go back for dinner tonight, Liu Yuran…”

Meng Xuan held the phone, and he didn’t finish his excuses.

“I understand, I understand, I understand. It’s okay to relax on Friday, but it’s the end of the term, so you have to take it easy.” Liu Wanru’s meaningful voice came from the other end of the phone, and then she felt a little worried. said, “Did I bring you something last time?”


Meng Xuan didn’t bother to pay attention to his mother, so he hung up the phone.

Okay, she may have misunderstood, she can make excuses without wasting her brains.

Meng Xuan shook his head, put away his mobile phone, took a large bag of materials, rode on a rented electric car, and drove towards the suburbs of the West District.

Within a week, Meng Xuan had already prepared all the materials needed for the Blood Origin Ceremony, and he was waiting for the ceremony to begin tonight.

This time, the price of the materials was very expensive. The 30,000 yuan in advance from Aktona originally thought that there would be a lot left, but not only was there not a cent left, but he also put in a thousand yuan.

He could never have imagined that an adult Toss dart frog with a blue body, only a small thing the size of a thumb, would cost 12,000 yuan. He was madly robbed by poison pet breeders, and finally had to go through Xia Kerou’s black market channel to get this little thing.

A drop of venom in the poison gland of this thing can poison an elephant. UU reading is one of the most poisonous animals in the world. Thousands of poison pet lovers die every year in Toss The hand of the frog dart, but the more people who died, the more frenzy the collectors became.

Other materials are not cheap. One tael of gold powder cost Meng Xuan more than ten thousand yuan. Purple salsify itself is a kind of spice, and the price is also very high. Half a catty cost Meng Xuan about eight or nine thousand yuan.

Herna snake gallbladder is a blind medicinal material. Although the price is not cheap, it is definitely not as expensive as the previous ones. It costs about seven or eight hundred. The white gully hamster is a small pet, because its lifespan is relatively short and the reproduction speed is fast. It is very expensive, and the other materials together are only five or six hundred yuan.

What troubles Meng Xuan the most is actually the foie gras of the black swan. As a rare ornamental species, the black swan is very valuable. The difference in quality requires three or four thousand. The relationship between Akto and others is not a problem. The main problem is that Meng Xuan has no money.

Four or five thousand yuan is not to say that you can have it, not to mention that you have advanced salary for several months.

But Meng Xuan had been looking forward to the Blood Origin Ceremony for a long time, and had no patience to slowly accumulate money to buy the last material, so he took a little risk, dressed in black in the middle of the night, sneaked into a large nearby park, bypassed The security guard on patrol borrowed an ornamental black swan raised in the park…

There was a lot of commotion at the time. The park not only strengthened the patrols of the night security, but also installed multiple cameras around the animal and plant breeding park. Even the police station came to investigate…

But no matter what, the materials for the ceremony were finally gathered.

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