Twisted Realm

Chapter 20 - Arch vegetables

The Third People’s Hospital of Shahe City.

In the operating room, Meng Xuan was stitching up the wound on his back.

After getting rid of a few knives, Meng Xuan went to a nearby public toilet to wash the blood on his face, but the ferocious wound on his back still frightened the taximan, so he took Meng Xuan to the hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, he did simple debridement such as hemostasis and disinfection, and Meng Xuan was quickly arranged for wound suturing.

Fortunately, the clothes worn in winter are thicker, and the two stab wounds look hideous, but in fact they can only be regarded as skin injuries. Except for the pain, it should not have much impact on daily life.

A middle-aged bald doctor wearing a mask is busy behind Meng Xuan, and a young nurse with watery eyes and looks like an intern is helping him.

Even though I received some anesthesia, it still hurts a little when the needle is pierced into my skin.

Meng Xuan thought while lying on the operating bed.

Dududu! Dudu Dudu!

Suddenly, the phone in Meng Xuan’s trouser pocket vibrated.

He fumbled and took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, picked it up and saw that it was a call from his mother Liu Wanru.

Probably because it was almost eight o’clock that Meng Xuan didn’t go home for dinner, so he called to urge him.

In front of the middle-aged bald doctor and the nurse, Meng Xuan answered the phone.

“Hello, Mom?”

Meng Xuan said.

“Where did you go?! Why don’t you go home for dinner at this time?!”

On the other end of the phone, Liu Wanru asked loudly.

“Well…” Meng Xuan hesitated for about half a second to think of an excuse, and then blurted out: “I forgot to tell you just now, I just got a call saying that there is a class reunion in the class, so I went there. Maybe go home late and skip dinner.”

Seeing Meng Xuan open his eyes and talk nonsense without changing his face, the middle-aged bald doctor and the little nurse couldn’t help but glance at him.

“Huh? Class reunion? Didn’t you meet the day before yesterday?” Liu Wanru’s suspicious voice came from the other end of the phone, then she raised her voice and said sharply, “Meng Xuan, are you in an internet cafe?!!”

Meng Xuan’s expression changed, and he suddenly remembered that when he went out for the paranormal ceremony on Friday night, he said that he was going to the class reunion.

However, he immediately explained calmly, “It’s really a class reunion. The last time was when the whole class got together. This time it was our monitor’s birthday and he invited us there. If you don’t believe me, wait a while. I’ll ask our monitor to talk to you.”

With that said, Meng Xuan held out the phone in front of the little nurse and winked at her.


The little nurse looked bewildered, looked at Meng Xuan with bewildered eyes, and then pointed at her nose hesitantly.

Meng Xuan nodded affirmatively, motioned her to answer the phone again, and at the same time showed a meaningful look in his eyes.

The little nurse looked at the hideous stab wound on Meng Xuan’s back, and felt Meng Xuan’s half-smiling eyes again. She felt a little aggrieved in her heart.

When I went to the health school, no teacher told me there was such a risk in being a nurse…

Aggrieved, she answered the phone, and the little nurse stammered, “Hello auntie, I’m that…that monitor.”

“Well, today is my birthday. We’re eating out. We might have to play later.”

“Well, thank you, Auntie.”


The little nurse took a while and handed the phone back to Meng Xuan.

“Your squad leader, female?”

On the other end of the phone came Liu Wanru’s meaningful voice.

“Yes indeed.”

Meng Xuan knew what this gossip middle-aged woman was thinking.

“Okay, let’s play, and remember to come back early.” Liu Wanru became very talkative at this moment, and before hanging up the phone, she even said something earnestly: “Be careful!”

Meng Xuan hung up the phone speechlessly. She can do whatever she wants, as long as she can hide it. With her mother’s character, if you let her know that she was actually hacked, she won’t be nagged to death?

At home, Liu Wanru hung up the phone, ran to the side of Meng Dongqi who was sitting on the sofa, and slapped him on the shoulder, so frightened that Meng Dongqi almost jumped up from the sofa when he saw that the animal world was in a trance. He looked at his wife in confusion.

Liu Wanru laughed and patted Meng Dongqi’s shoulder with a loud bang, and announced loudly, “Lao Meng, our pigs will be able to go over the cabbage!!”

The glasses on Meng Dongqi’s face were all shaken, and he was confused, where is this?



Half an hour later, the Third People’s Hospital of Shahe City.

Meng Xuan, who was thought to be able to bow the cabbage, was wrapped in bandages and was sitting in the waiting area quietly waiting for the effects of the anesthetic to dissipate.

A little nurse wearing a nurse’s uniform, with watery eyes and delicate facial features, walked over at a steady pace.

This is the little nurse who just answered the phone for him. Meng Xuan glanced at the tag she was hanging with her excellent eyesight.

Gao Junya, probably the name of this little nurse.

“This is your list. Remember to pay for the medicine later. The medicine has to be changed every day, and the re-examination is done once a week. The stitches can be removed in about two weeks.”

The young nurse Gao Junya handed the list to Meng Xuan, then turned around impatiently and walked away quickly, looking like she wanted to stay away from Meng Xuan.

Meng Xuan’s face was inexplicable, how scary am I?

Looking at the handwritten ghost characters on the Meng Xuan felt that these handwritings were probably more mysterious than Nelson’s writings.

After a while, he felt that the effect of the anesthetic on his back had almost dissipated. Meng Xuan stood up and took the doctor’s order to prescribe the medicine.

After the medicine was prescribed, his face was full of sorrow.

The money was completely gone. Fortunately, I was resourceful at the time and searched for the bodies of the knifemen in black trench coats…

Meng Xuan walked out of the hospital in a sigh, and went to a shopping mall not far away. He bought a new suit and changed the torn one on his body before he was ready to go home.

Fortunately, the scars on his body are not obvious, and they can all be blocked by clothes.

Jinhui Community, home.

As soon as Meng Xuan entered the door, he saw Liu Wanru, who was sitting on the sofa with Erlang’s legs crossed, looking at him carefully.

“New clothes, the girl bought them?”

Liu Wanru asked.

“I went to the mall and saw that it was very beautiful, so I bought it with my New Year’s money.”

Meng Xuan said speechlessly.

Liu Wanru sneered, didn’t you go to the party? Why did you go to the mall? Are you going to buy your own clothes? How many storms have I experienced, can I believe your kid’s nonsense?

“It’s normal for you to have this idea at your age, but now that you are in the third year of high school, the college entrance examination will be taken next semester, and your studies are the most important.”

Liu Wanru said earnestly.


Meng Xuan sat at the entrance and took off her shoes. She was too lazy to talk to her, so she simply didn’t answer and let her make up her mind.

“Also, be sure to pay attention to safety. You carry this thing with you, it will definitely be useful.”

Liu Wanru said in a dignified tone, and threw the two small square-packaged things in front of Meng Xuan with a snap.

Meng Xuan looked at the two Douss helmets in front of him…


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