Twisted Realm

Chapter 15 - mystery

Friday night is exactly the night of the full moon once a month.

Meng Xuan made an excuse to say that he didn’t go home for a dinner party with his classmates. He brought the large and small bags of ceremony materials prepared by himself, and drove the small electric car that he had rented early, all the way to the North District.

Around eight or nine o’clock, Meng Xuan came to the suburbs of the North District and found an abandoned factory building that he had already stepped on.

This factory building should have been a leather factory before, and there are messy and old pieces of cloth on the ground, and some abandoned machinery and raw material barrels can be vaguely seen in the factory building, giving off a pungent smell.

Occasionally one or two mice ran past and made squeaking sounds.

Meng Xuan looked at the outer wall of the factory building and saw **** slogans sprayed with red spray paint on the outer wall.

“Unscrupulous boss, pay back my hard-earned money!”

“It is only right and proper to pay off debts!”

“Give me a penny to keep you safe for a century. Give me back a penny to keep you safe for the New Year!”


Meng Xuan also investigated it at the beginning. It seems that the tannery lost money repeatedly due to poor management. The boss owed wages to the migrant workers. Finally, he couldn’t stand the pressure and ran away. There was still a lot of uproar, but I heard that the boss was not caught in the end.

I don’t know if he brought his sister-in-law with him…

Meng Xuan thought to himself, he drove the small electric machine into the woods in the suburbs and hid it, carrying the large and small bags of ritual materials, and walked towards the abandoned leather factory.

This is a suburb, located in a remote area. Generally, no one will pass by. Even a homeless person will not come to such a remote place.

But to be on the safe side, Meng Xuan still checked the surroundings to make sure that no one was there, so he was completely relieved.

After all, what he is going to hold next is an unknown ceremony full of evil and mysterious. If he is bumped into by a stranger, it will be really troublesome.

He did not choose the ceremony site in the factory, but chose an open space outside the factory, because the ceremony required that it must be on the night of the full moon, perhaps requiring direct moonlight.

When he was ready, Meng Xuan looked up at the sky. The weather tonight was fine, the moon was sparse, and the round moon hung high in the air, casting soft moonlight.

Meng Xuan looked around, overgrown with weeds, and the woods were dark. Occasionally, mice or other small animals scurried past, making noises and sounds, with a strange feeling.

Meng Xuan took a deep breath, opened the backpack he brought, took out the materials for the ceremony, and placed them on the ground one by one.

Meng Xuan first grabbed four rabbits. Although these guys were tied with their hands and feet, they were still struggling. One of them seemed to be pooping in his bag, making it smelly.

Seeing the sun again, the four little rabbits all looked at Meng Xuan with pitiful eyes.

“Amitabha, goodness is good, you have made outstanding contributions to the cause of human evolution. I will leave you with a whole corpse. It is better than being eaten.”

Meng Xuan muttered, in order to prevent them from struggling, he picked up the bricks on the side, knocked them all out neatly, then took out the knife and prepared pot-shaped utensils, and began to give one of the little rabbits bloodletting.

According to the requirements of the ceremony, after draining the blood of the two little rabbits in a row, Meng Xuan sprinkled quartz powder into the bowl and found a wooden stick to start stirring.

After stirring evenly, Meng Xuan took out the small brush he had prepared, dipped it in the blood in the vessel, and began to draw a complex array of symbols on the ground.

The basic structure of this talisman is a six-pointed star. In the center of the talisman, there is a circular vacancy. The talisman is filled with extremely complex patterns, which makes people feel dazzled.

Meng Xuan looked very solemn. Although he had practiced many times in advance, he was still worried that he would draw the wrong pattern with a flick of his hand, which would lead to unknown changes in the final ceremony.

The smell of blood gradually spread. Ten minutes later, Meng Xuan finally finished the last stroke of the pattern. He took out his own notebook to record the content of the ceremony and compared it repeatedly. After confirming that there was no mistake, Meng Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

The quartz powder in the blood shone slightly in the bright moonlight of the full moon. Meng Xuan looked at the ritual pattern, slightly dazed, and a trace of drowsiness appeared in his mind.

He shook his head and started the next steps.

He put the prepared small stove in the circular vacancy in the center of the ritual pattern, put the Ewein wood block under the stove, and put the cylindrical utensils on the stove.

Next, he poured a bottle of about 200 milliliters of water into the vessel, and ignited the Ewein wood block under the stove with a lighter.

With the burning of Ewein’s wood block, a faint scent drifted away, and the sleepiness in Meng Xuan’s mind seemed to be heavier.

Next, he began to process the remaining materials.

Bleed the remaining two little white rabbits, took out the sparrows that had been burping in the bag, dug out their eyes, and took out the dry skin of the Cohen lizard, a bunch of dry flies, cat hair, etc. All the materials were thrown into the vessel at once.

Gollum Gollum…

The dark red liquid in the vessel began to boil, and various materials tumbled in it, exuding an indescribable smell.

Meng Xuan lit six white candles on the hexagons of the hexagram pattern, and sterilized the knife by roasting them on the candles, and stood up.

He first looked up at the moon, then lowered his head and stared at the dizzying and complicated ritual pattern on the ground, which surrounded the entire pattern, turned left six times, and turned right six times, during which his eyes never left the pattern. center.

A stronger sense of strangeness mixed with drowsiness, dizziness, and trance flooded Meng Xuan’s heart. He vaguely felt that the ritual pattern on the ground seemed to slowly rotate, combine, and wriggle.

Meng Xuan sat down at the right time, the knife in UU Reading slashed his fingers, and a drop of blood fell into the boiling dark red liquid in the vessel.


According to the pronunciation of the mysterious words found in Nelson’s Derivative Civilization Dictionary, Meng Xuan used a deep and complicated accent to read the opening words of the ceremony.

Like a catalyst dropped into a chemical reagent.

The dark red liquid changed drastically.

The thick blood-colored mist evaporated from the vessel, hovering over the pattern, constantly twisting, splitting, and reorganizing, like howling faces and struggling tentacles.

Distortion, confusion, and strangeness flooded Meng Xuan’s heart. He felt that in the blood-colored mist, there seemed to be a pair of icy eyes staring at him quietly.

A creepy feeling took over his mind.

At this moment, he saw that the complex and precise ritual patterns painted on the ground with blood and quartz powder were running like a precise gear mechanism, constantly deforming, combining, and shrinking toward the center.

The blood-colored pattern is getting tighter and tighter, and the continuously expanding and expanding blood mist is constantly being compressed in the struggle. When the blood-colored pattern is completely contracted to the circular vacancy in the center, the blood mist has been completely suppressed into the boiling dark red liquid. .

Some kind of power in the blood mist seems to be locked in the liquid by the ritual.

Meng Xuan, who was in a heavy trance with drowsiness, had an unreal feeling. He didn’t know whether it was his hallucination or a strange phenomenon that really existed.

But he had an intuition that the ritual might really have succeeded.

He gritted his teeth, picked up the utensils on the stove, and gulped the dark red viscous liquid that was still boiling into his stomach.

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