Twisted Realm

Chapter 13 - ceremony

“Secret pattern…”

Meng Xuan’s eyes gradually lit up. If he guessed correctly, the secret pattern should represent the so-called extraordinary power.

According to the translatable part of the research literature, the Nelsons should have discovered a power called “secret pattern” related to “distortion” in the mirror world.

“The following data and formulas should all be related to the so-called ‘secret pattern’ application experiment, but I don’t know if the Nelson people’s experiment was successful…”

Meng Xuan frowned, seeing that the final results of the laboratory did not seem to be very good. It should be that some unknown mutation occurred. Even the female mummified corpse who seemed to be a laboratory researcher died in the laboratory. Find out if their experiments were successful or not.

He couldn’t wait to continue to translate.

Regarding the “secret pattern”, he learned more information.

The secret pattern is indeed a new extraordinary power discovered by the Nelson civilization. They tried to assimilate this power with the human body through experiments, so as to control this powerful power.

However, the control of the secret pattern is very risky. The secret pattern comes from “distortion” and naturally has some terrifying attributes. It requires a strong physique and spirit to be able to withstand the power of the secret pattern, and it will not appear because of this. Unknown distortions and mutations.

However, when ordinary people suffer from secret patterns, the probability of mutation is almost as high as 99% or more.

Only elite warriors whose physique and will have reached the pinnacle of human beings can withstand the power of distortion.

In other words, secret patterns can only be used to help elite warriors break through the boundaries of the human body, not something ordinary people use.

Judging from the few words disclosed in the literature, the Nelson civilization itself should have other methods and training methods to break the limit other than the secret pattern.

But unfortunately, the experimental records did not mention specific training methods and methods for breaking the limit, which should be because it has nothing to do with the experiment itself.

“And I don’t know where to get the ‘secret pattern’…”

Meng Xuan frowned. He felt that there must be secret patterns in other laboratories in the entire experimental base, but the red dot monster was too strong. It wandered in the base and could not get out of the dilapidated ‘s laboratory.

“I don’t know if there are other ways to make people stronger. If you just rely on exercise, it’s too slow…”

Meng Xuan shook his head. In the past month, he has never relaxed the training of swordsmanship, but until now, his entry has been very slow. If he wants to reach the limit that Zhao Chuanwu said of wielding an iron knife to kill flies without hurting the glass, there is no tense. After several years of hard training, there is basically no hope.

If he can’t find any other way to strengthen himself, he can only grit his teeth and see if he can use some illegal conventional means to get a restricted-level weapon and kill the red dot monster.

Following the translation of the last part of the content, Meng Xuan saw some hope.

“The Twisted Elixir Ceremony…”

Meng Xuan slowly repeated this sentence.



At night, the world in the mirror, the laboratory.

Meng Xuan skillfully picked up the documents scattered on the ground, and directly skipped the research documents that seemed to be the preface. He began to look at the contents of pages similar to directories, and quickly found a string of familiar characters in his memory.

The meaning of this string of characters is the ritual of twisting the secret medicine.

This is a new content found by Meng Xuan in the content of the document similar to the foreword. Through translation, we know that this is a derivative technology of the Nelson people in the process of researching the twisted secret pattern, and maybe it is what he needs.

According to the page numbers in the catalogue, Meng Xuan quickly found the contents of the research section corresponding to the Twisted Secret Medicine Ritual in a stack of documents. In addition to the complex Nelson text, there are also a large number of images, paintings and very similar contents in this section. The structure diagram of the magic circle seen in the TV series.

Meng Xuan took a quick glance. Many images and paintings looked very familiar, as if they were things that existed in reality, which made him overjoyed.

“The ritual of twisting the secret medicine should be a special power acquisition method created by the Nelsons after analyzing the structure of the secret pattern and using its structural characteristics. The purpose is to use things in reality to popularize power. Many rituals are even ordinary people, as long as they will Strong enough to use too.”

Meng Xuan guessed, and then he began to calm down, and quickly memorized the relevant characters and maps of the first twisted secret medicine ceremony.

Time is limited, and the red dot monster will appear at an unknown time. He must memorize it as soon as possible. Fortunately, after a month of training, he has a deep understanding of the structural characteristics of Nelson’s words, and his memory is much faster than when he first started. .



A week later, Shahe Municipal Library.

In a week, Meng Xuan has successfully recorded all the relevant contents of the first secret medicine ceremony in the research materials, including a lot of graphic information similar to animal claws, animal organs, plants, and herbs. UU reading www.uukanshu . com is ready to translate and go to other floors of the library to find relevant information.

“In our research, we found that the structure of the secret pattern, just like our sacred writing, has some kind of natural mysterious properties, which reminds us of orthodox (unknown character) rituals…”

“Perhaps, we can use our past experience to create a corresponding new ritual type…”

“The experiment didn’t go well. The existence of (unknown characters) increased the risk of the experiment to (unknown characters), but we were not without gain…”

After a brief introduction, Meng Xuan got the name of the first secret medicine ceremony.

Strange feeling.

He was busy until the afternoon. After looking up the graphic information he didn’t know, Meng Xuan got the complete information of the whole “weird sense” secret medicine ceremony.

The paradoxical medicinal ritual is a simplified secret medicinal ritual based on the ‘extraordinary’ secret pattern. Its effect is to enhance some of the “sensory” abilities of ordinary humans, including nerve reflexes, body control, dynamic vision, etc. Including some wonderful intuitions like a sense of crisis, there will also be a slight improvement in physical fitness.

“Materials to prepare… 1 piece of Cohen lizard skin, 99 intact dried flies, 6 white candles, 1 tael of cat hair, 4 pieces of adult rabbit’s whole body blood, 1 cylindrical vessel, sparrow 4 pairs of eyeballs, half a catty of Ewein wood, 1 tael of quartz powder, some blood and water of the recipient, on the night of the full moon, draw ritual lines, raise a bonfire, light candles, recite secret words, and Ritual materials are boiled to a boil and then drunk…”

Looking at the steps of the ceremony, Meng Xuan thought a little, is this thing really drinkable? If you don’t drink it, you’ll get your braids up, right?

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