Twisted Realm

Chapter 11 - strength

At noon, Meng Xuan ordered a meat dish, a vegetarian dish, and two dishes at the small restaurant outside the library.

Twisted Assimilation Experiment.

Meng Xuan doesn’t know if there are any mistakes in his translation, but as the opening title of the whole series of documents is only a few characters, it should not involve too many grammatical and semantic changes, so Meng Xuan thinks this is very likely That’s what these characters mean.

As for the remaining few characters, because the number is too small to form a complete sentence, the meaning cannot be guessed.

“Maybe that document is really about the experimental data and records of the so-called ‘distorted assimilation experiment’. There are unknown knowledge hidden in it, and maybe it can also let me know what happened in that laboratory, and even the entire Nelson civilization… …”

Meng Xuan is more interested in the content of the document, and plans to continue working hard tonight, memorizing a few more characters, and maybe he can find more useful information.

After eating slowly while thinking, Meng Xuan returned to the library and began to read the research and literature related to the Nelson civilization.

Three hundred yuan can’t be paid in vain. The information here is much more complete than on the Internet.

Meng Xuan eagerly read various studies, speculations and legends about the Nelson civilization, and gained a deeper understanding of the mystery of the Nelson civilization.

“The huge mysterious civilization that disappeared overnight is really an amethyst with fatal attraction suspended in the long river of history…”

Meng Xuan sighed and looked at the simple hanging clock hanging on the wall of the library, the time had already pointed to three o’clock in the afternoon.

“This afternoon, the Daoshu Institute has a guided training class…”

Meng Xuan pondered for a while, wondering whether he should go to the Sword Art Museum.

The reason for his entanglement is that the leader of the class today should be Isis. This is the one who is the most difficult to get along with among the three leaders. It is said that the family has a background. The establishment of the swordsmanship hall was also in Isis. done with help.

This guy said he was in charge of the training class, but in fact, it was more like treating the students as a free person, and he was ruthless, often making people extremely embarrassed. Rich, but not everyone likes his class.

“Forget it, let’s go. Maybe you can improve your reaction ability with more practice, and maybe it will be good for dealing with the red-dotted monster in the mirror world.”

Meng Xuan thought, he packed up the books on the table, consciously returned the books to their original positions, and left the library.



Tianhe Sword Art Museum.

“The number of people you recruit is getting worse and worse. How many are there for the training class?”

With blond hair and a handsome face, Isis crossed his chest with his arms and said lightly as he looked at the Sword Art Hall to the four or five students, including Meng Xuan, who were standing sparsely wearing protective gear on the training ground.

“Take it easy.”

Zhao Chuanwu said lightly.

“Are you teaching me?”

Isis turned his head sharply and looked at Zhao Chuanwu calmly.

“not at all.”

Zhao Chuanwu frowned.

“It’s better. Put away your little actions. It’s better not to let me know what you have to do with Aisia. You need to know who your status in the North District comes from today.”

Isis sneered, without wearing protective gear, carrying a wooden knife, and walked over.

Zhao Chuanwu’s face was calm, and he didn’t seem to have any reaction.

“Come on, let’s go together, whoever hits me once will refund your tuition for one month.”

Holding a knife, Isis looked at a few students wearing protective gear and said.

Meng Xuan and several students looked at each other and slowly moved towards Isis with a wooden knife in hand.

And then they haven’t waited for their formation to close.

A stern look flashed in Isis’s eyes, he held a knife in both hands, stepped forward, and slashed out.

Chikun Saber Technique, Progressive Slash!


The wooden knife slashed heavily on the body of one of the students. He screamed, and was hit by a huge force and retreated three or four meters. He knocked down the knife holder on which the wooden knife was placed, and fell to the ground. howling.

Isis didn’t hold back at all!

Feeling the unbridled fierceness of Isis, Meng Xuan and the others immediately realized this, and they all stepped back in horror. They were very clear about the strength of the leader, and they could not be opponents even with protective gear Might get hurt.

However, without waiting for Meng Xuan and the others to retreat completely, Isis’s stab followed, hit the other’s abdominal protector, and made a dull sound, the student curled up like a prawn, screaming. vomited non-stop.

Then, Isis turned his gaze to Meng Xuan.

Meng Xuan felt as if he was being targeted by a poisonous snake. Zhao Chuanwu slashed with a five-kilogram iron knife and he had no chance to react, not to mention that Isis was holding a light wooden knife at this time.

A swift knife slashed towards Meng Xuan’s shoulder.


A low voice came, and another wooden knife arrived at the right time, holding Isis’s wooden knife.

Isis put away the knife pose, stood aside, and looked at Zhao Chuanwu coldly.

“Today’s class is here first, you all go back first. Those who are injured go to the hospital to have a look. UU Kanshu will bring the list back, and the Sword Art Museum will reimburse twice.”

Zhao Chuanwu looked at Isis calmly, and said lightly to Meng Xuan and the others.

Meng Xuan and the others looked at each other and felt that something was not quite right. He also hurriedly helped the student who fell to the ground, took off the protective gear, and hurriedly left the swordsmanship hall.

“Do you know what’s going on?”

Meng Xuan asked a few other students, the Tianhe Swordsmanship Museum and several leading martial arts are not as simple as they seem.

These students from ordinary families also shook their heads blankly.

Sitting on the bus home, Meng Xuan remembered what happened just now, and an inexplicable sense of humiliation flooded into his heart.

They are like irrelevant toys to vent their anger, they are as powerless as ants, and they can’t even express their anger.


Meng Xuan said softly, his eyes flickered, and he clenched his fists.



Jinhui Community, Shahe City, at home.

“Meng Xuan, why did you come back? Call you Uncle Li.”

Seeing Meng Xuan come back, Liu Wanru hurriedly greeted Meng Xuan.

Meng Xuan looked in the direction of the sofa, a middle-aged man with neatly combed hair and a very energetic looking man sat on the sofa, chatting and drinking tea with his father.

Next to the middle-aged man, there was a girl about his age, who was chewing gum and reading a book that he didn’t know whether it was a comic or a novel.

The girl wears fashionable clothes. It is not easy to see the design and the price of the brand. She wears a little makeup, and the foundation is not bad, so she looks very beautiful.

Seeing Meng Xuan come in, the girl glanced at Meng Xuan, then withdrew her gaze and continued to read the book in her hand.

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