Twisted Realm

Chapter 10 - translate

“He died again…”

In the real world, Meng Xuan, who seemed to freeze in front of the mirror, suddenly opened his eyes and stared blankly at himself in the mirror with the same inexplicable face.

This time, he still didn’t see exactly what killed him…

Looking at the obvious red mark on his face in the mirror, the pain of being killed just now reappeared in Meng Xuan’s senses.

“This monster must have extremely sharp blade-like organs, otherwise it would be impossible to cut off my skull so easily.”

Meng Xuan thought, then shook his head, he couldn’t die anyway, so let’s do it for now.

A feeling of soreness came from his hand, and only then did Meng Xuan realize that he was still holding the brick tightly in his hand…

He put down the brick in his hand, moved his sore arm, and hurriedly returned to his bedroom, took out a pen and paper, and copied over a dozen words that he had memorized accurately in the notebook.

Looking at the dozen or so characters on the notebook, he reconfirmed that he should not have mistaken the order of the characters. Meng Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. Next, he will see if these characters can be translated.


Friday afternoon.

“Meng Xuan! Where’s the mirror in the toilet?!”

Meng Xuan, who returned home after a boring day of classes, was greeted by his mother Liu Wanru’s questioning.

“It slipped while taking a shower and accidentally crashed.”

Meng Xuan rubbed his numb ears, and said casually. In fact, he was worried that the strangeness of the mirror would affect his family, so he took it down and wrapped it in newspaper before his mother came back and hid it under his bed.

“Ah? Why were you so careless? Did you get hurt?”

Liu Wanru was taken aback when she heard the words, she rushed forward and took Meng Xuan to look carefully.

“Look at how you were so careless, your face was scratched so badly, it turned red, but fortunately no wounds were left, otherwise how would you find your daughter-in-law after you’ve broken your face…”

Liu Wanru babbled worriedly.

“I’m fine. The mirror was broken and I lost it. Buy another one.”

Meng Xuan rubbed his ears. He couldn’t stand his mother’s nagging. He couldn’t do anything about it. It was insurance sales, which were all occupational diseases.

“As long as you’re okay, a broken mirror is worth a few dollars. Mom will send someone a new one tomorrow.”

Liu Wanru said.

“Is Dad coming back tonight?”

Meng Xuan put down his schoolbag and asked.

“I’ll be back later. Tomorrow night, your Uncle Li will be a guest at home. If you’re going to exercise, come back early.”

Liu Wanru said that she knew that Meng Xuan had to take a knife training class every weekend recently.

“Oh, I see.”

Meng Xuan responded, then walked towards the room.

After closing the door, Meng Xuan carefully removed the newspaper wrapped mirror from the bed.

There was no change in the mirror surface.

“It seems that after the death of the world in the mirror, it will take about a day for the black smoke in the eyes of the person in the mirror to condense and enter the world in the mirror again.”

Meng Xuan put his mind down, hid the mirror again, opened his schoolbag, and started to do his increasingly heavy homework.

Two hours later, Meng Xuan walked out of the room at Liu Wanru’s call. Father Meng Dongqi had already returned home and was sitting on the sofa watching the news when he saw Meng Xuan nodded and greeted him to help Liu Wanru set the plate.

The family sat around the dining table, which was filled with home-cooked dishes, such as seaweed egg soup with green onion, dried cauliflower pork belly, minced meat and sesame oil tofu…

Mother Liu Wanru couldn’t stop eating at all. She talked about strange incidents and clients she encountered while traveling on business, from hearsay of famous celebrities to scattered gossip in the streets.

Father Meng Dongqi has a taciturn temperament. Occasionally, in response to Liu Wanru’s words, he spends more time listening quietly and rarely expresses his opinion. When chatting with Meng Xuan, he is more concerned with academic performance.

Meng Xuan quietly picked up the rice in the bowl, and occasionally responded in a low voice, a faint inexplicable emotion brewing in his heart.

Both my father and mother are just ordinary citizens, the middle and lower classes of society. My mother hopes to be a doctor in the future, while my father hopes to become a respected lawyer. It doesn’t have to be too good. Highest expectations for yourself.

But he was on a very different path from their expectations, and was not ready to look back.

I can’t go the way they want me to go, but at least I want them to be safe.

Meng Xuan slowly chewed the food in his mouth and thought calmly.


On Saturday morning, Shahe Municipal Library.

Meng Xuan was speechless holding the one-month reading card in his hand. This stuff almost used up the rest of his family. He finally knew why the library was so deserted.

A reading card costs 300 yuan a month, and I can’t borrow it. I need to pay a certain amount of deposit depending on the value of the books. No one has the spare money to apply for a card.

However, as the saying goes, you get what you get for every penny. Expensive is a bit more expensive, but this is the largest library in Shahe City with the most comprehensive collection of books.

Basically, all kinds of bibliography can be found here, and even some rubbings of the original relics of ancient books can be found here. Generally, only those who really need knowledge will come here to apply for a card.

Compared with knowledge, 300 yuan seems too cheap.

Meng Xuan walked up to the sixth floor with his schoolbag on his back. Most of the books here are related to various languages, ancient sayings, and classics.

According to the search prompt on the hangtag on the sixth floor, Meng Xuan began to search for several dictionaries of Nelson-derived civilizations.

The derivative civilization of Nelson is not in the same era as Nelson. One is that it is a new civilization established by the surviving Nelson people, following the customs and cultural content of some ancient Nelson civilization; the other is that outsiders discovered the traces of Nelson civilization, Inherited their country and developed a new civilization.

There are a total of three Nelson-derived civilizations that have been discovered and studied so far. UUkanshu are the Hiltu civilization, the Zanggeri civilization, and the Sears civilization. These three civilizations are all located in today’s West. The area around the state is generally considered to be the ancestor of the Xizhou people.

Because these ancient civilization characters are very unpopular, there are very few dictionaries related to them, and they cannot be bought on the market. Meng Xuan also searched the Internet for a long time, only to know that there are rare books in the Shahe Municipal Library.

About half an hour later, Meng Xuan sat on the desk in the library, looked at the three tomes in front of him, and began to study it seriously.

The writing types of these civilizations do have many similarities with the writings he found in the mirror world, and they should indeed belong to the same writing system.

But even so, the translation is still more complicated than he imagined. He is not a professional, and he has no exact understanding of the ancient scripts of these three civilizations, and he is completely ignorant of the grammar of the ancient scripts.

Fortunately, he has the exact character image and sequence, which saves him a lot of hard work.

He took out the notebook that recorded the characters last night, and began to compare characters one by one.

With more than a dozen characters, it took Meng Xuan an entire morning to find the corresponding characters in several dictionaries with little difference in appearance.

Some of these characters represent different meanings, and the individual differences are quite big. Meng Xuan had to choose the meanings of the words that can be used as titles and combine them, and finally got a complete sentence.


Meng Xuan whispered to himself the meaning of words that might be related to the experimental project.

In the end he came up with a relatively precise sentence.

“Twisted Assimilation Experiment…”

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