Twisted Realm

Chapter 1 - whisper

Chinar, Lunan Province, Jinhui Community of Shahe City.

Two in the morning.

The dim moonlight is slowly falling, and the winter night is cold and windy, and the dim hanging street lights flicker gently, emitting a dim and uncertain yellow light.

A dark shadow flashed quickly under the flickering lights and disappeared deep into the densely populated residential area.


The two figures landed on the corner suddenly and lightly, like two cats, without making any sound.

“The signal disappeared?”

The slender female figure in the two looked at a radar-like display in her hand and said suspiciously.

“This **** thing works when it’s young, and it’s a waste of our energy.”

Another slightly burly male figure said.

“Forget it, the reaction should be a low-energy body. Maybe it will dissipate on its own after running for a certain distance. Let’s go.”

The female figure fiddled with the monitor for a long time, but no response appeared, so she said helplessly to the male figure.

“Okay, I don’t know what’s going on recently, there are more and more abnormal reactions…”

The male figure murmured, followed behind the female figure, flickered and jumped, disappeared, and the speed was simply not human-like.


The next morning.

Jinhui Community, Room 505, Building 63.

“Meng Xuan! You are still sleeping! Why don’t you get up and study soon!”

Meng Xuan was awakened by a roar.

Turning to look at the alarm clock, it was just after half past six.

He yawned, stretched his waist, rubbed his slightly dazed eyes, and removed the mucus from the corners of his eyes. Then he slowly got up and changed his clothes.

After receiving the second roar from his mother, Meng Xuan opened the bedroom door in a leisurely manner and walked out of the room.

“Breakfast is on the table for you, along with living expenses. Mom is going on a business trip. You can arrange it yourself these days, and you can call if you have anything.”

Liu Wanru, dressed in business attire, hurriedly put on her high heels and said to Meng Xuan. Before Meng Xuan could answer, she closed the door with a bang.

Seeing this, Meng Xuan shrugged. For a year, he has become accustomed to such days.

My father, Meng Dongqi, was a small worker in the Chengxi Machinery Factory. He worked in the after-sales department of the factory. When a customer called, he would go on a business trip, running around, and was away from home all year round.

My mother, Liu Wanru, is not much better. She works in sales for a small insurance company, and she is also the type that goes out all year round.

The only older sister is still in college and only goes home twice a year, so Meng Xuan has naturally become an intermittent left-behind child.

Meng Xuan shook his head, yawned and walked into the bathroom.

Squeeze the toothpaste into a **** shape and start cleaning the mouth up and down.

Looking at himself in the mirror on the sink.

The listless eyes, the fluffy hair that blew up from sleep, and the mouth full of white foam looked a bit decadent.

It’s time to cut my hair, it’s so troublesome to stick it up every morning…

Meng Xuan thought vaguely in a state of not fully awake yet.

He spit out the bloodshot toothpaste foam in one mouthful, gargles his mouth, wet his hands with water and press down the cocked hair on his head indiscriminately.

Meng Xuan picked up the towel and lowered his head to catch the water to wash his face.

“Meng Xuan…”

Suddenly, a faint hoarse voice came from his ear, like the chaotic audio of a radio tuning.

Meng Xuan had an inexplicable sense of being watched.

And the source of this feeling is…


Meng Xuan was awakened from sleep and suddenly raised his head.

Splashes of water splashed with stars, and on the mirror was a young face that was also mixed with a little bit of surprise.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Meng Xuan suddenly felt an indescribable sense of strangeness.

He winked at the mirror for a while, and the reflection in the mirror faithfully reproduced his movements without any abnormality.

“A hallucination?”

Meng Xuan patted his face and shook his head vigorously, thinking that maybe he had hallucinations due to lack of sleep, so he lowered his head and continued to wash his face.

What he didn’t notice was that the reflection in the mirror was condescending at this moment, looking at him with his head down and washing his face with indifferent eyes, the corners of his mouth slowly curved into an inexplicable arc.



After washing up, Meng Xuan put on a wide school uniform with blue stripes on a white background and sat at the dining table.

A cup of hot milk, a boiled egg, two slices of toast, and a piece of Eagle brand condensed milk next to it.

Under the condensed milk bottle, there was a bill, Meng Xuan picked it up and saw that it was one hundred yuan.

“I don’t know how many days I’m going to travel this time.”

Meng Xuan shook his head, put the money into the school uniform pocket, broke the egg and peeled it open, swallowed it into his mouth, and chewed it slowly.

Then he opened the Eagle brand condensed milk on one side, poured some of it into the milk, spread the two slices of toast all over, put them together, and took a bite.

The slightly crispy browning of toast and the sweet and greasy taste of condensed milk exploded on the taste buds. At this moment, taking another sip of sweet hot milk, Meng Xuan felt warm from the bottom of his heart.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

A new day begins.



Jinhui High School, Class Three and Two.

Before 7 o’clock, before the official class time, the class was full of chaos.

There is still one semester before the college entrance examination. Although I have to arrive at school half an hour earlier than other grades every day, the atmosphere in the class has not yet shown the tense feeling of the countdown to the college entrance examination.

“Meng Xuan, guess what happened to me yesterday?”

Just as he sat down on the seat, Liu Yuran, who was at the same table, raised his head mysteriously and said to Meng Xuan. UU reading


Meng Xuan sorted out the mountains of textbooks and exam questions on the table, and said without raising his head.

Liu Yuran was stunned when she heard the words, and then came back to her senses.

“Your uncle, be careful brother explodes you first!”

Liu Yuran raised the **** to Meng Xuan.

“I beat Lavatu’s BOSS yesterday with a flying attack, how’s it going? Are you envious?”

Liu Yuran said arrogantly.

“With more Ben Feitian, you can’t beat me even if you kill me, what’s there to envy?”

Meng Xuan said with a look of surprise.

What Liu Yuran said about Flying Lian Slash is a warrior skill in the popular game “Devil World”. It can’t be bought in the store. It can only be defeated by BOOS.

The value is the same, probably worth a hundred yuan.

Meng Xuan glanced at Liu Yuran. This guy’s dark circles were as heavy as panda eyes. At first glance, he picked up the leak all night long. Otherwise, with his combat power and skills, how could he possibly grab the boss.

“Whether you are strong or not is a matter of time, and whether you are handsome or not is a matter of a lifetime! What do you know! You can beat me, but are you as handsome as me?”

Liu Yuran roared in anger after being pricked.

The noisy sound of the two attracted the surrounding classmates. Although Meng Xuan was not interested, it did not mean that other people were not interested.

So a group of boys surrounded Liu Yuran, and Liu Yuran also took advantage of the situation to brag about it, from how hard he had guarded the boss, to the metaphysical method of taking off his whole body equipment and kicking him to death with a contracted beast when the boss had the last trace of blood, which attracted the class. The envy of a large number of game lovers.

Meng Xuan tidying up his desk, listening to the lively discussion of these young guys, suddenly felt a faint sense of loneliness.

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