Tremble! White-eyed Wolf

Chapter 176

Chapter 175: Gu Master Princess 9

“This…” The eldest prince hesitated, although he knew that the national teacher could not make him immortal, but she could preserve her father’s youth for ten years, and she would certainly be able to preserve herself.

Thinking of this, he defended: “I am afraid that the royal father has misunderstood, and the national teacher is loyal to Dafeng, how can he plot against it?”

The old emperor was furious: “Rebel! You don’t even listen to what I have to say? I will call all the ministers to abolish you!”

Everyone look at me, I look at you, and in the end they all saluted truthfully: “Yes—”

“Nizi! Nizi!” The old emperor was so angry that he tried to remember and teach him a lesson, but his body couldn’t keep up. Not only did he not get up, but he was so tired that he was out of breath.

Only then did the eldest prince deeply feel how corrupted his body was, and couldn’t help showing a proud smile on his face: “Father, the emperor will take care of his body, and my son will come to see him another day. you.”

After he finished speaking, he left without waiting for his answer.

“Reverse son! Rebellious son!” The old emperor slapped the bed board and cursed, but unfortunately he can’t speak now, and the words he scolded can only be heard by a few people who are waiting in front of him, even in this room. stay home.

He looked around the people in the room, but they all avoided his sight, obviously he had made his own choice in his heart.

But in the eyes of the old emperor, they all betrayed him, he said angrily: “You bastards, get out of here!”

Seeing that they were leaving so happily, the old emperor was even more panicked and had a feeling of being out of breath. Unfortunately, at this time, he had already driven away all the people who were serving him. It didn’t give him comfort either.

Do I really want to die like this?

The old emperor was in despair, tore the clothes on his chest weakly with both hands, and his fingertips suddenly touched something cold. In his chaotic mind, he suddenly remembered that it was the medicine bottle that the witch had given him before.

Because he was worried about her conspiracy, he was going to arrest people and torture them before deciding whether to use this medicine or not. Now that he has tasted the taste of death, he can’t care so much.

The old emperor opened the porcelain bottle with trembling hands, almost lost his grip several times, and finally swallowed it in his mouth before he took his last breath. Disappeared, he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he soon discovered that this medicine was as the witch said, it could only keep him from dying, and the healthy and energetic body before was never to be thought of again.

On the other side, the eldest prince looked sad, but in fact he returned to the Prince’s Mansion happily, waiting for his father to take the throne.

“About twenty years or so.” Ying Lan casually dropped a heavy bomb.

“What?” The eldest prince turned pale in shock, “Didn’t the national teacher say before that the father and the emperor are nearing the end of his life, and the oil is exhausted? Why does he say that there are still twenty years?”

“The emperor asked me for medicine, and I gave him a longevity pill.” Ying Lan said calmly.

“You can give it what you want?” The eldest prince stood up in a hurry, not even caring about his honorary title, and complained faintly, “Twenty years, do you have to wait two more years? ten years?”

Discuss with orphans?”

“The emperor has an order, I can’t help it, right?” Ying Lan said innocently.

“You—” The eldest prince wanted to scold her, but he didn’t dare because he didn’t know her methods. Besides, it’s not a bad thing for her to obey the father, at least when he ascended the throne After that, don’t worry about the national teacher not obeying orders.

But what should I do? In this case, can he still wait until the day he succeeds to the throne?

The eldest prince came from his heart for a while, and almost cried with a “wow”.

Ying Lan had seen enough of his face-changing show, so she raised a soft point: “The prince wants to succeed the throne, why not discuss with the cabinet?

“Yes! Why didn’t you think of it?” The eldest prince’s eyes lit up in an instant, “I will go to discuss with all the adults, thank the national teacher for reminding.”

Then, unable to wait for her response, he hurried away.

Ying Lan looked at his back and felt a little funny. Even with this mental method, he wanted to seek a high position, and it was thanks to his younger brothers that all bravely died.

However, the previous emperor was not easy to act, and the future emperor will only be more aggrieved. I hope he can bear it.

The eldest prince soon convened the cabinet to discuss the matter of enthroning the father emperor as the supreme emperor and ascending the throne himself.

Of course, he was not stupid enough to bring it up by himself, but borrowed from a cabinet member who is usually close They all passed with a face “as it should be”.

The eldest prince was stunned for a moment. He had planned to make one rejection, another rejection, and three rejections. He forgot about it, but before he could react, the matter was settled like this.

Although the process of wrangling is a little less, there is always a feeling of emptiness of fists in cotton, but he is still very happy to get what he wants.

In just one month, the eldest prince ascended the throne and became the new emperor, while the old emperor was moved out of the original palace and moved to the depths of the harem to live with the concubines.

Although the old emperor was able to save his life, he still looked trembling. He spent most of the day lying in bed, and occasionally he wanted someone to help him when he wanted to go out.

He is just the emperor now. When he was in power, he was mean, and the people under his opponents treated him harshly. Now that he is out of power, those who serve are not very dedicated, and they have suffered in secret. Don’t be cold.

No one tried so hard to please him, even to drink water several times before someone came to pour him, and the words were very disrespectful.

Because he always dominated the throne before and refused to let go of power, the new emperor complained a lot about him. After he ascended the throne, he rarely came to visit, and even if he came, he didn’t have the patience to listen to his words. If you speak eloquently, there is no chance to complain.

The palace maids and eunuchs became bolder when they saw this situation. They used to be just a little neglected by the waiters, but slowly they even dared to be harsh on his food. Some people even played tricks on him because of his slow response. .

The former emperor ended up being bullied by the minions, and although he always looked like he was about to die, he would get sick and hurt, but he couldn’t die, and I don’t know that he regretted it for so long No life?

As for the new emperor, after he ascended the throne as he wished, he did not master the power of life and death as he imagined, and he has lived a life of doing whatever he wants.

In fact, after ascending the throne, it is no different from when he was a prince. Government affairs are still handled by the cabinet as before, and his opinions can only represent his own vote.

To say something different, he used to have only one vote, but now he has two.

Where is the new emperor willing to let his power be emptied? Immediately, the cabinet turned its face and said that it would be withdrawn.

But those cabinet members only voted on his proposal once, and after the rest voted against it, the matter was over.

Thinking about the failure of the text, the new emperor secretly prepared to come to the military, but neither the Guards nor the generals he had brought up would obey his orders.

Then he panicked, feeling that both the dragon chair under his seat and his own life were in jeopardy, and he secretly cultivated his confidants, preparing to take back his power.

But the plan soon went bankrupt because he ran out of money.

As the monarch of a country, he would be short of money to spend, which is a big joke in the world. The new emperor was angry and asked the cabinet to protest.

However, they ignored it at all, and they also said that the emperor’s monthly expenses will be fixed in the future, whether it is raising a wife, raising children, or where he wants to spend it.

In short, there is only so much money, and it will be gone when it is spent.

The new emperor’s protest was invalid, so he went back and calculated an account, and came to a very sad result.

Of course, if he saves a little, it is also possible to reduce the expenses of concubines and princes, but can he do such a thing? Is the royal face still needed?

Only then did the new emperor know that the throne was not as easy to sit on as he thought, and what was even worse was that he didn’t know who he was being raised by after he was raised.

Although the cabinet has the head of the cabinet, it does not have absolute power. It is not a matter of anyone here, and all major events are decided by everyone’s vote.

The Praetorian Guard and the Border Garrison only listen to the orders of the Cabinet. He can decide who will protect him, but he has no right to order them to do things for him.

The most important thing is that the monthly salary is not issued by him…

The new emperor found that the Manchu dynasty was all his people and all his enemies.

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