Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Liang Yiluo sighed slightly. He had just accumulated his power for a long time, and used the method of drawing swords to use the magical swordsmanship. The power and speed were excellent. He wanted to behead the famous He Mao with a single blow, but he failed. Up.

Since you didn’t die in one blow, let’s see the onmyoji technique!

Seeing that he can still make an enchantment in that situation, he looks like me, but he is also ready to act first, so he exclaimed. Liang Yiluo didn’t relax. This person seems to be very stupid, but how easy is it for a person who can mix in this world and mix well?

The sword aura was so powerful, but it scared the celebrity He Mao into a cold sweat. If the reaction was slower just now, if the sword was cut on the body, it would really be dead.

“Return to life! Originally not born! Tathagata! Great vow! Void and nothing! Everything Tathagata!” Quickly recite the mantra, purify the body and mind, and calm down.

Liang Yi had no time to go to regret, taking advantage of the smoke and dust in the hall, rushed to the place where the celebrity He Mao dodge just now.

“Return to life! Strong and strong! Diamond Wall! Horror! Destroy!” The rapid chanting sounded, and with the curse seal and charms, Celebrity He Mao quickly took care of it.

A sword slashed and hit the enchantment, and there was a metal crash.

Liang Yi was not annoyed when he saw the celebrity He Mao stepped back quickly, slashed too sharply in his hand, and the power of Origin was blessed inside his body. A burst of great power came, and the enchantment was smashed in three or two strokes.

Celebrity He Mao was panicked when the enchantment was broken. He knew the barrier that was blessed by Lingyan and knew its protective power. He thought that he could stop it and gave him more time to resort to the means, but he didn’t expect it. So vulnerable.

Seeing that there was a slight distance between himself and Liang Yiluo, Celebrity He Mao felt a little relieved.

“Return to life! Firm and firm! Diamond King Kong! Firm and firm!…Ah!!!” Lips flipped up and down, chanting curse quickly, but suddenly screamed…

Liang Yiluo split the enchantment and saw that the famous He Mao was about to chant another curse, sneered, a momentary movement, a sword slashed on him, and a huge wound was drawn straight from the waist to the chest!

Celebrity He Mao knew that it was a critical moment. One carelessness would cost his life and endure the severe pain. The initial meditation spell was still working, “…the bondage! Horror! Destroy!” he shouted, Finally read the spell.

Liang Yiluo felt a thrust coming, but it was the expansion of the enchantment from the inside out, pushing him out. The enchantment was not the same as before. Although the scope was large, there was only one side, but what appeared this time was a three-dimensional. The triangular shape protects the celebrity He Mao up and down.

At the same time, Liang Yiluo felt that as he approached the enchantment, his own speed had also decreased, and even swiping the knife was as sticky as it was in deep water.

Liang Yiluo’s eyes lit up, and this time the enchantment finally looked like something like that. Using the power of his origin with his left hand, a blood-colored flame ignited in his hand and waved towards the barrier.

There was no sound, the blood flame just burned quietly on the enchantment.

Celebrity He Mao was frightened. Seeing the blood flame on Liang Yi’s hand, he instinctively felt bad, but what happened afterwards made him hesitate. The blood flame seemed mysterious and terrifying, except for the enchantment. Quietly burning, there is no other effect, even the connection world he can feel that it has not been weakened.

At this time, I couldn’t think too much about it. Celebrity He Mao quickly treated his wounds with onmyoji, and then began to summon the spells that had been prepared to be pasted everywhere in the hall. These spells were prepared just in case, but what happened just now was so fast that he didn’t have time to use them.

The blood flame used by Liang Yiluo is only to attach to the barrier, so that his soul can analyze the barrier, so as to completely “transcend” it. This is his plan for the future, and perhaps he will encounter it as Yin and Yang. The enemy of the teacher, it seems that this enchantment should also be very advanced in the onmyoji technique. Now that you have completely cracked it, when you encounter the onmyoji in the future, most of their enchantments will be described as empty in front of you. Compared with the endless concept of nature, this enchantment is really not worth mentioning. Through the feedback information, it can be resolved quickly.

The mantra was quickly read, and countless spells lighted up on the walls around the main hall. In the next moment, countless dog gods and floating spirits appeared! These shikigami are driven by the Onmyoji, whether it is a siege or blocking is very useful, although the strength is not high, but the victory lies in the large number, which is annoying!

A floating spirit takes the lead and rushes towards Liangyiluo. These floating spirits are dead people. If they don’t believe that they are dead, or have nostalgia for the world, they will wander in the world and be easily caught by the onmyoji. Make a shikigami. Facing the phantom humanoid that was approaching, Liang Yiluo cut it in half with a knife. A stern scream was reminded, like a demon, bursts of blue smoke floated out of the humanoid.

This scream was like a signal. Shikigami swarmed up, surrounded the two instruments, and attacked frantically. For a time, the sword was overflowing, and the screams continued, like a ghost in the world!

“Return to life! Hold the lotus flower! Not empty! Zunshengfu ! Appear Appear! Holy Wrath Whisperer! Fudo Mingwang! Appears the fire spirit!” Of course He Mao celebrity knows that these shikigami can’t kill Liangyiluo. , This is just to let them entangle him with numbers, so as to give themselves a great opportunity!

As the spell was finished, a group of scarlet flames floated in front of Celebrity He Mao. Its color was deep, like a red lotus fire. “Hahahahaha! Boy, go to hell!” Celebrity He Mao’s brows were sore from the wound. Together, his eyes were bloodshot, and he shouted frantically.

With both hands swiftly waving, the flames that resemble red lotus, turning from static, directed towards the two instruments surrounded by Shikigami!

“Boom—” The sound was like thunder. One wall of the main hall was bombarded by the path of flames, and a huge gap appeared. After the flames blasted through the wall, they went straight ahead for tens of meters. Everything that was blocked along the way was destroyed, and the gods were also affected by this. More than half of the casualties in a different blow!

“Ha, ha !” The celebrity He Mao panted heavily, his body swayed, as if he would fall at any time. This type of technique was very reluctant to use. If it weren’t for the enchantment still existed, the flames The sound waves caused by the might of him will aggravate his injuries.

However, it was all worthwhile. Looking at the dark road burned by the flames in front of me, bursts of blue smoke emerged from the ground, making a “Zizi” sound, and then the figure wielding the sword disappeared without a trace.

“Hahaha ha ha, boy, this is the end of being right with me.” The voice was hoarse and unpleasant, and the excitement was beyond words. This time it was careless. I was taken the lead by this kid. I was crushed and beaten when I came up. I almost lost my life. Fortunately, fortunately, I was the one who won in the end!

“What are you laughing at? Idiot!” A faint sarcasm came from above.

“Qua ” The ugly laughter came to an abrupt end like a duck pinched by its throat. Celebrity He Mao stared at the top of his head in a daze, and saw Liang Yi falling upside down and standing upside down, with his feet on the roof under his head, like a nocturnal bat.

At the moment when the flames erupted, Liang Yiluo jumped up in an instant. Although that magical technique was powerful, it was not enough to face such extremely fast people!

Of course, even if the technique hits him, he still knows his own immortality very well, and there will be no big deal. But it is inevitable to suffer some skin and flesh.

“Well, the game is over, get ready to die!” Liang Yi said coldly.

A comfortable feeling came from the bottom of my heart, but finally the enchantment was broken down.

Hmph, if it weren’t for the power of onmyoji, so that I could have a long experience, I would have killed you a long time ago. Now, onmyoji has been seen, and the enchantment has been fully understood, and your effect will be gone. !

Thinking, but my heart moved!

In the stunned He Mao celebrity, the **** flames that burned on the barrier spread rapidly, spreading over the entire barrier within an instant, the next moment the flame seemed to have never appeared before, quietly disappeared, and at the same time disappeared. , And the tripartite enchantment that he thinks is very powerful!

Item 0009

“Why? What’s going on?” Celebrity He Mao cried out in panic when the barrier that protected him disappeared strangely.

The enchantment disappeared, and the enemy was not far away. The celebrity He Mao was cold in his heart. Now his spiritual power is exhausted, and now he is not much stronger than an ordinary person, standing tremblingly in place.

‘Also…what else can I do? Is there any other way? ? ! The head is turning rapidly, hoping to find a way to crack the mortal situation in front of him.

‘Right, there is that thing! But…’ After hesitating for a while, the famous He Mao celebrity took his heart seriously, ‘the ancestors and ancestors are on the top, now is the moment of distress for my He Mao family, for the sake of my He Mao family’s descendants, I have to do so…’

After thinking about it, the celebrity He Mao didn’t look back, turned around and ran to the back of the main hall. At the same time, he continued to summon the shikigami, praying that these shikigami would continue to play a role and buy time for himself!

Seeing that Liang Yiluo turned and ran away, the empty door on his back opened wide. With the distance between the two of them, he could definitely kill with one blow!

Just when he was about to kill with a sword, he suddenly remembered the task of slashing demons and killing people mentioned by Qingshan Yehe. Killing, people are right in front of you, but where is the demon?

Thinking of that old man can be said to have a lot of magical powers to a certain extent, he would not make such a mistake, and his words would not be aimless, so it seemed that this task still fell on the famous He Mao. Seeing him running in one direction so decisively, it seemed that he had some back-ups, but after thinking about it in Liangyi, this was mostly the content of the assignment task given by the old man.

Thinking about it this way, Liang Yiluo gave up the idea of ​​killing him now, letting him escape on his own. As for He Mao’s second player, although he will treat it with dignity, he doesn’t really care about it.

After two years of training, Liang Yi has become more and more aware of his desire to fight. Every time he fights against a strong enemy, his body is throbbing with excitement and excitement. From the first fight with wild beasts, to Extreme training, in the situation that seems to be dying next moment, what I feel in my heart is not fear or panic, but enthusiasm. Every time I fight, I feel like taking drugs, and I feel like there is a voice in my heart. Is urging myself to defeat him, to surpass him!

At first, Liang Yiluo was surprised at this internal change of herself. You must know that as a harmless and harmless otaku in the previous life, after breaking the shackles of those social rules on her, she would release such crazy thoughts. , If this was before him, he wouldn’t even dare to think about it! He had also doubted whether it was the influence of his own origin on his unconscious assimilation, but he couldn’t find the reason after groping, and he was relieved. This kind of change, his soul clearly told him, it was delightful and longing. , Then, just let the flow go!

Liang Yiluo gave up and kills the celebrity He Mao now. For him, Qingshan Yehe’s task of apprenticeship only takes up a part of it. The bigger reason is that he wants to face a powerful enemy, so as to enjoy the battle and enjoy the pleasure of it. !

The charms on the wall of the main hall lighted up again, and the shikigami began to appear one by one, but the total amount was a lot less than before. It seems that because the blow of the famous He Mao not long ago destroyed part of the wall. So much so that many spells have failed.

Liangyiluo walked leisurely among the Shijin group like playing, and several Shijin howling to death with every step. For these weak guys, he didn’t care, but he felt that the celebrity He Mao had already run a certain distance, and it was about the same, so he stopped playing.

“Shen Mingliu, Bailie Sakura Huazhang!” I saw Liangyi’s hand with a swipe of the sword, and countless swords were scattered, and the sword was small, like a cherry blossom floating down, accompanied by a young man in the cherry blossom group. The sword dance, if people see it, it will be admired. But in this poetic and picturesque beauty, what is contained is the most ferocious killing!

The cherry blossoms drifted, seeming to be slow and fast, centered on Liangyiluo, and rapidly revolving around him. For a time, it formed a tornado of sword gas and cherry blossoms. The Liangyiluo at the eye of the wind didn’t even have a piece of clothing. Floating, but the shikigami couldn’t resist it for an instant, the screams of the floating spirits, and the wailing of the dog gods.

The storm continued to spread, engulfing the entire hall, and the walls of the hall could not resist the violent tearing. The curse on the hall went out, and the entire hall was engulfed in a shredder, with endless sakura-like sword energy. Tear to pieces! Only the roar of the violent wind and the scattered sounds of ‘squeak’ are left in the entire hall!

The storm gradually subsided. I don’t know when, the dark clouds have dissipated, and the moon’s brilliance shines again. Except for the place where Liangyi falls, it’s clean, and there are countless bricks and shingles around. This is very important to He Mao’s family. The palace has completely disappeared.

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