Time is slow

Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Rarely Confused

Chapter 25 Rarely Confused

“Have you fainted?” Mrs. Jiang stared at Mrs. Deng, her right eye pupil was covered with a layer of white shading, staring at people like this made people feel nervous.

Mrs. Deng was a young widow and had seen many storms, so of course she was unaffected and nodded, “Yes, I fainted.”

Mrs. Jiang sneered: “Oh, I don’t care whether she fainted or died, Li Fu can’t keep her!”

She stared at Mrs. Deng with her blindfolded eyes again, her mouth tightened, and her decree lines were particularly deep: “Brother and sister, I know you are soft-hearted, but this kind of thing cannot be tolerated. If the third girl’s disappearance is not reported, It’s enough to make up a reason for the death of illness to cover up the past, but I didn’t hide it at the time. The reputation of Lifu has been affected these days. Of course, it is not that there are no lost children in the various houses in the capital over the years. If it was a girl, she was tired at the time The reputation of the family is forgotten after a long time. But the third girl should never have been wrong, she is back! Brother and sister, she is your granddaughter, but your granddaughter is not the only one! She came back alive, and she is still Ladies from the Li Mansion, how will other girls marry in the future?”

Seeing Mrs. Deng’s silence, Mrs. Jiang said coldly, “As long as she stays in the mansion for one day, others will criticize her for a day, and we will never be able to raise our heads in the house!”

Mrs. Deng remained silent.

Mrs. Jiang was a little surprised, raised her eyebrows, and looked at her with her normal eyes: “Brother and sister, you have so many granddaughters, and it’s not that you don’t like to see the third girl the most on weekdays, why are you still reluctant? If you can’t be cruel, I will Come out and be this villain. No matter what, the three girls can’t stay!”

Mrs. Jiang’s resolute attitude was not as expected by Mrs. Deng. After she finished getting angry, Mrs. Deng explained: “I understand the painstaking efforts of Xiangjun, that evil obstacle is indeed a disgrace to the Lifu. But the matter is not It’s as bad as everyone thinks, although she was kidnapped by human traffickers, she was rescued by Li Shenyi on the way—”

“Doctor Li?”

“Yes, it’s the genius doctor that Tzu Zeng praised himself today.”

“How is this possible!” Mrs. Jiang couldn’t believe it.

Mrs. Deng smiled: “Today, Li Shenyi personally sent the third girl back, and the neighbors saw it.”

“Could it be that someone pretended to be?” Mrs. Jiang still didn’t believe it.

“It’s still possible to pretend to be someone else, Xiangjun, what kind of character is Li Shenyi? If you dare to pretend, you won’t be taken immediately by those omniscient Jinlinwei adults!”

The shadow of a person’s famous tree, blatantly pretending to be a celebrity, it is risky.

Old Madam Jiang clearly understood this truth, and she slowed down with a stern expression on her face.

Mrs. Deng felt a little relieved, and said earnestly: “You think, Li Shenyi personally sent the three girls back. Let’s send the three girls away again. That won’t make the genius doctor unhappy.”

This is clearly doubting the character of a genius doctor, and it is extremely unwise to offend a genius doctor.

As a daughter of the royal family, Mrs. Jiang had more interactions with the royal family and nobles than Mrs. Deng, and had a deeper understanding of Li Shenyi’s position in the hearts of those nobles.

She finally let go: “That’s it, let’s wait and see. In the future, the three girls don’t have to go to the school. You keep her in the yard to attract people’s attention!”

Even if the third girl was rescued by the genius doctor, she could not deal with it immediately because of the genius doctor’s face, but the eyes of the world are sharp, and the third girl will not be able to marry in the future.

For a girl who is destined to not marry, in Mrs. Jiang’s eyes, it is no different from a piece of chess.

After Madam Deng said her goodbyes, Madam Jiang shook her head and sneered as she looked at the back of her leaving.

This Mrs Deng still protects her shortness so much, she is so confused!

Mrs. Deng temporarily stabilized Mrs. Jiang, sighed secretly, and before she returned to Qingsongtang to drink a sip of hot tea, she heard the maid come to report: “Old lady, the second wife asks to see you.”

Mrs. Deng frowned and said, “Please come in the second lady.”

After a while, the bead curtain was lifted and a woman in her early thirties walked in.

The second wife, Mrs. Liu, is the second daughter-in-law of Mrs. Deng. Three years ago, the second master, Li Guangshu, left the house with a pair of daughters.

She came in for the ceremony, poured a cup of tea and handed it to Madam Deng, and said, “Madam, my daughter-in-law is really surprised to hear that the third girl is back.”

“You didn’t go to Yahe Garden?”

“Go, my sister-in-law said that the three girls are not feeling well and it is not convenient to meet people.” Speaking of the word “sister-in-law”, Mrs. Liu curled the corners of her lips.

Xifu’s eldest daughter-in-law, Mrs. He, is a continuation string. She is younger than her, and her brain is even more unclear. Mrs. Liu has always despised her.

Mrs. Deng knows Liu’s mentality, but it is difficult to continue, and He himself is not up to his expectations. It is impossible for her to be a mother-in-law to stand for He because of this.

Cough, with He’s temperament, it was really too forgiving that she didn’t step on it.

“Old Madam, have you just returned from the East Mansion? What did the Xiangjun say?” Mrs. Liu was obviously looking for news.

Mrs. Deng looked incomprehensible: “Xiangjun? She thinks that the third girl is really lucky to meet a noble.”

“that’s it?”

Mrs. Deng said with a smile: “Uh, I know you care about the third girl as an aunt, and feel sorry for her suffering. But you can’t get used to that evil too much. What kind of ginseng and bird’s nest are you giving? If you are really worried, go back and send some white fungus. It’s like beeswax.”

Liu Shi was almost out of breath.

Who wants to give ginseng bird’s nest?

That **** even dares to come back after her innocence is gone. If she is aspiring and knowledgeable, she should quietly throw herself into the river to clean up!

On weekdays, Mrs. Deng disliked the third girl very much. Mrs. Liu never expected such a thing to happen to Li San, and the old lady had such an attitude.

The old lady shouldn’t be evil, right?

Liu Shi said angrily: “Old Madam, it’s true that I feel sorry for the three girls, but I feel more sorry for Jiao’er and the others. None of the girls in our house are married. When the three girls encounter such a thing, our house There is no answer yet, what should the world think?”

After Mrs. Liu finished speaking, she didn’t see Mrs. Deng’s response. She raised her eyes to see that Mrs. Deng was squinting. After drinking the tea in her hand, Mrs. Liu looked at her meaningfully and said: ” Mrs. Liu, you are still young and don’t understand. The perception of the world is changing too fast.”

The world’s view is that important is also important, but it is not important. Sometimes it’s better to be shit.

Mrs. Deng pulled her two sons to grow up, and knew better than anyone that if she lived according to the world’s vision, she would not be able to live long ago.

She doesn’t like the third girl, but the third girl is still a child, and even the genius doctor who met by chance is willing to give the third girl a way to live. Could she be the grandmother and put the third girl to death for the sake of the world’s opinion?

Today, she can kill the third girl for the world’s opinion, and who will she kill tomorrow because of the world’s opinion?

“But—” Mrs. Liu couldn’t hear it, and wanted to say more, but heard the sound of shallow breathing from Mrs. Deng.

The old lady fell asleep quickly!

Liu’s face was blue as he walked away.

Now my memory is too bad, and I forgot to mention that Qingyun, the big maid who appeared yesterday, was made a cameo by the star of the book friends group. I would like to thank Yuan Xiaoqin for the He Shibi (more thanks will be added after it is on the shelves), the God of Wealth jar for the spicy shrimp ball, the peach fan for sissichenxi, the sachet for Murong Xueluo, Xia Ziqing, Yu Shengxiang Love, ink color Mercury retrograde, Yun Xingchun is gone, I am Daluo Jinxian, ㈤ Moon VIVI, Moon Shadow * Luo Yi, the most loved peace symbol of Gardenia Fragrance, thanks to the book friends who voted for the recommendation.

(end of this chapter)

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