Time is slow

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Memories

Chapter 18 Memories

The scene of that day is vivid in her mind. She still remembers the cold wind on the city wall, the rough and strong hands of the people behind it, and the smirks of the Tartars.

But when she was sitting in the carriage slowly heading north, and hearing people mention the man again, she really couldn’t bear any resentment.

The guards escorted her to the north as if it was just yesterday. On the way, they met the Tartar skirmishers who had been defeated and fled. There were only three or five people, and they were still embarrassed. There was a terrifying green light in his eyes.

The soldiers wiped out the Tartars and rescued the two women who were harmed. One of them died after a while, and the other was covered in bruises and bruises.

She was really angry at that time, only to know that the flowers and brocades are only in the capital, and further north, or the coastal areas in the south, what you see is the real life of the people.

The gorgeous coat of the Celestial Empire has long been fragile, covering the riddled holes in the beams.

So, she listened to the soldiers tell the story of General Shao.

They said that the first time General Shao came to Northland, he was only fourteen years old. At that time, General Shao was seriously ill, and the battle reports of Daliang’s army’s successive defeats were passed to Beijing one by one and presented to the imperial case.

It was at that time that Shao Mingyuan, the second son of the fourteen-year-old Jingan Hou, stood up and volunteered to go to the north to fight for his father.

General Shao’s first battle was with the Northern Qi army who were massacred in the village.

That battle was General Shao’s famous battle. Afterwards, countless people praised him for being young and promising, but only three or five soldiers who survived the battle remember how General Shao led dozens of people to face more than a hundred people. Northern Qi Army.

The physical fitness of Daliang’s army is far from that of the Northern Qi army on horseback. In recent years, no matter which famous general sits in Beidi, he is in a position of passive beating. At the end of the battle, General Shao almost became a **** man, and his cronies advised him to flee first. He only said one sentence: I will not leave the back of turning around and fleeing to Tartar, so that Tartar thinks that the men of Daliang are all boneheads. , can wantonly humiliate the people of my Daliang.

Later, “The wolf will not die, the Tartar will not be destroyed, and it will never return home” became General Shao’s creed. His big marriage was only after the old General Shao begged the emperor to pass the imperial decree, and then the people were called back.

Qiao Zhao still remembered what the lieutenant advised her carefully: “Madam, don’t be mad at the general, although I’m sorry for you to lead the army on the day of the general’s wedding, but you don’t know, if he arrives one step later, he doesn’t know how much. The common people died tragically, and there are even more women like these two women today. We generals are actually softer than anyone else…”

Along the way, Qiao Zhao heard more about the man.

He used to lie in the snow for a day and a night, in order to rescue the young children who were kidnapped by the Tartars and used as a reserve ration; he once crossed the Songjiang River from the ice and attacked and killed the Tartars who cut off the heads of the people in Daliang and used them as wine jugs The leader; he also took away his army salaries and bought clothes to add a cotton coat to the women who were insulted by the Tartars.

The lieutenant choked with tears and said, “People in the world only remember the general’s infinite beauty, but we remember the general’s pain. The general once said that he tried his best to live up to the people of his family and country, but he was sorry for you alone. Northland is stable…”

The lieutenant didn’t say more, but Qiao Zhao understood.

Such a man who shed his last blood and tears for the people of the North, how could she hate him?

She was just… a little annoyed.

She heard his story along the way, why is his arrow so fast?

The girl held her cheeks and looked out the window. The warm sun reflected her face translucent, making her look white and delicate, but her temperament was very pure, which made those who stared at her feel calm.

Doctor Li looked at her like this, and the sense of familiarity became stronger.

After a while, he opened his mouth: “What do you think, girl Li?”

Qiao Zhao returned to his senses and replied honestly: “It’s just in a daze.”

Li Shenyi’s mouth twitched.

It is rare to see people who can say “in a daze” so confidently.

is also getting more and more…like…

Girl Li and Girl Qiao are similar in every way. What’s more, when he first saw Girl Li, he found out that she had the symptoms of detachment from the soul, and Girl Qiao didn’t stay safe in the north as he thought, but she was already dead—

Li Shenyi’s palms were sweaty and his heart beat fast.

Is that possible?

He knows that this speculation is shocking, and he would never dare to think in this direction when it is put on others, but he is different. In recent years, he has been researching this!

Li Shenyi cleared his throat and said tentatively, “Girl Li, who are you in your family?”

Qiao Zhao was a little surprised, Li Shenyi is not someone who is interested in the shortcoming of parents.

She searched the information that Li Zhao left her in her mind, and replied: “Grandfather has long since passed away, and there are grandmother, parents and brothers and sisters at home.”

Li Shenyi touched his nose.

Does this mean that you didn’t say it? Who doesn’t have these people at home, and they didn’t pop out of the cracks in the rocks.

Looking at the little girl’s calm appearance, Li Shenyi was even more unsure, and reluctantly asked again: “Have you heard of General Shao before, girl Li?”

Qiao Zhao was stunned for a moment, and he thought about it from the perspective of the little girl Li Zhao, and said, “I’ve heard about it for a long time.”

Since Shao Mingyuan’s first expedition, he has become the most dazzling general star, shining in the sky of the beam for seven or eight years, and who has never heard of it.

Li Shenyi sighed in his heart.

Maybe it’s because you are over-hearted?

Or maybe, he wished so much that the bright and open-minded child was still alive.

Putting down the idea of temptation, Li Shenyi grabbed a green fruit from the fruit bowl and took a bite.

“Bah ah ah, my teeth are sour!”

The bitten green fruit was thrown out of the window, and a scream came after a neat arc was drawn.

“Stop, stop! Who is such a thing, throwing fruit from the window?”

Qiao Zhao put down the curtains of the carriage, took the opportunity to take a look out, and saw a strong man chasing the carriage with one hand covering his forehead, provoking passers-by to stop and watch, and then jumped off a guard from the carriage, and did not know how to explain it. Something, the strong man left with a satisfied look.

The    guard returned, and the companion next to him asked in a low voice, “How much money did you pay this time?”

The guard said with a numb expression: “Don’t mention it, and sprinkled two taels of silver.”

The companions next to him sighed one after another. The road in their hearts is difficult. Let the old ancestor in the car continue to toss, and they should **** their swords.

The leading guard said with a heavy expression: “Speed up, we must rush to the capital tomorrow!”

The next day, the spring was very good.

A low-key carriage turned a corner and drove onto the widest official road outside the capital, but soon the carriage could not move forward.

Looking at the crowd of people in front of him, the guard asked Li Shenyi for instructions: “Sir, we are just in time for General Shao to enter the city, and the carriage can’t go, shall we go back first?”

(end of this chapter)

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