Through The Chat Group, Start Fighting To Break The Three-Year Agreement!

Chapter 79

Chapter 79 Conceiving A Baby, An Eternal Miracle! The Group Of Friends Was Shocked!


An incomparably terrifying coercion emanated from Su Han’s body, pressing down on the countless Qi Refining and Foundation Establishment cultivators in Sky Star City, their faces pale, and their mana stagnation.

The Golden Core cultivators were stable and not affected too much. They looked at the vision in the sky with wonderful expressions on their faces.

They all knew what the vision in the sky meant, that someone was giving birth!

“There is another Nascent Soul Patriarch in the world, damn it, why not me!”

Everyone looked up at Su Han with envy and jealousy written all over their faces.

The ancestor of Yuanying, with a lifespan of thousands of years, is like a god on high, sitting and watching the vicissitudes of life in the world, the change of secular dynasties, and himself standing still.

Such a living fairy-like existence, which monk does not desire to achieve?

“Wait, the person who conceived the baby seems to be Senior Su from the Heavenly Secret Formation!~”

Someone with sharp eyes saw Su Han’s face clearly and recognized his identity.

“Hiss, it really is!”

“Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How could he break through Nascent Soul?

He has nothing to conceive!”

“If you don’t have something to conceive, you can’t conceive a baby. No one has broken this iron law for tens of thousands of years. Could it be that Senior Su can break it today?”

Everyone was shocked, and some monks shook their heads frantically, calling it impossible.

As we all know, the journey of cultivation is extremely difficult, especially in the stage of baby formation, only one out of ten thousand monks will be born!

It can be seen that it is difficult to conceive a baby!

And this one who broke through the Nascent Soul must have used the auxiliary baby-forming things to break through through untold hardships.

There has been no record in the world of cultivating immortals for tens of thousands of years who did not use the assisting Nascent Soul to break through!

In one sentence, it is difficult to conceive a baby, and it is even more difficult to conceive a baby without something to conceive a baby! It is so difficult to go to the blue sky!

No matter how many amazing people over the past ten thousand years, they can’t break through the Nascent Soul without using the baby-forming thing!

And now, what did everyone see?

Su Han, a person who has no baby and is disliked and even ridiculed by countless people, actually started to give birth in front of countless people!

“This child’s talent is terrifying! He can try to break through the Nascent Soul without the need for an infant!”

The first level of baby formation, sensing the opportunity of baby formation, this step has stuck countless people!

If you can’t even connect to the baby, how can you talk about breaking through the Nascent Soul?

Su Han triggered the baby vision, apparently successfully sensing the opportunity for baby birth.

“If he succeeds in breaking through the Nascent Soul, he will break the law that for thousands of years cannot break through the Nascent Soul Stage without the help of the baby-forming thing! He will create a miracle!”

Countless monks looked at Su Han with complicated expressions, hoped and failed, but also hoped that he would succeed.

Many of them were mocking Su Han some time ago, thinking that he was too arrogant, and would actually think that he could break through the Nascent Soul without the baby-forming thing.

This is simply impossible!

How can he do what countless people can’t do?

Is it so easy to break the iron law of the world of cultivating immortals for thousands of years?

Who knew that Su Han proved with his strength that he didn’t need any bullshit to conceive a baby, he could still be a Nascent Soul!

Now, he has already taken the first step of conceiving a baby, feeling the opportunity of conceiving a baby!

If he can break through the second Kuantan and become a baby, and the third cares about the demon, he will successfully break through the Nascent Soul Stage!

Such talent is astounding!

Some people hope that Su Han will fail, which proves that their vision is correct, how can it be possible to break through the Nascent Soul without an infant?

Some people hope that Su Han will succeed, create a miracle, set up a milestone for them, and tell countless monks that there is no thing that can conceive babies, but they can also conceive babies!

“He’s giving birth?”

Xing Gong and Yan Chang were all stupid.

At the beginning, he offered Su Han a baby gift, but was rejected.

He believes that Su Han will not be able to break through the Nascent Soul in this life, but now Su Han actually has the vision of forming a baby, and is hitting the Nascent Soul stage?

“How is this possible! He absolutely cannot succeed!”

Elder Yan stared at Su Han steadfastly, thinking that he would be conceived and healed.

Even if the baby vision is caused, it does not mean that it will be successful.

For all the people in history who did not have anything to conceive a baby, a small amount of natural talent can also cause the vision of conceiving a baby, but the final result is failure!

Elder Yan does not believe that Su Han is an exception!

In the deepest part of the star palace, the mysterious second sage of the star palace appeared silently, a middle-aged man with a calm face and a strong breath, he was clearly in the late Yuanying period.

A beautiful middle-aged woman with a delicate figure and fair skin, even tenderer than an eighteen-year-old girl.

It also exudes the cultivation base of the late Nascent Soul.

“Can he perform miracles?”

The middle-aged man stared at Su Han, he is Tianlinggen, the top qualification in the world of cultivating immortals.

It took only a few decades to break through the golden elixir.

It is not difficult for him to break through the Nascent Soul. His father is the previous Lord of the Star Palace, and there is no shortage of things for the baby.

But the middle-aged man was arrogant and wanted to prove himself, so he rejected the childbirth gift given by his father, and wanted to rely on his own ability to conceive a baby.

As a result, after hundreds of years of wasting time, the middle-aged man didn’t have the opportunity to break through the Nascent Soul at all.

In the end, the middle-aged man compromised with the reality and used the baby-making things, and the baby was born smoothly.

“Let’s just read on, if he succeeds in conceiving a baby, it will be a miracle, and the ten thousand-year-old iron law of the world of cultivating immortals will be broken.

The middle-aged beautiful woman said seriously that she is also a Tianlinggen with top-level aptitude, otherwise it would be impossible to practice all the way to the late Yuanying stage.

But she also used the baby-forming thing to successfully break through the Nascent Soul stage, and she deeply knows how difficult it is to not have the baby-making thing.

Su Han, can you break through the Nascent Soul Stage if you don’t have a baby?

The middle-aged beautiful woman is very curious.

In the crowd, Long Chuan looked up at Su Han’s infant formation, and seeing the huge vision of infant formation, he couldn’t help but speak in the group.

“Seeing someone conceived a baby today, I’m a little envious.”

Long Chuan’s golden finger is a fairy root, as long as the resources are sufficient, he will be directly recommended to become a fairy.

Originally, in the world he traveled through, this golden finger was very good, allowing him to grow rapidly.

But ever since he came to the world of mortal cultivating immortals, Long Chuan has been depressed. The lack of resources here has greatly limited his success rate.

More than a year ago, he was at the Golden Core stage, and he is still at the Golden Core stage now.

Seeing someone conceived a baby now, the depression in Long Chuan’s heart magnified. Your sister, I was still wandering in the golden core stage, but someone jumped out of the golden core stage and broke through the Nascent Soul stage?

Ye Sheng (5656): “The Nascent Soul is powerful? I’m envious!”

Ye Sheng is still working on foundation establishment, and some people have conceived babies.

Why is there such a big gap between people?

The envy in Ye Sheng’s heart.

“When will I be able to get rich, then it is not impossible for me to have a baby.

Ye Sheng longed for it, his gold finger was krypton gold, and he could temporarily improve his roots and understanding.

Very strong, but very expensive spirit stone.

Ye Sheng reckoned that if there were no accidents, it would take decades for him to conceive a baby.

Liu Jun (2323): “Yuanying is strong! This strength is stronger than Brother Hu!”

Ouyang Hu’s combat strength is equivalent to that of the peak Jindan, and is even worse than that of Nascent Soul.

Ouyang Hu narrowed his eyes, revealing a trace of fear.

Nascent Soul is not something he can deal with.

Liu Feifei (10088): “When will I be able to get rich? If there are millions of spirit stones, I can also conceive a baby!”

Ye Sheng (5656): “How many millions of spirit stones? You really dare to think, the worth of Nascent Soul cultivator is only about a million.”

Wang Mazi (10011): “I think earning millions of spirit stones is more difficult than conceiving a baby.”

Liu Feifei pursed her mouth, well, she also felt that it was extremely difficult to obtain millions of spirit stones, and it was even more difficult for ordinary people to break through the Nascent Soul.

“It is said that this man named Wang Tianxuan forcibly conceived a baby without relying on the baby-making thing!”

Long Chuan said again.

Ouyang Hu (2): “What? Forcibly conceive a baby without relying on the baby-making thing? How is this possible!”

After Ouyang Hu came to the world of mortal cultivating immortals, he knew the situation here very well. If he wanted to conceive a baby, he had to have something to conceive a baby.

This is an iron law for tens of thousands of years, and no one has ever been able to break it.

Then Wang Tianxuan actually wanted to break through the Nascent Soul without relying on the baby-forming thing? Isn’t it a bit of a fairy tale?

Ye Sheng (5656): 666, this is a warrior, dare to break through without preparing a baby, is this courting death?”

Susan (250): “Long Chuan, please tell us about the process of his conceiving a baby, so that we can learn more about it, so that we can prepare for it when we conceive a baby in the future.


Long Chuan became a reporter, ready to explain the situation when Su Han was conceived.

At this time, the chat group prompt sounded.

【Ding, the group live broadcast function is on!】

Ye Sheng (5656): “666, the chat group has updated the live broadcast function, which is very timely!”

Susan (250): “How do you feel that the chat group has become smart?”

Wang Mazi (10011): “Let’s talk about whether the group is smart or not later. Long Chuan will turn on the live broadcast quickly. If it is later, he will successfully conceive a baby, and there will be no gain.

This is an incomparably precious baby-making process!”


With a thought, Long Chuan opened the live broadcast room.

Many group members saw that the sky was colorful and filled with countless light-colored balls.

These small balls are all condensed from pure heaven and earth spiritual energy.

Covering Fang Yuan Baili, the scene is extremely grand!

In the sky, a figure is crazily absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, like a bottomless black hole, it can absorb as much aura as it comes!

Wang Mazi (10011): “Is this the baby vision? It’s grand! It’s shocking!”

When Wang Mazi saw this grand baby vision, he felt very small.

Like a flat boat, it will capsize at any time in the vast ocean.

Liu Feifei (10088): “The little big brother who has a baby is so handsome, he looks like a fairy in the world! It would be great if I could have a relationship with him!”

Ye Sheng (5656): “I think you are not only greedy for others’ bodies, but also for their wealth, right?

……ask for flowers…

Tsk tsk, a Nascent Soul cultivator, the wealth is absolutely astounding.

If he is willing to train you, he can easily smash you into a golden core monk with a spirit stone. ”

Ye Sheng was a little jealous, if the wealth of a Nascent Soul cultivator was given to him, he would immediately take off!

Liu Feifei (10088): “I don’t call it greedy people’s wealth, but looking for angel investors.

Today he invested millions of spirit stones in me, and in the future I will return him a True Fairy Fruit Bit!”

Ye Sheng (5656): “Damn it, how can you be so shameless? The Lingshi who is greedy said so fresh and refined!

I remember that when you first joined the group, you were still a soft and cute girl, why are you so black-bellied now?”

Liu Feifei (10088): “Keep your mouth shut and keep nagging me. When the world traversal function is activated in the chat group, you will have nothing good to eat.

Ye Sheng (5656): “…”

The soft girl turned into a violent girl, the chat group is very harmful!

Ye Sheng can only scold Liu Feifei in his heart, she has already established her foundation, he really can’t beat her!

Ouyang Hu (2): “All focus on the process of conceiving a baby, you see, that person seems to be successful.

As soon as these words came out, Ye Sheng didn’t care about complaining about Liu Feifei, and hurriedly gathered his energy to see if the baby boy in the sky could succeed?

Susan, Wang Mazi and others, and even Long Chuan, who was broadcasting the live broadcast, all concentrated their attention.

Yan Donglai, the Second Sage of Xinggong, and countless monks in Tianxing City were all looking at Su Han very seriously at this moment, wanting to see if he could succeed.


If it succeeds, it will naturally create a miracle.

If it doesn’t work, it can only be said that Su Han is a joke, trying to break the law of the ages, self-righteous.


In the sky, Su Han has already completed the second step, condensing the Nascent Soul with the broken golden core.

Su Han easily passed the second level of breaking the golden core and condensing the Yuanying.

This step is extremely painful for others, and the body can’t bear it. If it is not careful, the golden core will be broken, and the whole body will lose its cultivation, but for him, it doesn’t feel at all.

The system shields all pain sensations, and after the golden elixir is broken, it absorbs a large amount of heaven and earth aura, and easily condenses the Nascent Soul.

Su Han successfully entered the second step of the Demon Pass.

This level is very scary. The demon knows all your memories and will transform the things you fear the most.

It’s almost like the more you fear something, the more you fear something, the more something will come out in your heart.

Only those with a strong mind can survive successfully.

Once the mind is unstable and a flaw is revealed, the inner demon will invade instantly and stare at you to kill.

To conceive a baby is to fail!

Many monks are firm in their Taoism, but they are full of loopholes when facing their inner demons. For this reason, those who try to conceive a baby need to prepare various auxiliary things for conceiving a baby.

For example, the top-level Tiancaidibao Dinghunxiang can stabilize the mind and prevent the invasion of demons.

Precisely because the baby-making level is so difficult, it is almost impossible for people who don’t have anything to conceive a baby to do.

At least for tens of thousands of years in the human world, in the recorded history, there is no thing that can successfully conceive a baby without needing to conceive a baby!

After Su Han entered the third level.

The inner demon appeared and evolved into various illusions. For example, when Su Han snatched the different fire in the Tagore Desert, he failed to snatch the different fire, but was killed by Furukawa.

That kind of despair pervaded the air.

Xinmoguan will affect people’s soul invisibly, making people melt into the illusion and regard it as reality.

But Su Han has a systematic protection, his spirit has not sunk at all, and he clearly knows that all the performances of the demon are fake.

So, Su Han relaxed and watched the play.

“Why didn’t you sink!”

The demon roared.

“Because it’s too fake?”

Su Han thought for a while and said.


The heart demon was so angry that he vomited blood. Its ability to create illusions is considered outstanding among countless heavenly demons. Today, a little Nascent Soul said it was too fake?

This is the greatest insult to him!

“Ahh! Next time you break through, I will come to find you at the Heart Demon Level!”

The demon roared, his body became distorted, and finally dissipated into a wisp of green smoke.

The evolutionary illusion requires original power.

It evolved hundreds of illusions, and the original power was exhausted. Su Han still didn’t sink, even though he was angry and unwilling, he could only retreat.

“You still come to me next time? You don’t want to hit the south wall and don’t give up.”

Su Han’s face was strange, and he mourned silently for this demon. He has a golden finger on his body, and his proficiency is enough to “break through the realm 100%.

What kind of heart demon pass, crossing the tribulation pass, is not a problem for Su Han at all, the system will take care of everything, allowing him to break through 100%.

This demon has hated Su Han, and if he wants to look for Su Han next time, he will probably be broken by the system.

Su Han had a bad taste in his heart, and suddenly looked forward to meeting this stupid demon next time. .

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