Through The Chat Group, Start Fighting To Break The Three-Year Agreement!

Chapter 35

Chapter 35 Xiao Yan! ! !

And after learning that Su Han saved his father and the Li family village, he beheaded all the members of the Zhang family.

Li Xueer was full of gratitude in her heart. At the dinner, she personally grilled meat for Su Han. When he was thirsty, he immediately brought water with just the right temperature.

A beautiful girl is so enthusiastic, Su Han couldn’t stand it.

Li Ye on the side saw that his daughter treated Su Han so well, he couldn’t help but feel a little jealous, even his old father didn’t treat him so well.

However, thinking of Su Han’s help to Lijiacun, Li Ye pretended not to see it.

Yun Yun looked at this scene with a smile. She never thought that a disciple who was always confident and extremely stable, as if everything was under control, would have such embarrassing moments.

At night, Su Han and Li Ye are alone in a room.

“It contains some resources that fighters and fighters can use.”

Su Han gave Li Ye a storage ring to repay his kindness for taking him in.

“You killed Zhang Yu for me, which is far more than my kindness for taking you in. I can’t take this storage ring.”

Li Ye refused, he is not a greedy and greedy person.

“A little thought, there are not many things, just accept it.”

Su Han persisted.

Li Ye couldn’t refuse, so he could only accept it. He opened the storage ring and glanced at the supplies inside, and was shocked.

It is true that there are only some materials of Dou Zhe and Dou Shi in the storage ring, but there are too many of them.

In another room, seeing all this, Yun Yun’s evaluation of Su Han was even higher.

. . .

The next day, Su Han bid farewell to Li Ye, and left Lijia Village with Yun Yun.

Li Xueer was a little disappointed, she hadn’t had time to thank Su Han properly.

“There will be a period later!”

Li Ye waved to Su Han and watched him go away, feeling reluctance in his heart.

. . .

Su Han left Lijia Village and headed towards Qingshan Town.

There is a person in Qingshan Town, called Xiaoyixian, who is one of the goals of Su Han’s visit to the Warcraft Mountains this time.

On the way, Su Han didn’t let Yun Yun take him to fly, and hurried on the way.

Instead, he was on the road while slaying monsters.

[Ding, kill the first-order magic beast Big Caterpillar, murderous aura +10! 】

[Ding, 100 times critical strike, murderous aura +1000! 】

Every time he kills a monster, his murderous proficiency will increase a lot.

Warcraft of different strengths bring him different proficiency, the stronger the strength, the higher the proficiency, which is different from the way to improve the proficiency of kung fu and fighting skills.

Su Han crazily persecuted monsters, and his murderous proficiency soared.

Yun Yun protects Su Han. She thought that he would need her to deal with a monster he couldn’t beat, but she didn’t expect that she would never have a chance to make a move.

Along the way, Su Han slaughtered all directions in the Warcraft Mountains, and I don’t know how many Tier 1 and Tier 2 Warcraft died in his hands.

There were even more than a dozen Tier 3 monsters that were beheaded by Su Han after fighting with Su Han for a period of time!

“My apprentice, the combat power is too terrifying!”

A hint of emotion appeared on Yun Yun’s expression.

As soon as Su Han fought Zhang Yu, she knew that his combat power was stronger than she imagined. Not only was he invincible in the Doushi realm, but he could leapfrog and kill the big Doushi.

But in Yun Yun’s mind, it was not easy for Su Han to kill Da Dou Shi.

Who knew that Su Han encountered more than a dozen Tier 3 monsters that were comparable to big fighters, all of them were killed without exception, and they were in good condition, as if it didn’t take much effort.

Yun Yun can only marvel, her apprentice is really too strong!

. . .

Under the frantic killing, Su Han’s murderous proficiency has improved extremely fast, entry, small success, great success, and perfection!

A month later, Su Han beheaded a Tier 2 Warcraft Earth Dragon.

The murderous proficiency is completely perfect, and it has transformed into a killing intent!


Su Han once again entered the mysterious and mysterious state, his eyes seemed to be bloody, within the blood, everything could be killed!

“Kill kill kill!”

In Su Han’s heart, there seemed to be a voice full of magic shouting!


On the side, Yun Yun, who was protecting Su Han, had a look of surprise on her pretty face. She noticed that he had entered a special state.

Not knowing whether it was good or bad, Yun Yun hesitated for a moment, but decided to continue observing.

It is rumored that there is a thing called epiphany in the world, if Su Han is having an epiphany, if she intervenes rashly, it will ruin her chance.

Of course, it is also possible that Su Han has lost his mind.

If Su Han’s condition deteriorates, Yun Yun will decisively rescue her.


Su Han opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

The moment he realized the killing intent, there was a demonic voice that kept shouting, telling him to kill, kill, kill everything in his body, even all spirits in the world!

Sword intent, leaning towards the right way

Killing intent tends to be demonic, it will erode people’s will.

The stronger the killing intent, the stronger the erosion ability.

If a person’s will is not firm enough and is completely eroded by killing intent, his personality will change drastically and he will become a bloodthirsty person.

In fact, people with killing intent are basically bloodthirsty people.

The killing intent also wanted to erode Su Han, but I don’t know if the golden finger played a role, he was not affected at all, and easily exited the bloody state of the killing intent.

“The killing intent is a bit evil, or something related to the devil way is evil, so you can not touch it in the future or not.”

A trace of fear appeared in Su Han’s eyes, although with the help of Gold Finger, his will was very clear, and his will was not eroded by the killing intent at all.

But there are things that are weirder than killing intent in the magic way. If you don’t pay attention to avoiding them, one day you really get the way and you will be finished.

Therefore, Su Han felt that apart from killing intent, other things related to magic should be avoided as much as possible, it was too dangerous.

In fact, if the killing intent could be avoided, Su Han didn’t want to touch it either, but the killing intent had already been realized, and it was too late to regret it.

Su Han opens the personal attributes panel.

【Host: Su Han

Race: Terran

Realm: Two Star Fighter

Skills: Sword Intent (minor success 20%), Killing Intent (first entry 1%)

Cultivation method: Fuyao Jue (minor success 28%)

Fighting skills: Fengling Fractal Sword (Consummation), Qingfeng Wing (Consummation), Dragon Walking (Consummation)]

After a month of frenzied killing, the main gain is to comprehend the killing intent, and the sword intent has also gained a lot. The proficiency has increased from 10% to 20%.

His cultivation base has also improved a bit, and he is very close to the three-star fighter.

“Teacher, are you alright?”

Seeing Su Han open his eyes, Yun Yun exited the special state of suspected epiphany, walked up to him and asked with a hint of concern.

“It’s okay, just now I have some understanding of fighting skills.”

Su Han said in a perfunctory way, killing intent is not a good thing, and he is inclined towards the devil way.

It’s dangerous to tell Yunyun.

In case Yun Yun wants to ward off demons and defend Taoism, Su Han will sit on the wax.

Yun Yun’s eyes flashed, but she didn’t delve into it, and said gently.

“It’s fine, apprentice, continue to fight with monsters, and improve your fighting experience?”

Su Han hunted monsters to improve his proficiency in murderous aura, but of course he couldn’t tell Yun Yun the truth, so he could only fool him into saying that he wanted to improve his combat experience.

Yun Yun believed it.

“You don’t need Master, I have been fighting monsters for a month, and I have already accumulated enough practical experience.

There is a small town ahead, let’s go in and refresh for a while. ”

Su Han smiled slightly.

The small town ahead, called Qingshan Town, was one of Su Han’s destinations when he came to the Warcraft Mountains.


Yun Yun nodded without any objection.

The master and the apprentice walked towards Qingshan Town. At the same time, a boy in black appeared with a huge black sword on his back.

The body of the sword is weird, with no tip or edge, it is more appropriate to describe it as a ruler than a sword, with some mysterious patterns tattooed on it.

The black ruler is taller than the boy and looks heavy.

The black-clothed boy was carrying a black ruler. Every time he landed a foot, it would hit the ground like a heavy object, splashing yellow dust all over the ground.

Such a heavy object made the boy in black sweat all over, looking a little embarrassed.

But his eyes were exceptionally firm, and he didn’t put down the black ruler just because it was heavy.


Yun Yun looked at the boy in black, a hint of surprise appeared in her beautiful eyes.

“This boy… is probably Xiao Yan!”

Su Han stared at the boy in black and recognized his identity.

The iconic mysterious heavy ruler, as well as the resolute eyes of the protagonist, and this timeline came to Qingshan Town.

The most important thing is that there is a simple and simple ring hanging around the neck of the boy in black.

Let Su Han confirm that this boy in black must be the protagonist of Fighting the World——Xiao Yan!

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