Three Kingdoms: The Eighteen Riders of Yanyun are Summoned at the Start

Chapter 751

Chapter 767 Merchants And State Shepherds!

All the way to the green light, the Jiangling City gentry headed by Zhang Lao soon came to Liu Biao’s mansion.

When the guards outside the mansion saw these people, they could not help shrinking their necks.

It can be said that as long as people who have lived in Gangneung City, no one will not know these bigwigs in various industries.

Especially Mr. Zhang, that is everyone who doesn’t know, everyone doesn’t know.

“Elder Zhang, why are you here?” The head guard smiled and greeted him.

Zhang Lao stroked his beard: “Is there something important to discuss with the state shepherd?”

“Is it important?” The chief guard pondered for a moment, then said distressedly: “It’s not a small one who doesn’t want to tell the truth, it’s really because the Cao army has been besieging the whole prefecture and shepherd’s house for a long time. The city gate is not in the mansion at all, how can I summon you?”

These remarks by the captain of the guard were all ordered by Liu Biao long ago, and the purpose was to block all visitors.

Since he chose to believe in Wenpin, and chose to distance himself from these aristocratic families in Jiangling City, he needed to be thorough and without any cheating, so he deliberately explained to the head of the bodyguard and let him euphemistically block the people of the Jiangling family.

Zhang Lao was not surprised by the guard’s answer, and even laughed at him.

Someone from his subordinates had already reported that since the beginning of the battle, Liu Biao had handed over all matters in the city to Wenpin, while he was at home every day for leisure and had nothing to do at all. He changed-mind.

“The old man came here because of the food and grass, because we were affected by the closure of the city, and all business could not be opened, so the food saved was also converted into wages and given to the tenants. Now the food and grass are in crisis, the state shepherd must be early. preparations, otherwise I am afraid it will affect the battle outside the city.

Zhang Lao was not polite at all, and turned over his hole cards directly.

The rest of the people behind him also echoed: “We have lost thousands of dollars every day, and now we can no longer supply food and grass, the state shepherd needs to find another way! 39

The captain of the guard heard this, and his face was particularly ugly.

He glared at Elder Zhang fiercely, and said softly: “Elder Zhang, you can’t talk nonsense, if the enemy is at the moment, if it disturbs the morale of the army, no one’s face will look good at that time!

“I’m going to report to the state shepherd, please wait a moment!!

After saying this, he turned to the soldier next to him and said coldly: “Everyone remember, if someone spread the words just now, I would kill him!


After the order was completed, the captain of the guard hurriedly rushed inside.

Without much effort, he returned again, only this time followed by a handsome middle-aged man, Liu Biao.

But seeing Liu Biao with a smile on his face, he stepped forward and cupped his hands and said, “The servants don’t know the depths, they are talking nonsense, the old man asked him to stop some unimportant people, but he stopped you, really damn it! 95

“I have already scolded him, and there will be punishments later, which will definitely satisfy Mr. Zhang.”

Zhang Lao naturally didn’t dare to trust him in front of Liu Biao. After all, no matter how powerful he was in Jiangling City, he couldn’t compare with the tens of thousands of troops under Liu Biao’s command, so he shook his head and said with a smile: “Lord Zhou Mu is very polite! I’m just a villager of Yamano, thanks to your respect, I can stand here, otherwise I’m afraid that I don’t have the qualifications to be close, and there is no satisfaction or dissatisfaction!

Although Zhang Lao said this with a smile, the irony in it was quite strong.

Although Liu Biao heard the meaning, he didn’t intend to turn his face with the celebrities in Jiangling City with Elder Zhang and the others, so he just smiled and made a gesture of invitation.

Zhang Lao did not continue to investigate further, and walked towards it.

The rest of the people behind him saw that Zhang Lao was evenly tied with Liu Biao in terms of momentum, and instantly had more expectations in their hearts.

Liu Biao didn’t know that his avoidance almost cost him his life indirectly.

Above the main hall, everyone took a sip of tea, and Liu Biao said sternly: “You are the mainstay of my Jiangling City, your sacrifices and your losses will be remembered by the court, and will not be forgotten!

“After this matter is over, I will personally report to Your Majesty and tell about your contributions, and I promise that there will be no shortage of rewards at that time!

“If you hold on for a few more days, as long as the reinforcements of General Yue Fei and General Xue Rengui from Xuzhou arrive, Cao’s army will naturally retreat!!

Liu Biao didn’t talk to the mud here, instead, what he said was well-founded.

As soon as these words came out, the firmness on the faces of many people also eased a bit, but seeing Old Zhang’s gloomy face, they instantly thought of what he said last, and those thoughts that had just risen were instantly extinguished.

・・・・Seeking flowers….

“Lord State Shepherd! We all know what you said, but each family has its own difficulties.”

“In the whole Jiangling City, there are almost thousands of people eating with us. We can’t let them go hungry, right?”

“We really don’t have that much food and grass, I hope the state shepherd understands.

Liu Biao’s face darkened instantly, he knew that the people in front of him were threatening him, but he really couldn’t get angry at this time.

Without these people, without the food and grass they supply, the entire Jiangling City would instantly fall into a state of food shortage, and it would be even more troublesome then!

He let out a long sigh of relief, and said to Zhang Lao seriously: “Zhang Lao, what do you want? How can you supply enough food and grass?”

“You have to know, if I can’t keep this Jiangling City, who will protect your wealthy family members?

Liu Biao’s words are also very threatening. Although he is a scholar, he is full of murderous aura when threatening!

Except for Elder Zhang, everyone else’s expressions changed.

Zhang Lao still smiled and said: “We people are not so valuable, we can change a city!!”

“Lord State Shepherd doesn’t need to threaten us. If the ban is lifted, I will be able to reap something, and naturally I will be able to pay the wages, and I don’t have to pay the debt with food. Otherwise, when the food is distributed, I will not be able to get it back at all. !

“I also want to think twice, Lord Shepherd, and don’t act arrogantly!!”

Zhang Lao’s threatening words caused many people present to break into a cold sweat.

They did not expect that Elder Zhang was so bold, that he actually dared to fight Liu Biao in the frontal arena.

Liu Biao’s face was also blue and purple.

If someone dared to talk to him like this at ordinary times, he would definitely do it directly and divide it into five horses.

But now in Jiangling, facing Elder Zhang, he really didn’t dare to give this order, or he didn’t dare to bet that Elder Zhang was not afraid of death!!

Liu Biao pondered for a long time, and then he said quietly: “Now the general in the city is appointed by the civil servants, and I will invite him! 35

“Come on, let’s go!!”

With an order, I will have my own soldiers to go down to look for civil servants, needless to say! Son.

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