Three Kingdoms: The Eighteen Riders of Yanyun are Summoned at the Start

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Pain And Happiness (For Collection, For Flowers!)

After Meimei ate a roasted pheasant, Liu Bian also burped.

This made Tang Ji and Empress He on the side giggle.

Liu Bian didn’t take it seriously: “No way, I haven’t eaten this kind of roast pheasant for a long time. It’s really delicious, but this is also thanks to General Xue’s arrow skills.”

Xue Rengui stood aside, heard Liu Bian’s praise, and said with a smile: “This is a small trick, An dare to be so praised by His Majesty?”

Liu Bian didn’t continue to speak. Seeing that Queen He and Tang Ji were still smiling, he was a little puzzled: “Queen Mother, Tang Ji, what are you guys having fun?”

Empress He said, “It’s only been a day since I came out. The etiquette I’ve learned before has been forgotten, and you don’t even look at how you look now!”


Liu Bian was stunned, while Tang Ji put her hand on her face and pretended to wipe it.

Liu Bian hurried to the river. Through the stream, he saw a lot of black coke on his face. Only then did Liu Bian understand the meaning of Tang Ji’s smile. After washing his face, he returned to the crowd.

As for the food, the ten people who went out to look for ships also returned. They were driving four small boats, one slightly larger boat, and five boats docked on the shore.

Xue Rengui said: “Your Majesty, the boat is here, we must quickly cross the river, now we are only more than a hundred miles away from Luoyang City, and yesterday we defeated the Xiliang Army, I am afraid that they have long known the direction we are going to flee, so There can be no delay.”

Liu Bian nodded, then Liu Bian, Empress He, Tang Ji, Xue Rengui, and four Yan Yun Shiba rode in a slightly larger boat, while the rest of the horses and the remaining Yan Yun Shiba rode in the other four small boats. .

The boat swayed slowly in the Yellow River.

Tang Ji, who had never made a boat, was so frightened that her face turned pale, she couldn’t stop leaning into Liu Bian’s arms, and her body was directly close to Liu Bian’s chest, which made Liu Bian especially enjoy.

“Your Majesty, the ship is rocking back and forth, and there won’t be any accidents, right? My concubine is a little scared!”

Tang Ji, who was lying in Liu Bian’s arms, whispered.

Liu Bian stroked his back: “Don’t worry, no problem, it’s the first month of the year, the water level in the Yellow River is not high, so there’s no danger, you lie down in my arms and sleep, wait until you open it. Eyes, let’s get off the boat.”

Under Liu Bian’s soft consolation, Tang Ji fell asleep. Tang Ji seemed to have a sweet dream in her sleep, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Near noon, it is finally time to cross the Yellow River, and if you want to continue to Youzhou, you must be at Qi Pass in the north or Hulao Pass in the northeast.

Now that the princes of the Eighteenth Road are wrestling with Dong Zhuo, Liu Bian is naturally not interested in going to Hulaoguan to join in the fun, so there is only one way to go to Qiguan.

After having a purpose, everyone naturally continued to move forward.


Xue Rengui, who was leading the way in front, suddenly made a sound, and Yan Yun’s Eighteen Cavalry also made preparations for battle in an instant.

“Your Majesty, the road ahead is steep, I’m afraid we will encounter bandits, we must be more careful.”


Liu Bian looked around and saw that two or three miles ahead, the terrain was indeed steep. A small road passed through the mountain. The cliffs on both sides were steep. The vegetation on the mountain was lush and lush.

“Nevertheless, the only way to Qiguan is the closest, we can’t waste time, otherwise if Dong Zhuo sends someone to report to Qiguan, then a dozen of us alone may not be able to win a checkpoint, but I have all the warriors. , why are you afraid of these roosters?”

Xue Rengui also nodded secretly. If he was on the plain, he would not be afraid to face the defenders of Qiguan, but in the steep mountains, it would be difficult to win a well-guarded level.

Therefore, the time is urgent, and detours cannot be made.

“Since this is the case, please also ask your majesty to follow Wei Chen’s vicinity, so that you can protect your majesty at that time.”

After speaking, Xue Rengui rode towards Yan Yun Shiba who was behind him: “You 18 people are hiding behind us. If you see a bandit, listen to His Majesty’s order and attack again.”

Xue Rengui’s simple arrangement made Liu Bian secretly admire him.

This person is really a generation of military gods, and he actually came up with a wonderful plan in this moment of effort.

Showing the enemy’s weakness and taking precautions in secret can be described as seamless.

The four entered the mountain pass first, and even the bandits would not take it to heart, and would definitely jump out from the side. At this time, the eighteen cavalry of Yanyun who followed behind could lock the target very well. It can be said that this is the fastest, and Safest way.

Yan Yun’s Eighteen Riders watched Liu Bian, waiting for his last order.

After all, in the hearts of Yanyun Shiqiqi, there is only one owner, that is Liu Bian.

Liu Bian was very satisfied. He smiled and said, “Just according to General Xue’s arrangement, you are hiding in the dark, and you cannot let one person hurt us!”


The simple answer is full of confidence. This is the style of Yanyun Shiba.

Leaving again, Tang Ji leaned on Liu Bian’s chest, and was even more intoxicated by Liu Bian’s domineering aura: “Your Majesty, you are becoming more domineering now, the concubine believes that you will be able to restore the country of the great Han.”

Liu Bian smiled casually: “A generation of emperors has been reduced to this, if they don’t work hard, how can they face the previous emperors? I will also use my own hands to revive the majesty of my big man, and create the same forever. foundation.”

“Hmm, Your Majesty is really domineering. If your concubine likes it, she will definitely stay by your side.”

Tang Ji admired Liu Bian even more, and couldn’t help clinging to Liu Bian with her body, making Liu Bian feel itchy.

It was only now that Liu Bian realized a feeling that he had never heard before—pain and joy! *

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