Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 586

587、Is It Sadness Or Honor?

When they saw the engravings that recorded Liu Zhao’s deeds, they were all dumbfounded.

“Han Emperor, is the greatest emperor ever!”

“I finally understand why people believe in him as the true god. These feats are impossible for mortals like me to do!”5

“What? Great Han has long since eliminated the devilish plague?

“Is there a national welfare system?”

“Is there a sign that the people are still getting paid for road construction?”

It can be said.

Since they’ve been here, the surprised guba has never closed.

As the lord of a country and the leader of a tribe in this 24-era era, does the omen still need to pay wages?

Hard to imagine.

“Only in such a country can all the people truly surrender!”

“I was wrong, the Emperor of Han is not only a decisive and decisive Godless Emperor, but also a truly destined emperor who sympathizes with the people! 99

“Maybe, he is God, the real God!”

In the hearts of the kings, emperors, and tribal leaders of these countries, a thought also emerged.

In the face of such a unified country where all the people have returned to their hearts, is incomparably prosperous, and has never been seen before, can they resist?

“Even if we are willing to resist, but the great achievements of the Han emperor, the living conditions of the people of the Han Dynasty spread to the country, and the people in the country will have dissent. 99

“Perhaps, there may be a rebellion! 39

“I don’t know if it’s our honor or our sorrow to meet such a great emperor of the ages.

In the inn, these people couldn’t help but talk.

Just then, there was a sound of footsteps.

“Everyone, tomorrow morning, the emperor of the Han Dynasty will attend the completion ceremony of the Supreme Temple, and I will come to you to attend.”

Liu Bei said calmly.

“I’ll be there soon!”

“Please don’t worry about the urban and rural areas, I will be there on time!”

Everyone nodded.

As the prime minister of Liu Zhao, Liu Bei naturally received the blessing of many passive skills of Liu Zhao.

Now, although Liu Bei is not a peerless warrior, he has reached the realm of a first-class master, and what is more important is the change in wisdom.

The language of these mere barbarians had been learned long before he came.

The next day, just before dawn, heavy footsteps resounded throughout Constantinople.

“Look! This is the Royal Forest Army!

“Your Majesty is the most loyal, bravest, and most elite warrior!”

“This is the bravest army of Dahan!

In the envious eyes of countless people.

Ten thousand royal guards, clad in their unique armor and armed with spears, stood around the Supreme Temple.

Like a sculpture, the wind is immobile, the thunder is immobile, and it is extremely easy to ignore.

However, no one who is familiar with this army dares to underestimate it.

The soldiers of the Imperial Forest Army are all one in a hundred, or even one in a thousand.

All of them have experienced nine deaths and a lifetime, and they are the most combat-effective troops of the Han army.

To put it bluntly, each of them can defeat a hundred by one.

After an hour 063, the slightly warm morning sun finally spread to the earth.

Earls, viscounts, lords, etc. from all over the West.

The kings, emperors, and tribal leaders from far-flung territories all came to the outside of the Supreme Temple under the guidance of the ceremonial officials of the Han Dynasty.

At this time, the Supreme Temple has become a sea of flowers.

Flowers of various colors are like rainbows, covering the whole square, just like a fairyland.

“This… when were these flowers laid out?”

“It wasn’t there when I came yesterday!”9

“As expected of the Great Han Kingdom, its every move can demonstrate its strong national strength!

Everyone was amazed,

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