Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 54

Chapter 54 Beauty? National Color Tianxiang

“General Qi, our army suffered more than 300 casualties in this battle, captured more than 12,000 Wuhuan people, and 15,000 horses…”

On the hill, Zhao Yun knelt down in front of Liu Zhao on one knee, and there was a frenzy in his eyes looking at Liu Zhao between his words.

Big win!

This is the second victory since stepping into the Wuhuan grassland!

Youzhou has been suffering from alien races for a long time, Zhao Yun’s dream since childhood was to wipe out the scourge of alien races!

And now, he is following Liu Zhao, and he is finally about to fulfill his dream! How could Zhao Yun not be excited or fanatical!

However, unlike Zhao Yun’s reaction, Liu Zhao’s complexion sank after hearing Zhao Yun’s remarks.

Kindness does not hold the army!

Although he knew that casualties were inevitable, Liu Zhao still couldn’t calm down when faced with it.

A look of pain appeared on his face, and Liu Zhao said solemnly: “All soldiers who died in battle, the pensions are doubled, and their families must be well-placed!”

“All the families of the fallen soldiers must be registered in the Governor’s House. If there is any difficulty in the future, the Governor’s House will help!”

“Thank you General!”

As soon as Liu Zhao said this, all the soldiers around him knelt down and roared in gratitude.

As the so-called confidant died!

The general is so generous, it can be said that they have completely solved their worries. At this moment, they only felt that there was a flame in their chests that was about to explode.

To the generals under his command, the kindness is as heavy as a mountain, but Liu Zhao seems to have done a trivial thing, and he casually waved his hands to make everyone exempt from the ceremony!

After a short while, Liu Zhao had a look of anger on his face, and spoke coldly.

“Those Wuhuan prisoners, all beheaded!”

“I was going to build the Jingguan, and use the blood of these Wuhuan people to pay homage to the heroic spirits of the dead soldiers!”

“I was going to let the Wuhuan people know that if I hurt one of my Han people, I would have to pay ten or a hundred people’s lives to repay…”

Liu Zhao’s cold voice reverberated between heaven and earth. At this moment, many Han soldiers only felt a rush of blood in their hearts, and their chests were about to explode!

“I swear to follow the general!”

“I swear to follow the general!”

“I swear to follow the general…”

All the soldiers raised their heads to the sky and roared to vent the excitement in their chests. At this moment, everyone’s eyes were full of pride and pride as a Han Chinese!

The smell of blood rose into the sky, and it seemed to form a blood-colored cloud in the sky!

Before the Bo Xi clan organized the resistance, the old and weak women and children were once placed in the tribe, and countless traps were laid!

Therefore, the Han army did not attack!

Under Liu Zhao’s order, the more than 10,000 Wuhuan prisoners were pulled out in batches by the Han army and beheaded. Right in front of the Boxi tribe, the corpses piled up like mountains!

The faces of the people who were familiar in the past are now hideous, and their heads rolled to the ground…

“God! Devil, devil!”

“Who will save me! Changshengtian…”

“Forgive me! I don’t want to die…”

There is a great fear between life and death!

“The general has an order, and those who descend will not be killed!”

“The descendants do not kill…”

The Han army scouts rode war horses and roared in unison around the Boxi tribe.

When the corpses of the more than 10,000 Wuhuan captives were piled up into several hundred-meter-high mountains by the Han soldiers, finally, the old and weak women and children of the Boxi tribe all collapsed, rolling and crawling from the tribe. Climb out!

In addition, even the traps around the tribe were removed by them themselves!

“Don’t kill me! Please, don’t kill me…”

“Don’t kill me! I surrender…”

A group of old and weak women and children who came out of the tribe were so frightened that their souls were blown away, and they were rolling and crawling with tears.

“General, bring it here by the Patriarch of the Bo Xi clan!”

Soon, Wang Gang brought an old man over sixty years old and threw it in front of Liu Zhao casually.

The old man was dressed in rather luxurious silk, and his eyes were full of fear. After being thrown to the ground, he didn’t care about the pain, so he hurriedly knelt at Liu Zhao’s feet, his whole body trembling.

“What are you bringing him for?”

A look of displeasure appeared on Liu Zhao’s eyebrows.

Seeing this, Wang Gang hurriedly knelt down and pleaded guilty: “The general forgives his sins, but this old boy said that there are treasures to offer!”


When Liu Zhao heard this, a look of surprise appeared on his face.


“General, villain, villain… There is a daughter, but in the age of 28, she has the appearance of sweeping the country and the city, and it should be a rare treasure!”

Mr. Bo Xi knelt on the ground, pressing the fear in his heart to speak.

However, between the words, there is inevitably a trace of regret in my heart.

His youngest daughter was born from a Han family woman who had been looted from the Han land. The one born was a beautiful flower. He originally wanted to give it as a gift to the Khan Qiuliju, so as to help Bo Xi Clan tribes exchanged for more benefits!

It’s just that now Liu Zhao is killing him. In order to save his life, he can only give out this flower that he has cared for since he was a child, and strive to survive!


There was a hint of interest in Liu Zhao’s eyes.

When Mr. Bo Xi saw Liu Zhao’s reaction, he immediately saw the possibility of life, and took two steps forward on his knees with excitement.

“General, when the war just started, the villain hid the little girl in the secret passage of the tribe’s main tent, and she hasn’t come out yet!”

“The villain is willing to dedicate the little girl to the general, just ask the general…”

However, at this moment, Liu Zhao has moved his gaze to the Bo Xi tribe in the distance.

“Women stay, the rest, those who are higher than the wheel, kill without mercy!”

“Help General Ben find that woman…”

Immediately after Wu Qian, Liu Zhao looked at the Bo Xi clan with deep eyes, as if he could see the so-called beauty of national beauty through the layers of military tents…


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