Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 No 1 Is The Enemy Of Unity!

The hooves were thundering.

In a blink of an eye, Liu Zhao had already entered the chaos.


puff! puff……

The overlord gun devours the soul, and Liu Zhao is even more powerful as an overlord. Wherever he goes, how can an ordinary soldier be an opponent!

After a soft sound, the blood flashed, and the corpses fell weakly to the ground…


“Kill Liu Zhao’s child, the official will be promoted to the third level, and he will be rewarded with a thousand gold…”

On the battlefield, countless soldiers came to kill with daggers, and they were not afraid of death.

Even with Liu Zhao’s bravery and the blessing of the Overlord Spear, the speed was quickly dragged down.

However, Liu Zhao was brave enough to be an overlord. When the dragon spear passed by, the corpses fell like mino dominoes. Soon, the Gongsun rebels were killed, and no one dared to step forward…


Liu Zhao rode the horse, but went towards Gongsun Yue’s position.

Take the head of an admiral in the chaos of the army!

Even Zhang Yide from Yan can do such things, let alone Liu Zhao!

This fellow Gongsun remnant thought that he could use the army to strangle him, but Liu Zhao didn’t plan to do anything!

He has an overlord spear, a black horse, not to mention an army of 30,000, but an army of 100,000. With his martial arts, he can still come and go freely…

Wuxian horse galloped like the wind.

Wherever Liu Zhao goes, no one can stop him…

However, on the school grounds, a lot of tripping ropes have already been secretly arranged.



The tripping cable suddenly launched and volleyed into the air.


Wu Yuma neighed in the sky, as if he had a premonition in advance, but he jumped and just avoided this disaster…

“Damn things!”

Seeing this, Liu Zhao suddenly had a cold look in his eyes.

Then he drove the black horse into the chaotic army that manipulated the tripping rope!



Those more than ten soldiers were like being reaped, and they were easily reaped by Liu Zhao!

On the battlefield, Liu Zhao is invincible.

“Liu Zhao kid, don’t be mad!”

“Let this uncle come to meet you…”

At this moment, a roar filled with disdain and wildness suddenly came.

Far away, Gongsun Fan carried a giant axe the size of a grinding wheel, and the warhorse under his crotch galloped like a fly.


In the blink of an eye, Gongsun Fan held a big axe and greeted Liu Zhao’s head!


Immediately, a cold gleam appeared in Liu Zhao’s eyes.

The Overlord Spear suddenly volleyed into the sky!


A loud sound of gold and iron clashing erupted in the air!

Gongsun Fan only felt that a huge force was transmitted along the giant axe in his hand, and the terrifying force almost flew him directly from the horse…


Almost subconsciously, the giant axe in his hand was already released.

And Gongsun Fan was almost thrown off his horse!

That terrifying power is simply unbelievable!

“how is this possible……”

Gongsun Fan exclaimed.

However, at this moment, a black dragon spear struck fiercely, and the tip of the spear was infinitely enlarged in Gongsun Fan’s eyes…


Brain burst!

In mid-air, a bloody mess erupted…

“Third brother…”

In front of the Chinese army, Gongsun Yue exclaimed, his voice full of grief and disbelief.

The three Gongsun brothers are like brothers and sisters. Over the years, they have worked together to carry forward the Gongsun family!

However, now his elder brother Gongsun Zan and third younger brother Gongsun Fan have all died at the hands of Liu Zhao!

“Liu Zhao child, I will kill you sooner or later…”

Gongsun Yue gritted his teeth and roared in a shrill voice.

“Haha! Why sooner or later, my son will send you on the road today…”

Immediately after Wu Hao, Liu Zhao was in high spirits and gave a long roar to the sky.


Wuxian Ma neighed in the sky, but suddenly jumped into the air.

There was already blood on the battlefield.

All the rebels were terrified by Liu Zhao’s killing, but at this moment, no one dared to stop him!

Wu Rui’s horse swept up and down, but in a matter of seconds, he was already close to Gongsun Yue and so on!


“Stop him, come here, kill him for General Ben…”

Gongsun Yue screamed again and again.

At this moment, Gongsun Yue finally felt the fear of death!

Gongsun Yue shouted wildly and ordered his warriors to stop Liu Zhao.

At the same time, Gongsun Yue turned on his horse and ran wildly in the other direction…

“Uncle, take me with you…”

Gongsun Xu exclaimed, the whip in his hand was like raindrops, and it slammed wildly on the warhorse under his crotch.

The horses galloped wildly, and a few people rode together…


“Protect the General!”

“I swear to protect the general…”

Although most of the rebels are already terrified, the Gongsun clan has been entrenched in Liaodong for many years and has a deep foundation, and it has many die-hard people!

At this moment, Gongsun Yue gave an order, but the soldiers were not afraid of death, so they rode their horses and smashed towards Liu Zhao frantically.


Pfft! puff…

The Overlord’s spear flew constantly, like a scythe in the hands of the god of death, wantonly harvesting the lives of the rebels!

But after a moment of effort, more than a dozen people fell down under Wu Qian’s horse!

Moreover, each death method is terrifying!

The weight of the Overlord Spear is brought into full play under Liu Zhao’s terrifying power!

Under Wu’s horse, corpses were scattered all over the place, and all kinds of broken corpses were scattered all over the place…

All the guards were terrified. Even if they were loyal to the Gongsun clan, they still retreated in fear of the demon gods like Liu Zhao, who seemed to be in hell asura…

As a result, Liu Zhao’s position was quickly swept out of a vacuum by him!

“Haha! Someone is Liu Zhao, who is stopping me?”

Immediately after Wu Hao, Liu Zhao screamed in the sky.

However, the black horse under the crotch rose into the air, and in a few ups and downs, he had already caught up with Gongsun Yue and others who were galloping on the horse…

“Do not……”

Gongsun Yue turned his head to look, and immediately screamed in despair!

In his eyes, a black dragon spear suddenly enlarged…


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