This Japanese Story Is Not Too Cold

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 .Yayama City

It seems that this is indeed the diary of the murderer.

Kamiya Miku flipped through the contents of the diary, and had a general idea in his mind.

But I don’t know why, just looking at the “cruel” words on this, Kamiya Miku feels chills all over the body, and fear is born in my heart.

With the feeling of numb scalp, Kamiya Miku took a deep breath and kept watching.

“I killed the daughter of Mitsui’s family. When my parents went to work, I separated her body, separated two legs and buried her in the front and back courtyards of the house. The atrium put her head down, and stuffed her hands and torso under the tree. Part wait, there is hope, I have to entertain her”

“After seeing the corpse, Yuxi was very happy and kissed me. I feel more and more that I am doing the right thing.”

“The Mitsui’s house next door called the police. Today, the police found me and asked Mitsui where he went. Naturally, I couldn’t tell these idiots what I did. But I don’t know why, I always feel that Mitsui seems to be alive, she seems to be calling my name”

“I’m starting to have nightmares, Mitsui is like a twisted monster, God, why doesn’t Mitsui in the dream have hands? No, I have to check it out.”

“I rummaged through the soil under the tree, but I couldn’t find Mitsui’s hands! The voice in my **** mind is ringing again, Mitsui Mitsui!”

“No! Mitsui must be alive! I have heard her voice in the atrium!”

“I started to be afraid of going to bed. As long as I sleep, I will dream of Mitsui’s death. As long as I sleep, I can sense that Mitsui is beside me. Where might she be? Peeking out the window? In my drawer? In the closet wall? No , I will definitely be crazy if this continues.”

“I dropped out of school. The school was full of unsatisfactory things. That fat man Matsuzaka dared to taunt me for killing him, killing him, and killing him!”

“Youxi came to me again. In this world, she is the only one who cares about me. I love Youxi, and I think Youxi also loves me.”

“So Yuuki took Mitsui’s hands away? What is it?”

“I’m going crazy! I dare not turn off the lights to sleep! I dare not be alone in a closed space! I have to think of a way! I have to think of a once and for all! Damn!”

“As long as Xi is with me, everything is fine, as long as Xi is with me, then I can always remain quiet.”

“Youxi said that there is a girl in the next class who is very noisy and annoying. I have to do something to have Xi.”

“Today I killed another person. Yuxi asked me to do this. The target was the girl in the next class. The process was unexpectedly simple. It was just a bat down. The chattering and noisy her was like dead meat again. I moved. I was incontinent. It’s really dirty.”

“I sealed her mouth with quicklime forever, Yuxi also praised me for doing a good job, but why does she always take her arm away?”

“School, what a big fire, what? Youxi is also in there? Youxi!?”

“Youxi is dead. The prisoner was not caught behind, this bastard!! I must kill this guy!”

Kamiya Mirai was shocked by the grievous hatred on the notepad. She resisted the discomfort in her mind and turned to the next page.

I saw this sentence brightly left above.

“Youxi has come back to life. It turns out that there are two youxis in this world, Youxi who only belong to me, Youxi, who only belong to me, Youxi”

Kamiya Miku flicked his finger and wanted to look at the content at the back of the notepad, but did not expect that nearly one-third of the content was glued together by a large amount of blood. Forcibly tearing it apart would definitely cause the paper to overlap and damage the content. I won’t be able to see it.

At this time, Beichuan Temple’s voice suddenly sounded from behind.

“finish watching?”

This made Kamiya Miku, who had been fully absorbed in it, shook his hair, and the whole person was frightened.

When it was discovered that it was Beichuan Temple, Kamiya Miku made complaints:

“Really, don’t always scare me, Mr. Temple.”

“How do you feel?” Beichuan Temple asked, sitting beside Kamiya Mirai, looking sideways.

After Kamiya Miku handed the notebook to Beichuan Temple, he groaned again:

“Why don’t you put it, this is something written by a patient with severe hypothesis, auditory hallucination, or psychosis?”

Her tone was a little uncertain.

“In the beginning, the above words were fairly clear, but after the author of this diary killed someone, the difference between before and after was clearly visible. He began to suffer from hypothesis, auditory hallucinations, and visual hallucinations. What about seeing the dead in the atrium of his home? Maybe uh”

Kamiya Miku coughed, and she thought that she had encountered many impossible things today.

“There is also a main character on this notebook. In addition to the diary author, it is Youxi.” Beichuan Temple opened the notebook and frowned at the description of’Youxi’.

There are indeed some descriptions of Youxi in the notebook. I wish I could portray “Youxi” as a rare beauty in heaven and on earth.

This dog-licking gesture made Beichuan Temple frowned and shook his head.

Things written down entirely from subjective impressions have no reference value at all.

But the last words of the owner of the notebook made Beichuan Temple a little bit more thoughtful.

“Youxi has come back to life. It turns out that there are two youxis in this world, Youxi who only belong to me, Youxi, who only belong to me, Youxi”

According to the words in front of the owner of the notepad, “Youxi” should have been burned to death by the fire, but why is it written here that “Youxi” is resurrected?

“Is it possible that this world has the ability to resurrect the dead? Monarch?” Kamiya future grumbled and stood up, leaning against Beichuan Temple and asked curiously.

“” Beichuan Temple.

Cell death is the process of irreversible cessation of life phenomena. As a medical student, this is the most basic common sense.

But there are systems in this world, and there is no guarantee that there are objects that can bring the dead back to life.

“But I always feel that things are not that simple.” Beichuan Temple flipped through this notebook back and forth, and said in silence for a while:

“If’Youxi’ really possesses that kind of extraordinary power, she won’t be guilty of using the owner of the diary to kill.”

It can be seen that the owner of the diary is completely obeying the instructions of “Youxi” to kill people.

The question of who to kill and who to look for is to follow the dispatch of ‘youxi’.

And this “Youxi” is also interested in human arms

Beichuan Temple closed the notebook and said in a deep voice:

“There is still an important message on it, Bashan City.”

“Strictly speaking, this time is not without gain.”

As long as you look up the case files of Yashan City in recent years, you will have a clue.

As soon as Beichuan Temple put the notepad in his bag, the phone rang.

He glanced at the name of the person above, and he was refreshed.

Okano Ryoko!

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