This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 7


Chapter 7 of the wise man three paragraphs!

Elma thought about her glorious journey with hero after she left God World.

White horse, armor, long sword, flying flag, tragic battlefield.

In times of distress, hero charges forward with the divine blade, killing a demon with every swing of the blade. While wearing a platinum robe, you should wear a crown, assist hero with holy power, and complete a glorious battle under the eyes of everyone.

It should be like this.

The blue slime hurried forward in an extremely weird posture, and the fast wind blew on Elma’s face, making her already numb even more numb.

No, what is wrong?

Elma looked at Zhou Li, who was holding three slime bombs with excitement and destruction written all over his face, and fell into contemplation for a while.

Why is this hero completely inconsistent with the previous impression and the hero image in the case?

Normally, shouldn’t it be time to crusade devil beasts, acquire materials, and sell materials without forgetting to pick up the treasures?

Why, why are we now riding a bunch of blue jellies and rushing to the Stink Goblin camp with a bunch of explosives? Picture what? Do you want them to not take a shower every three years, or do you want their toilets to be built upstream of the river?

Those creatures can’t even explode a sturdy stick!

In fact, Elma also asked this question just now, and Zhou Li was also very patient and answered her tolerantly:

“When can you think about my coinage mind carefully? plan?”

? ? ?

Have we known each other for a long time? Why does hero seem to be very relaxed and familiar with him when he gets along with him, as if the two have known each other for a long time.

But we have only been working together for less than two days?

With doubts, Elma still chose to trust Zhou Li. After all, as a godly child, Elma trusts her instincts. At this time, her intuition kept twitching like an eel struck by lightning, always reminding her to “trust Zhou Li”.

Elma chose to follow instinct.

Just as Elma was thinking about it, the thatched cottage community had already appeared in the vision of the two jelly. When they saw the blue cloud and smoke floating in the midair, Zhou Li and gu lu lu looked at each other, then gu lu lu made a sound of gu lu lu, and the corner of Zhou Li’s mouth raised an arc.

It’s done.


Accompanied by angry roar, the blue slimes burst into an astonishing speed, and Zhou Li, who was sitting on gu lu lu, suddenly jumped to In the air, Elma, who was caught off guard and almost threw away, was caught off guard. Zhou Li then jumped onto other slimes, relying on them as a springboard to get out of the blue wave of jelly.

“Why don’t we keep up?”

Elma asked confusedly in Zhou Li’s arms, while Zhou Li pulled her to the side of the dark bushes Among them, something came out.

A piece of paper with a goblin’s head drawn on it. There is a perforation on the left and right ends of the paper, and an elastic thread hangs from the perforation.

“You ripped her again?”

Elma glanced at the hero exclusive hanging on Zhou Li’s waist with pity, and then she looked towards the piece of paper, somewhat unclear. Asked: “Are you trying to kill someone?”

“Who told you about this?” Zhou Li gave her a strange look, but he didn’t take it seriously. Putting the paper on his face like a mask, he lowered his voice and said to Elma:

“You will do this for a while, then do this, then do this…”

**** ************************

When the slime army appeared at the gate of the goblin, the black tree suddenly My heart froze.

Here it comes!

The boss’ plan is live!

At this moment, the fisherman on the side has been frightened by the blue wave. As a man who is not too intelligent, he has also participated in slime hunting, but in his memory slime They are all cute creatures that are stunned and waiting for the goblins to harvest. But when a bunch of slimes gathered together and burst out with a brass-level speed, the scene was terrifying.

I am super! broken!

The brain power of the fish-spotting expert at this time only has these four words. He sits dumbly on the stone pier, clasping his legs and shaking sou sou’s motionless. His instinct told himself that the frail body brought about by his fresh and refined IQ would definitely not survive this wave of terror. Moyu looked at the slime who was asserting the senses in front of him, and gradually gave up thinking.

“One wooden pole plus three wooden poles equals how many wooden poles?!”

However, what makes fishing experts puzzled is that the slime wave did not directly engulf his body. Instead, the slimes avoided his stone mound as if they had any opinion on him, leaving only three slimes to ask him strange questions.

“Answer me!”

Looking at the somewhat demented fish, one of the slimes left behind asked loudly in a childlike voice: “A wooden A pole plus three wooden poles equals how many wooden poles?”


After finding that the sight of the slime was gradually getting a little bad, I hit the fish and hit it. A shivered, stumbling replied.

“Oh yo?” After answering his question after finding that the fish came back to his senses, the slime asked with great interest: “Twelve wooden poles plus thirteen How many wooden poles are equal to one wooden pole?”

“This…” Mo Yu’s head was oozing with some fine sweat, and then he looked at the slime desperately.

“Wise Man 3 Dan~”

The slime instructed the slime on the side, and then jumped into the wave of slimes. Just when Mo Yu found out that they were not ready to kill him and felt fortunate, there was a sudden exclamation from the side.

“Wow! Zhi Wang Wudan!!”

Moyu turned his head, and was shocked to find that the Black Tree was surrounded by a group of slimes at this time. Seeing that his back was inexplicably straight, and a faintly proud black tree appeared on his face, the fish-fingering expert suddenly felt an inexplicable emotion welling up in his heart.

He looked towards Slime Wave, and he felt that his fate was about to be changed soon.

After the slime wave entered the goblin tribe, many goblins huddled in their rooms waiting for the slime’s inquiry. Of course, the sound of the explosion was the most important reason for this group of goblins.

Within ten minutes or so, the explosions stopped, and the roars and roars also disappeared into the noise. Soon, the goblin tribe fell into peace.

When the first goblin walked out of the house, he found that although the slimes were all over the tribe, none of them re-entered their house. They just asked themselves a few questions and then came up with a messy definition of themselves. Later, they left the house and communicated with each other, and found that some were “the wise man 1st dan” and some were the “zhizong 2nd dan”, as if they had a rank.

After communicating with each other, this group of goblins who still have intelligence looked at each other in blank dismay . They looked towards each other, with a look in their eyes that they had never seen before.

A jealous look.

“Why is he a wise man Jiudan!”

For the first time, this group of goblins, who would never think with intelligence, felt jealous of each other. After all, when the mentally handicapped goblins were oppressing them, these goblins would not be jealous, they would not even think, because the mentally handicapped goblins didn’t care at all.

However, when they first saw their true peers and themselves in a system of evaluation, a sense of superiority and jealousy arose that was not there.

The goblins slowly discovered that the group of slimes didn’t seem to be embarrassing themselves. It seems that the explosion just now was only carried out in the mentally handicapped area, at least the brain-dead choir that everyday all opened their voices to contact did not sing today. They found that it seemed that these slimes…

don’t kill wise men.

He came just when the goblins thought everything was settled and silent.

Holding a wooden pole and wearing a goblin portrait on his head, he is tall and straight. Seeing this man walking slowly from the gate to the depths of the tribe, the goblin’s heart immediately determined one thing.

“He’s a goblin!”

That’s right, this kind of disguise that the dog shakes his head when he sees it is enough to fool the goblins. And this group of goblins were looking at the goblins who acted recklessly and appeared inexplicably, and a question appeared in their hearts.

What rank is he?

Under the gazes of all the intelligent goblins, this goblin spoke up.

“Odd change and even change, the symbols look at the quadrants!”

What is he talking about?

Under the suspicious gaze of the goblins, a white ring suddenly appeared on the man’s body. At this moment, Slime suddenly shouted out in surprise:

“Wow! It’s a high-level wisdom ring!”

What is a high-level wisdom ring?

Just as the goblins were full of question marks, the man spoke again. At this time, he continued to say countless strange and rhythmic words.

“Pan left and right at the brackets! Pan up and down at the end!”

Weng! There is another layer of blue wisdom ring behind the man.

“99*10 equals 990!”

Yellow Wisdom, Green Wisdom, Silver Wisdom, Red Wisdom, Golden Wisdom, Divine Level Wisdom! ! !

After speaking one after another, the man was full of brilliance as if there was an LED dazzling sign hanging behind him. Various colors of red and yellow give it, dazzling.

“It’s the Wisdom Emperor! The Wisdom Emperor is here! The Wisdom Emperor has come to rescue the goblins who were oppressed by the mentally handicapped!”

At this time, a goblin’s words spread throughout the tribe resounding. All the goblins suddenly forgot the past in shock. The man stood on the ground, and the breath of wisdom spread over him. At this moment, all the goblins felt very dazzling, and it was difficult to look directly at the wise man. man.

Jealousy can only arise in comparison with people who are similar to you. When the gap between you and the other party is too large, jealousy will turn into reverence. The goblins walked forward in a daze, and at this time, those mentally retarded goblins who had tyrannically abused power and bullied men and women were tied to the road, and some of those who resisted stubbornly had already become immortals.

While Emperor Zhi was carrying nine wisdom rings, he was watching his subjects.

“I’m the Emperor of Wisdom.”

The man spoke, his voice full of magnetism: “At the same time, I’m a goblin.”

“I’m mentally retarded at this time. The goblins have been captured, the old goblin king is dead, then…”

The man’s words seemed to possess mysterious power, attracting the attention of all the goblins. Before they could think about it, the goblin who had just called out the Wisdom Emperor shouted again.

“Emperor of Wisdom! New King!!”

The goblins were stunned, and then they slowly raised their hands, their faces gradually showing a frenzied look:

“Emperor Zhi! Establish a new king! Empower the emperor! Establish a new king! Empower the emperor! Establish a new king!”


At this time, Elma, who has been maintaining the “rays of light” spirit technique, stared blankly at Zhou Li, who issued the “Declaration of Goblin Rights”, and almost gave up thinking.

Hello everyone, this is my hero, as the first step on the road to defeating the Demon King, we…

control a group of goblins.

It works.

(End of this chapter)

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