This Hero Is Scumbag

Chapter 13


Chapter 13 Hello, Azi

When Azi, who was standing on the road, waited for the person to greet her, she was stunned .

Lake blue’s long curly hair is casually draped over her shoulders, Elma wears a silver nebula crown, and her beautiful face has a reassuring gentle smile. The blue background golden mark, the crown-neck robe engraved with the Star Domain pattern is extremely beautiful, and the sapphire scepter in the woman’s hand reflects each other, and a wave-like shimmer lingers around Elma.

For various reasons, for Zhou Li, Elma in his eyes is almost the same as that younger sister in Earth who wants to beat him three times a day. So Zhou Li didn’t notice Elma’s beauty at all. However, when Azi saw Elma, she traveled around the major cities with the Chamber of Commerce, and Azi, who had seen all kinds of beautiful women, was convinced that even a princess from a country would be a little eclipsed in front of the woman in front of her. .

Why would such a woman serve as a servant under the goblins?

Azi lost her mind for a while. In her impression, such looks and temperament were definitely not something that an ordinary person could cultivate. No, it is difficult for even those small families to cultivate such a woman. Steps, dresses, accessories, and even every movement make people gradually indulge in her charm. And the most terrifying thing is that this woman doesn’t seem to be aware of her own charm at all. She seems to be doing every movement naturally. The naturalness and elegance of her gestures are things that cannot be cultivated.

Azi has only seen such a woman in one place – Saintess in the temple.

However, what A Zi didn’t know was that in the past month or so, Elma had always been wearing the same long clothes and trousers as Zhou Li, and was too lazy to wear messy jewelry. Because she needs to help build the tribe from time to time, Elma even her long hair is tied behind her at will. When she wakes up in the morning, she smashes a water ball on her face, and then puts another water ball in her mouth. It is a perfect wash.

Although Demi-God’s body is immortal, she doesn’t even need to wash up.

So, just now, after informing Zhou Li about the arrival of the bully, Elma, who was wearing a cloth that Zhou Li bought from the market, neatly combed a ponytail and used Demi-God directly. Innate talent, returning to his house at a speed that other assassins in a silver rank are imperceptible at, in just 3 minutes, the whole person directly Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

When Zhou Li, who had just put on his coat, directly uttered the emotion of “Ghost, this speed”, Elma had already sprinted for the first half, and walked gracefully to A Zi for the second half.

So what is Azi thinking at this time?

Well…Xiao Hai is handsome, this can’t be compared.

Patted on his chest, a decent smile appeared on Azi’s face. She paced forward, holding the gift in her white-like hands and handing it to Elma in front of her: “I’m sorry to disturb you all late at night. My name is Azi, and I’m the Chief-In-Charge of Zisha Chamber of Commerce. Please accept a little note from our Chamber of Commerce.”

“You’re welcome. My name is Elma, and I’m the assistant of the Goblin King.”

Elma He fixed the scepter in mid-air with magic, extended the hand, took the gift extremely decently, and said softly: “Everyone is a guest, this is our service concept.”


Azi raised her eyebrows, and a cute and curious expression appeared on her face, “Are all visitors here? It’s a very good service concept.”

“many thanks.” Elma extended the hand, turned his body slightly, and said to Azi: “The Goblin King is preparing to receive guests in this house. It should be over now, please come with me.”

“It’s work.”

Azi nodded, followed behind Elma, and soon, the two arrived at Zhou Li’s “official residence”.

A wood house much bigger than other goblin wood houses.

Opening the door, the bright rays of light came into A Zi’s eyes. She glanced at the light source without a trace, and vaguely saw a light blue in the center of the light. Then she looked towards the room that should be the “living room” and looked at the furnishings in the house.

Wooden tables, wooden chairs, almost all furniture is made of wood. There were no nails or traces of glue on it, which made A Zi feel a little strange. Just when Azi was thinking about how to glue the joints of the wood together, a gentle, magnetic man’s voice sounded from the door.

“Hello, welcome to Goblin Farmhouse, I’m the Chief-In-Charge here, just call me Mister Zhou.”

Azi raised her head, A thin young man wearing a black jacket with an extra abstract mask on his head pushed open the door of the back room and walked in front of him. She nodded slightly, and responded:

“Hello Mister Zhou, I’m the chairman of ZishaCber of Commerce, just call me Azi”

Zhou Li nod, Then he stretched out his hand for the two of them to go to the wooden table next to them for a meeting. When the three were seated, a goblin dressed in sackcloth walked out from the side, carrying a tray, and placed the three wooden cups on it in front of the three in an orderly manner. A Zi looked at this polite and thoughtful goblin, and there was a hint of interest in his eyes.

“Ordinary water, no poison.”

In the void, Spirit Sea leaned against the wall of the void with his arms crossed, his head turned to the side, observing the room through a gap. Every move of the people. She blinked, the white rays of light were fleeting, and the voice from the void still existed in her ears:

“It’s been a long time since you came to see me, Xiao Hai.”

In After secretly reporting the non-toxic message to Azi, Spirit Sea smiled helplessly and said softly, “I’ll see you more when I settle down.”

“Hmm~~~” That ethereal voice was particularly clear in the void, “Forget it, it’s too dark here, you won’t be comfortable with it. It would be nice to talk to me more in the future.”


Spirit Sea pulled the tail and responded. Then continue looking towards beyond the gap. The Void is the forbidden zone of life, but not only the forbidden zone of the Spirit Sea.

This is the place where Spirit Sea feels most at ease except for Azi.


After taking his seat, Zhou Li looked towards the purple-haired girl in front of him, and the expression under the mask couldn’t help but be a little stunned and puzzled.

She didn’t look like this when I killed her in the last time and space? ?

Yes, in the last time and space, in the ten years that Zhou Li was fighting monsters and upgrading everywhere, this girl named Lin Zi single-handedly established the largest Chamber of Commerce “Xinghai” in the entire Northern Continent. “. In the following years, nearly 70% of the business activities of the entire Northern Continent are related to Xinghai, which can be called the big trust of New World.

But not long after, the demons were rampant, and the girl somehow turned to Demon Sovereign Torreya alone and was transformed into the superior demon “Evil Spirit Spider King”. After becoming a demon, she continued to hunt down famous shadow professionals on the continent with extremely cruel methods. During her most rampant period, the Shadow Guild, which was on an equal footing with the Great Sect Courts, was on the verge of extinction. If Zhou Li hadn’t personally dealt with her, I’m afraid the shadow profession would have died out.


Looking at the lovely-looking, natural-looking girl in front of me, Zhou Li slightly frowned under the mask. At that time, it was clearly written on the oracle given to him by the church that Azi was a hybrid of the Void Demon, a born demon, and that mutiny in the demon camp was inevitable. But…

Zhou Li’s mind moved slightly as he raised the wooden cup, and then out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of the line of characters out of thin air in the book spread out on the side. And when he saw that line of words, Zhou Li’s pupils immediately shrank, and his right hand moved involuntarily.

“ordinary person.”

Zhou Li calmly drank the spring water, then put the cup on the wooden table. When he looked towards A Zi again, a playful look appeared on his face under the mask.

My dear Spiritual Gods, how much did you hide from me back then?

(End of this chapter)

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