This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 173: The Former Should Return (II)

Chapter 173

These past few days, Yan Xingnan has been drifting aimlessly.

His wound was inflamed, with recurring fevers, coupled with Zhao Cunzhi's memories constantly surfacing. Yan Xingnan was physically and mentally exhausted, and by the time he fully regained consciousness, it had already been three days since his rebirth.

He covered the bandaged forehead, finding it hard to believe that it had already been eighteen years since his death.

He wanted to go online and ask where he could find a computer.

Zhang Yao, who had come to visit him, looked at him disdainfully: "What do you need a computer for?"

"I... I need to look something up."

"You don't need a computer for that." Zhang Yao looked him up and down as if he were an alien. "Alright, since you seem pretty pitiful and bored while recovering, Brother Yao will give you a phone."

"Th... Thank you, Brother Yao."

"No need to thank me. You just focus on recovering, I'm still counting on you to make some money."

Zhang Yao didn't stay long, uttering some perfunctory polite words, and then left swaying his slender waist.

Soon after, a brand new latest model Apple phone and a SIM card were delivered to Yan Xingnan.

Zhao Cunzhi had previously used an old-fashioned cell phone that could only make and receive calls and text messages, so this kind of smartphone was something he had only seen others use.

Yan Xingnan studied it for a while before finally figuring out how to use the phone.

Tsk, technology has advanced so quickly, making him feel like a primitive person who has stumbled into the modern world.

Jin Mao has already been executed, and Yan Xingnan silently applauded the achievement.

As for the Shen family's eldest daughter, Shen Youfei, she remains unmarried and has been living a secluded life, never appearing in public. While searching for information on Shen Youfei, the browser bombarded him with a lot of gossip news about Shen Yingshuang, which left Yan Xingnan shaking his head in amazement.

He had seen Shen Yingshuang briefly in his previous life, but the memory of her was still that of a somewhat arrogant and proud little radish head. He couldn't believe how much she had changed. This made him wonder about Shen Youlin and Jiang Han, not knowing how they were doing.

He casually searched and found that there was no information about Jiang Han on the internet, but there was an overwhelming amount of news about Shen Youlin and his lover. Yan Xingnan browsed through it all with great interest, but when he saw the video of Yu Shu proposing to Shen Youlin, his heart suddenly sank, and his enthusiasm dissipated.

Back then, Shen Youfei had also wanted to propose to him, but fortunately his investigative skills were strong enough to prepare a diamond ring in advance.

Fate is indeed fickle. If everything had gone smoothly, he and Shen Youfei might have had several children by now.

Yan Xingnan was deeply concerned about Shen Youfei and, as soon as his body had recovered a bit, he started trying to escape, but was ultimately defeated by the ubiquitous surveillance cameras that had emerged from the rapid development of technology and economics.

Although he had managed to come up with excuses to get by, Zhang Yao still became suspicious and sent more people to watch over him.

Yan Xingnan also calmed down and realized that even if he wanted to see Shen Youfei, it would be useless, as he couldn't possibly contact her with Zhao Cunzhi's identity. He couldn't even get any information about her whereabouts. It would be better to stay at the Jinse Club for a while, as the place was full of influential and distinguished guests, making it much easier to obtain information about Shen Youfei.

Yan Xingnan's injuries healed quite quickly, and one day Zhang Yao brought him to the dressing room, where a group of men and women began fussing over his appearance.

In addition to him, there were seven or eight young men in the dressing room, all fixing up their images.

Yan Xingnan had seen all kinds of scenes before. When he was in police academy, he had even become a campus celebrity based on a photo of himself dressed as a woman during a disguise class.

He could accept the makeup, but what he couldn't accept was the implication that Zhang Yao was going to have him work as an escort.

How could he preserve his integrity?!

Zhang Yao anxiously paced back and forth in the dressing room, muttering to himself: "Miss Shen is coming tonight, and she specifically asked for something fresh. I don't know if you all will be able to catch her eye, but let me tell you..."

Yan Xingnan: "Who? Who's coming tonight?"

"Miss Shen, of course." Zhang Yao looked at him in bewilderment. "I'm telling you, Miss Shen is loaded. In the whole country, no, the whole of Asia, you won't find a richer family than the Shen family. Even if she just takes a liking to you, that would be enough for you to become an overnight billionaire and live comfortably for the rest of your life."

Yan Xingnan's voice trembled: "What's Miss Shen's full name?"

"Shen Yingshuang."

Yan Xingnan: "..."

"What's with that expression of yours? You look both relieved and disappointed at the same time."

"No, you misunderstood."

It's true that Youfei wouldn't come to a place like this, but tonight she definitely won't leave empty-handed, as Shen Yingshuang must know where Youfei is.

Yan Xingnan believed that Shen Youfei wouldn't come to the Jinse Club, but as soon as he entered the private room, he caught sight of Shen Youfei sitting next to Shen Yingshuang.

Yan Xingnan: !!!

I must have entered the wrong way!

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