This Game Will Kill

Chapter 29 - Happy too early

Five kills! PentaKill!


The surprise is not over yet. In my mind, the system prompts the music to sound again.

[Player ‘Wood’, continuously killing ‘Angel’ as an E-class player, and get 500 bonus points for additional games ’]

Didn’t wait for Li Ye’s reaction, another system prompt appeared.

[The player leapfrogs the “Angel” higher than his own ability, gains the title of weak win over strong, and rewards 5 attribute fruits]

In an instant, a picture appeared in front of Li Ye, and he only saw five colors of red, blue, yellow, green and white, and the appearance was like a grape-like fruit.

Then saw the fruits of five colors fall directly into something similar to the big carousel in the casino, and then the whole carousel began to rotate.

“Lying trough, can’t you choose this fruit by yourself?”

Attribute fruit!

This thing made Li Ye miss it for a long time! After all, as a big man, his physique is not as high as that of a little girl of the age of sixteen or seventeen, like the pink demon, which caused him to suffer a real injury to his self-esteem as a big man.

And now he has also discovered that this game is basically the same as the real world. If you want to play, this physique is not enhanced and you ca n’t play at all.

In a blink of an eye, the big turntable stopped, and then the pointer finally fell to the yellow area.

【Ding Dong! Players get fruit of physical attributes * 5】

Body … physical strength!

Li Ye’s eyes are black. Of the five attributes, the last healthy fruit is undoubtedly the most precious, as can be seen from the exchange price. Although the other four prices are the same, in his mind, compared to strength, speed and response, this physical force is the most ugly.

“This girl is destined to be my life as a meat shield?”

Complaints go back to complain, Li Ye naturally smiled and accepted the reward.

Suddenly, in Li Ye’s hands, five small yellow fruits appeared, exuding an attractive fragrance.

“This is the attribute fruit?”

Not only Li Ye, after the three people landed, the pink demon and the trigger also changed their expressions, and obviously the two also received the sound of the system prompt.

“Have you received it?”

The trigger endured the pain, grinning his teeth, but it was difficult to hide the excitement in his tone!

Only the little girl, although the same little face was a little excited, but the next moment the eyes fell on Li Ye, after seeing Li Ye is fine, he let out a little sigh of relief.

Although this girl sometimes has a poisonous tongue, her heart is not bad.

“Uncle, are you okay?” Seeing Li Ye’s arm swollen almost a big circle, a little mist rose in the eyes of the little girl, some distressed but dare not touch Li Ye.

Turned the trigger on one side, saw the yellow fruit in Li Ye’s hand, a face suddenly stiffened, and then exclaimed!

“Li Ye, are you in your hands?”

Li Ye didn’t have any intention to hide, nodded and was about to speak …

“Li Ye, I didn’t expect you to have such a hobby? Don’t eat this kind of pill and hurt your body! When you get hurt, you can bear it, a big man, don’t be so hot!”

Li Ye: “…”

You are the mother! Your whole family is a cannon!

Fortunately, the pink demon still knows the goods, and also notices what Li Ye has in his hand, exclaimed, “Uncle, this is you!”

“Physical strength fruit, the reward after killing those” angels “just now, how about you? Should you also get good results?”

Smiled, although the attribute fruit is precious, but the three people are also in trouble. The little girl, the pink demon girl, will not say it. On the way to the trigger, she has also experienced a lot with the two. Although they have known each other soon, Li Ye did not decide to hide it.

“Physical fruit?”

But obviously, the trigger was a little confused.

“Can increase your own physical attributes, strengthen physical fitness.”

Explained, the trigger suddenly relieved, but to Li Ye’s surprise, he didn’t show any envy or jealous expression, but instead he smiled, “Then what are you waiting for! Hurry up and eat! It’s so good for you The little girl’s body is not as good as a little man like me! “

Said, pulling the clothes directly to reveal six abdominal muscles, not to mention, looking at the very thin trigger, taking off his clothes and letting Li Ye feel helpless.

The pink demon on one side, breathlessly relieved, her gaze also dropped from her vigilance just now. Obviously she was more vigilant than Li Ye, but at this moment she felt relieved.


Not far away, a section of elevated pavement began to crack directly, and then a large section directly collapsed.

“This time, it’s so dangling!”

Almost all three people were scared after bursts.

After all, if it weren’t Li Ye’s boldness and luck, it would be unknown whether the three would survive.

The five ‘angels’, even if they are only the weakest among the ‘angels’, are not something that the three of them can deal with.

Li Ye was not wasted. He swallowed five physical fruits directly, and the entrance melted. The next moment I felt the stomach warm and melted, just like drinking Dabu soup.

Was almost exhausted, and it was like resuscitation full of blood. If the dislocated and swollen right arm can recover, it would be better.

“Nothing changed? That’s it?”

Five physical fruits! A 500 game point! 2500 game points! This is equivalent to 250,000 soft sister coins!

Take a look at your attributes:

[Player ‘wood’, strength 6, reaction 10, stamina 14, speed 6, health 9, level E, game points 5,078 points)

One item of physical strength, which is only a short distance from the highest cap of his player level today!

It’s a pity that the other items are somewhat …

and many more!

He suddenly found that his reaction was 2 points higher than before! The speed is increased by 1 point! The power has not changed, but there has been a slight change in response and speed.

“Doesn’t … my previous guess is correct, in addition to redeeming the attribute fruit, the body strengthening will also be improved for some reasons!”

Compared to the rewards of physical strength, the response and speed increase, although the amplitude is small, also makes Li Ye more excited!

“Five” Angels “I got 750 game points reward!”

“I only have 250 points.”

The trigger and the pink demon said separately, and the reward distribution after the apparent killing of “Angel”, from the previous and this time, Li Ye finally determined one thing.

“This should be determined based on the contributions of the three of us.”

The pink fairy is not too dissatisfied. Just now, the main idea of ​​the three people was Li Ye. Finally, Li Ye jumped off the elevated road with three people and naturally occupied the most contributions.

The trigger set up a bomb trap and transformed those unmanned vehicles, so the contribution was second, only the little pink fairy girl did not contribute much, but also received a certain amount of reward points.

Of course, the two of them did not know that Li Ye also received an extra bonus of 500 points.

Just as all three people have a fear of the rest of their lives after the disaster, the next moment, Li Ye feels a cold behind.

At the same time, the trigger in front of him, the joy on his face was also stunned, and the pupil dilated slightly.

“We are in trouble!”

Is in trouble!

No, it should be said that they have encountered a more dangerous encounter than just now!

I don’t know when, there are a lot of huge white bodies around, slowly approaching towards the three people.

“Damn it! It’s ‘Angel’!”

The trigger spit fiercely, but there was a sad smile on his face.

The pink demon Ji held Li Ye’s intact arm. Although the little girl didn’t say anything, the slightly trembling body let Li Ye know that she was too scared at the moment.

Around, at least a dozen “angels” have blocked the possibility of escape of all three people, and completely surrounded them.

“How long?”

The trigger quickly looked at it, then smiled bitterly, “Fifty-seven minutes, I don’t think we insisted on it.”

Fifty-seven minutes!

Li Ye took a deep breath, not to mention fifty-seven minutes! Even five minutes, they may not be able to stick to it!

“Don’t look at me, I’m just like ordinary people now.”

The trigger shrugged and gave up.

Just now, it was his last chance to make a bomb trap. In a short time, it is impossible to come again.

And the most important thing is that the surrounding area is empty and there is no condition at all. Give them another perfect copy just now.

The huge movement just now is the biggest reason that attracted these ‘angels ~ ~ demons in the eyes of players. All three people have forgotten the dangers because of the huge surprise, but when they find out, it is too late.



“Go over there! Don’t give up any chance!”

Li Ye said in a low voice, pointing not far away, just below a large section of elevated structure that had just collapsed due to a violent explosion, where a lot of reinforced concrete fell, and the terrain was at least much better than the open space now.

“Li Ye, what are your plans?”

Perhaps it was Li Ye ’s strategy just now that the trigger put the last hope on him.


Li Ye took a breath and then said, “My plan is … to run! How far can I run! Not to the last minute, don’t give up the courage to live!”

Don’t give up until the last moment?

The trigger also nodded fiercely.

Three people suddenly broke out! Almost because of the strength of feeding, I dare not look back!

Is as short as ten meters, but at this moment, it seems to be far away.

Suddenly, Li Ye turned around, and within a distance of less than three meters, an “angel” was about to catch up with the three.

“go to hell!”

The only okay left arm raised his crossbow directly, and slammed his fingers!

At the same time, the two crossbow arrows turned into two cold lights, shot out instantly!


Two blood holes appeared directly on the head of the ‘angel’, and the huge body crashed to the ground under inertia.

[The player kills ‘Angel’ and rewards 500 game points]

Kill? !


Poor with few recommended votes, poor with few collections, comments …

Cough, it’s a bit too bad

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