This Fake Daughter Deserves To Be Spoiled

Chapter 5

It’s very strange, it’s time to eat now, and her mother should also come back from the store.

Muttering in her heart, Yang Chuyue took out her cell phone and called Mama Yang.

It took a long time for the phone to be answered, and it was a little noisy. Yang Chuyue felt that it was movement in the kitchen and felt even more strange, “Mom? Are you not at home?”

“I’m at home.” Mother Yang said, “It’s all here, why haven’t you come back? You won’t have lunch at home?”

“I’m back, right at the door, you open the door for me.” Yang Chuyue said as she raised her hand and knocked on the door.

Since junior high school, she didn’t like to bring keys. She was still studying at that time, so that when she came back from the evening study, she stood outside and knocked on the door to call her mother. Every time she came to open the door for her, she would curse, especially It’s winter time.

But Yang Chuyue’s habit has not changed, even in high school.

As soon as Yang Chuyue finished talking with Mama Yang, she heard her father’s voice rang on the other end of the phone, “No one is outside, did you forget to tell Chuyue that our house has moved?”

“Hi! I really forgot to say it!”

Yang Chuyue: “…”

On the other end of the phone, Mama Yang urged Yang Chuyue’s father to come here to pick her up. Yang Chuyue almost laughed angrily and said, “Forget it, I will go by myself.”

“Can you find a place?” Father Yang picked up the phone.

Yang Chuyue turned and walked downstairs, “I can find it. I have been there before school starts.”

Last year, their family bought a new house, which was far away, not at the foot of the mountain. In a new community opposite the fire brigade, Yang Chuyue knew that she had followed Mama Yang to see it during the summer vacation. Run to the furniture city every day to choose furniture.

She thought that at least it would be the end of the year to move over, but she did not expect to move now, and what she did not expect was that she would move as soon as she moved, and she didn’t even say a word to her.

On the way to take the bus, Yang Chuyue stopped by the nearby stewed vegetable shop and bought a stewed vegetable. When she paid the money, she received a WeChat from Yang’s father.

Father Yang: Do you remember to tell your brother about this.

When Yang Sanhuo didn’t know this, Yang Chuyue’s heart was instantly balanced, and it wasn’t just her who was forgotten.

Turned his head and put the phone in his pocket.

Yang Chuyue has a younger brother named Yang Shen, whose name was given by her grandmother. Her grandmother used to be a teacher and has retired. Yang Chuyue is three years younger than Yang Chuyue. On the first day of this year, she attended another junior high school. , Far away from home, studying in boarding.

When I arrived at the new home, it happened to be at the eating point. Father Yang was answering the phone. On the other end of the phone was the forgotten Yang Shen.

When the call was hung up, Dad Yang turned his head to Yang Chuyue and said, “Yang Chuyue! Didn’t you tell your brother? Why didn’t you say it?”

“Then you just sent him WeChat directly? Why did you send me WeChat?” Yang Chuyue knelt down and hugged the head of the big golden retriever.

The Big Golden Retriever was given by Yang Xiaoer, a friend of Dad Yang.

Mother Yang doesn’t like dogs, but Dad Yang likes them very much. Anyway, in Yang Chuyue’s memory, dogs are indispensable in her growth.

Before Yang Xiaoer came, Yang Chuyue’s family raised a retired police dog, which was also sent by a friend of Dad Yang. He knew that he likes dogs, so he entrusted the dog to him. That dog is very handsome, and one is very handsome. His name is “Black Panther”.

The Panthers left in the third year of Yang Chuyue.

Yang Xiaoer was when she was in the semester of high school, Yang’s father asked Yang Shen to take a car to his friend’s house to pick it up. When she picked it up, she was still a puppy. Now she has grown up. Although Yang’s mother always dislikes .

I could see that Yang Xiaoer was dirty and would bathe it. Once Yang Xiaoer ran out and was injured. Mother Yang cried distressedly while scolding him for running around.

“Go wash your hands and eat.” Mama Yang urged.

Yang Chuyue got a kick on her ass, let go of Yang Xiaoer, and quickly stood up and carried the stewed vegetables into the kitchen, washing her hands and eating.

There is a large balcony in the living room of the new home. There is an old rocking chair in the corner, which is incompatible with the layout of the new home. Yang Chuyue lay down on the rocking chair after eating. Yang Xiaoer lay on her lap and slept with her. Nap.

When I woke up, my voice was a little dry, I reached out and patted Yang Xiaoer’s head, and pointed to the refrigerator, “Xiaoer, go…”

When Yang Xiaoer picked up the popsicle, Yang Chuyue bit the popsicle and played on the phone.

“Sister, I’m going to Grandpa, are you going?” Yang Shen came out of the room, holding a box and calling her.

Yang Chuyue stood up, “Go, you take Xiao Er with you.”

“Oh.” Yang Shen brought the dog leash to Yang Xiaoer, and the siblings walked outside with the dog.

Grandpa Yang is a carpenter who lives in the old town. The rocking chair Yang Chuyue loves the most is made by Grandpa Yang. Yang Shen came here not only to see Grandpa Yang, but to complete a manual task. He wanted to make it out of wood. A model airplane was taken to the competition.

Yang Chuyue was sitting on the side of the road playing with her mobile phone, holding a can of orange in her hand.

The houses in the old city are also old and there is no elevator room. The highest floor is six floors. Grandpa Yang lives on the second floor. The first floor was originally his own. When he was young, he did carpentry work here.

I am now retired. I rented it out on the first floor and opened a small shop. People often gather here to play mahjong and play cards. There are also many children taken by grandparents to play outside.

When it was getting dark, Father Yang and Mother Yang also came over, bringing a lot of food, and supper at Grandpa’s side.

“First month, go downstairs and buy a bottle of beer.” Father Yang said to her while sitting on the sofa.

“Is one bottle enough?” Yang Chuyue walked out the door.

“Then two bottles, take the trash down by the way.”

Yang Chuyue responded, stooping to carry the trash at the door, and said to Yang Xiaoer who was following: “Don’t follow, stay honestly!”

Yang Xiaoer wailed and lay down at the door honestly.

At this point, every family has begun to cook dinner, and the corridors are full of food. In such an old community, each unit has two houses on each floor. The soundproofing is not good. The sound of men cursing at the house is sounding. There was also the movement of smashing things.

Yang Chuyue turned and walked downstairs carrying the garbage. She didn’t pay much attention to the movement on the other side. Although she didn’t live here for a long time, she was used to it. From the occasional chat with her grandfather and parents, she knew that the opposite door also lived in a household. Others, men like to drink, and they like to smash things when they are drunk, but I have never heard of hitting people.

She threw the trash and bought two bottles of beer. When she returned to the door, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of a figure coming out from the opposite side. She was stunned, turned her head and looked over, “At the same table?”

Tang Shuangxu paused, and continued walking upstairs without looking back.

Yang Chuyue remembered the movement in the room facing the door, and she had a vague idea in her heart. She opened the door and put two bottles of beer at the door, “Yang Sanhuo! Come and get the beer in!”

Turning to chase Tang Shuangxu and ran upstairs.

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