The Year of Rebirth

Chapter 81

Chapter 83 Dao Gao-One Zhang (9)

[No way, I actually gave a close-up (〒_〒) to cover my chest, who will save my heart beating so fast! 】

[I just came out of the special effects scene and saw the close-up…instantly inserted in the heart… I beg to lick my boots (tot) //]

[What about your morals in the front? There really is such a thing, I just want to say… let me come ah ah ah ah! ! ! 】

[Ooo suddenly good sad how broken, big trouble Which obviously have reached the highest point]

[Ah…watching him walking up all the way… (covering his chest) It’s great to know Dadao…]

[He doesn’t know you, okay! 】

[(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻Don’t leave after the previous live broadcast is over!]

[▄︻┳═One hand in the previous address, I promise not to kill you! 】

“How do you feel about getting this award?” After the award, the host continued to conduct interviews.

Su Liunian was holding the gilded book, and after thinking about it with a smile, “I can only say it is expected?”

His words were very arrogant, but they won even greater applause from the scene. When you have this strength and are recognized by everyone, arrogance is the manifestation of your capital.

The host’s smile stiffened for a moment, but he adjusted quickly, and then he asked: “The fleeting years are very confident. Why is this?”

Su Liunian just smiled and said, “I have done a lot of preparations for this book, and I know it is a very good book before I start writing.”

This book records his memory, which is the history that only he knows. For him, everything in the book is not a story, but a personal thing that has existed, and things that have happened. They are proofs that he has existed in another world. Without others to prove for him, he can only prove that such a world has existed. And he has done it now, although this is only the first step.

“It’s very simple to say that the fleeting years are very simple, but there is nothing wrong. Judging from the high rate of votes in the online voting at the beginning, the fleeting years really did write a good book.”

This sentence sounds strange. Su Liunian didn’t care about the host’s improper words. He simply bowed, and then slowly walked off the stage.

He will not only walk on this stage once, this time it is for the book he wrote to accept the award, next time it should be himself.

He will walk here, he feels at ease, every word in those writing articles comes from his fingertips. It’s just that his goal at the beginning is not to get to this position. His goal has not been achieved yet, and being on the altar is only a small part of it.

It’s easy to get on the altar, but it’s hard to stand on it. He stepped on here with his own strengths! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Will stand steadily by his own ability!

Su Xuanyan didn’t say anything to him, just reached out and touched his head, and took the book in his hand.

The lights on the stage dimmed again, and the publication of the next book began.

[O( ̄ヘ ̄o#) I see the host in the venue very unhappy, don’t you think that sentence is weird? The big book is really good, so you don’t need to see it through anything! 】

【_(:3」∠)_I don’t know who this host is. . . The one on the sidelines hasn’t looked pretty…Does your family know that it’s so sour? 】

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\(\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\”▔□▔)/ should be replaced by me, I will not interview too much, stand The stage shouted: “Greatly I declare you are you made! ! “Enough.】

[Good proposal in front of 23333! Oh, I will definitely be shy! I really want to see the face blushing greatly (ˉ﹃ˉ)】

[Greatly I declare that you made it! I don’t know why I clicked on the cute poke. Oh, I want to confess this to Da Da! 】

[Digress! Hello! What’s your point! have you eaten? ! 】

【╮(╯▽╰)╭Don’t be too serious, and say that you are easy-going. See, most of us don’t care about our anxieties with her_(:3」∠)_Too excited will turn into little black fans, one brain fan tops three black black fans, you know ╮(╯▽╰)╭】

The time for the tense award ceremony always flies quickly, and soon the number of people on the list of the gods has been revealed, and only the last one is left.

There is a certain amount in every mind of who this position should be. Although it seems that there is no suspense, no one knows what will happen before the last second.

“Next we are going to announce the last writer to be on the Fengshen list. Similarly, the organizing committee has made a vcr for us.”

The spot of light tilted down from the sky and spread out into a curtain. A green light chased on the curtain. Slowly, there was the sound of horseshoes.

“Who did I want to ride the world for, who did I want to walk all over the world for!!!” Someone shouted, clenched with iron hoofs in the flying dust, millions of people and horses rushed in, the man headed Chao Ge, this is when he asks the sky on the battlefield, and he is also asking himself! At this moment, the most magnificent poem is being knocked out in people’s hearts.

This is the beginning of the epic.

The melody sounded, someone’s voice sounded, and slowly said, “This is a fate that cannot be escaped. We are destined to meet, we are destined to miss… But we once have shared memories. If this is destined, then let the sky be destined. It doesn’t matter if we have one game, at least we have known each other.”

The prologue opened, and a life and death escape was unfolding in the dark tomb passage.

The sound effects are shocking, and people can’t help clenching their fists in the thick color. They were like this at the beginning, and they couldn’t wait to block the damage for them, chasing the updated footsteps every day, sinking into a fictional world. It’s like poisoning, but it’s so reluctant.

There is a kind of magic in his writing that makes them sink into it willingly.

“Mom wants to see me on the screen.” The boy’s voice was crisp.

“I’m standing here, but it’s still far from high enough!” The already young man said to himself after all the hardships.

But the next moment, a huge tongue of fire engulfed him.

His voice became deep: “Is it over?… But I haven’t done it yet…”

After the heroic, a soft prelude sounded, and the piano on the right side of the stage slowly sounded. It was a familiar melody. The boys sounded with a little crying voice throughout the venue, easing the heat in everyone’s hearts who were unable to control their emotions.

“I woke up again and opened my eyes until the early hours of the morning, confirming that I was the only one left. Six Chapters of the Floating Life also said that the world is stable… Now it is divided into heaven and earth…”

He jumped into the Xiang River, and his body drifted along the river for fifteen days. He was found and salvaged in Yueyang on March 27… He was not even 28 years old…

He should have had the best years, he should have had the happiest life…He is not innocent, but he is also innocent. He just likes someone…like it so much that he will never reach thirty-five years old… …

After the sorrow, who was humming softly, a picture scroll opened before people’s eyes, as if the past was reproduced on paper, and the smiles of those people had a unique charm, and their stories came together into one The gurgling historical river flows all the way, scouring the nation named Huaxia and composing magnificent poems.

“Along the way, he brought us laughter and tears. We chased his words, happy and sad for each of his words. His pen composed a song of odes, and he brought us too much Too much.”

“Although we have known him for a short time, although we can only touch him behind him through words, our heart is the most sincere.”

“Let us invite him to our stage with our most sincere cry, hope he can feel our heart, and hope he can affirm this piece of our heart!”

The stage was dark, and after the end of the vcr, there was only the lonely voice of the narration.

But he received the most enthusiastic response. The most enthusiastic cheers broke out in the venue. They shouted the name of a person. Although they did not know each other, the text brought them together. They thanked the person who linked them with text. People, they shouted his name.

“The writing is fleeting!”

“The writing is fleeting!!”

“The writing is fleeting!!!”

In the already boiling cry, the man stepped onto the stage.

Along the blue pedals suspended in the air, he walked up the air step by step, took the brush that symbolized the highest peak of the writer’s lifelong effort, raised his hand to splash ink, and wrote “the passing years of writing” on the stone pillars paved with white jade. Big characters.

This white jade pillar is the list of gods, and every writer who can leave a name on this white jade pillar can be called a “god.” Although it is only a form, it means that you have been recognized by people.

The last stroke fell, Su Liunian turned and bowed deeply.

The cheers seemed to overturn the entire venue, and people could feel the joyous atmosphere even in places far away from the venue.

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh The figure, eyes burning.

“When I first wanted to write, I was to support myself.” He brushed some messy hair behind him, his expression was calm, as if he was talking about the most common things. “But as I said in my profile, I want to write a world that belongs to me. This is my original intention and it has never changed.”

“This world is built by myself. I write history for it step by step, and I slowly build a future for it… You will all be witnesses to this world, and you have witnessed its step-by-step improvement, and when it finally takes shape , I believe you will also be with me.”

“That was my most painful time. Losing my mother made me almost give up my life and leave this world, but the idea of ​​creating a world of my own supported me to go on.”

“You may not know why I want to say that, because I had no relatives at all at that time…”

“The first readers who followed me may know that when I started writing, I had nothing. For the sake of the song, I turned upside down day and night during that month, and I lost a whole circle of weight. When I went out, I almost thought that what I saw was not the sun… …”

In the camera, he lowered his eyes, his curled eyelashes quivered slightly, and every click seemed to traverse your heart. He didn’t smile any more, his expression was calm, only a little emotion was revealed in his half-closed eyes.

“Thank you brother, he brought me out of my life alone, thank you, brother, he made me feel the affection… I want to say that I can stand here today by no means my own efforts, but because of You… have everyone who loves me.”

“I’m still young and I have shortcomings, but believe me, no matter what happens, I will stick to it and write such a world for you, not for myself…”

[No way… My heart is going to melt away (covering my chest) I’m already crying… Don’t be so sensational…]

[So distressed qaq]

[Do not cry greatly, we will always be with you, as long as you are still there, we will always be with you. 】

[I don’t know why I think of “This life and this life, he will not lose me, I will not lose him” qaq]

[It made me cry so much. qaq (wiping eyes) must have been very hard at the beginning… Only one person still…]

[Qwq passersby turn to fans, this big lady…uuuuu, I don’t know how to describe my mood…]

The atmosphere of the scene was so good, fortunately, when Su Liunian stepped off the stage, people suddenly came back to their senses. They didn’t know how to express their excitement, but they could only raise a higher heat wave.

Su Liunian was taken by Su Xuanyan through the mysterious passage in the backstage and handed over to Su Xuanqing.

“Brother?” Su Liunian was a little puzzled looking at his brother who had disappeared for a whole night somehow.

Su Xuanyan rubbed his little brother’s head and said with a smile: “I will help you with the ending, so go ahead.”

“Thank you, brother.” Su Xuanqing rarely gave her elder brother a face, and left the venue without looking back.

Tonight’s costumes are a bit complicated. Su Liunian can’t follow Su Xuanqing fast. He can only be dragged and run. He is still a little ignorant. It was not until he set foot on the yacht that he remembered that he should ask his brother. What to do…

“Brother? Where have you been all afternoon?”

“Hush—” Su Xuanqing looked mysterious. The yacht started silently, leading them away from the island that was shining brightly at the moment, singing and dancing.

Seeing the little island drifting away, Su Liunian curled his lips.

Although what he said tonight is true or false, it is really what he said from the bottom of his heart. He won’t stop recording everything in that world, and he won’t stop what he’s doing just because of someone’s awkward sentence or two.

Everything about him after tonight will be questioned, whether it is the intention of writing or acting, maybe everything he did tonight will be said to be a show, but Su Liunian is Su Liunian, if it is really influenced by those people , He is not him.

It is very hard to stand on top of two peaks at the same time, because no matter which peak it is, it is difficult to climb and hold on.

It’s just that he will keep going, always.

“Xiao Nian want to know what I did in the afternoon?” With a hot breath spraying to the side, Su Xuanqing raised her hand to cover Su Liunian’s eyes, and asked with a smile.

“Brother…This is not fun…” When Su Liunian raised his hand to catch Su Xuanqing, his body was turned around, his lips were blocked, and Su Xuanqing’s bright eyes were close to his eyes.


Holding his left hand, something warm and cool was put on his ring finger. Su Liunian was taken aback, suddenly raised his head to look at Su Xuanqing, only to see smile and petting in his eyes, as if to drown him. .

Raising his hand to face the full moon, the ring on the ring finger under the moonlight glowed softly.

It was a sapphire ring, with prismatic sapphires dotted with shining diamonds, and the silver ring had hollows, which seemed simple but extremely delicate. Su Liunian looked up at the ring he was wearing, and was speechless for a while.

Su Xuanqing reached out and held his hand, the ring of the same ring on the ring finger was amazingly bright.

Su Liunian looked at him sideways. “brother……”

Su Xuanqing kissed his lips and whispered: “Although we can’t make it public because of the nominal brotherhood, it doesn’t mean we can’t wear the ring. There should have been a marriage certificate… but we are already a family, aren’t we? ?”

Su Liunian stayed for a while before realizing what Su Xuanqing meant. “Brother is proposing? Although it is a proposal that only the two of us know about, we can’t be so perfunctory.”

Su Xuanqing squinted her eyes, “Did Xiaonian agree?”

Hooking Su Xuanqing’s neck with both hands, Su Liunian stood on tiptoe and kissed him. “Guess brother?”

Holding his waist tightly, Su Xuanqing turned away from the guest. “I promised Bento Xiaonian.”


“Well…someone here…”

Su Xuanqing led him into the cabin: “I set up autopilot…” The implication was that there were only two of them on this yacht tonight.

Su Liunian: “…” Is this premeditated?

Su Xuanqing bowed her head and kissed him, tenderly nostalgic: “I love you, Xiaonian.”

Su Liunian looked down at the ten fingers that the two clasped tightly, bit his lip and whispered: “Me too…”

The ocean wind came slowly at night, and the two exchanged kisses as they moved towards the cabin. It seemed that even the surrounding air was sweet and greasy…

“Thank you… brother…”

Thank you God for giving me another life…Thank you for our meeting…

Thank you for the happiness you gave me.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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