The Year of Rebirth

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Writing-Reset (4)

Of course, Su Liunian didn’t know that he had been spotted because he hadn’t gone out to search for food and sunbathe. At the moment, he was finally getting a little full sleep and was planning to go out.

After coming to this world, he hasn’t been on the street and familiar with the environment. Taking advantage of the time when he was free, he decided to go for a walk so that he wouldn’t get moldy.

The best thing is to get some ingredients. Even if he is not proficient in cooking, the things he wants to toss will not be more unpalatable than the pile of mash that can only be made.

Searching for some common sense of this world in his mind, Su Liunian opened the door, and he could feel the warm sunshine outside and the pleasant weather without deliberately observing. This made him take a deep breath and laughed contentedly.

The smile was very beautiful, and the housekeeper who was walking nearby was dumbfounded.

The housekeeper can be said to have grown up with the young master and the two young masters, and watched them achieve everything now, so he was very pleased with the two young masters. Only the young master, he knew anything about His news comes from words or pictures.

It can be said that he doesn’t know the young master at all.

But at this moment, seeing the beautiful smile of the young man in the sun, he almost subconsciously regarded him as the young master of the Su family. It wasn’t because of the master’s dying entrustment, nor was it because the young master paid attention to the young man, he just simply recognized the young man.

Because a teenager who can have that smile is worthy of his recognition.

He walked steadily in front of him and bowed respectfully: “An Zhengchu has seen the young master.”

Su Liunian blinked at him.

He couldn’t help but smiled, and the housekeeper seemed to soften. “Young Master, I am the butler of the Su family, and I am here to invite you back.”

Su Liunian’s expression changed. Although he knew that the Su family was born, he never cared about it. After all, they never appeared in the lives of the mother and son. He thought maybe the Su family didn’t care about the mother and son… but now someone ran out…

Invite him back?

Are you kidding me?

Not to mention that he is not the young master of the Su family at all, but he is 100,000 points unwilling to go back to the big family intrigue.

So he didn’t change his face and said, “This gentleman, you probably admitted the wrong person. I don’t know you, nor is it your little master.”

The butler had long expected that he would not compromise so easily, and he was still gentle. “Young master, I know that not long after the wife left, you still have a prejudice against the Su family, but after so many years, both of them have the shadow of the Su family behind them. The eldest master is also worried that the young master is unaccustomed to living outside alone, so he ordered I came to pick you up.”

Su Liunian narrowed his eyes and looked up and down at the man in front of him.

Men are not young, and there will be slight wrinkles in the corners of their eyes, but they are very well maintained. They should be very handsome in middle-aged wearing a deacon uniform. The whole body temperament is indeed not something ordinary people can bring out. Su Liunian didn’t doubt that the man was not from the Su family, he just didn’t want to go back.

Very unwilling.

“Sorry, I don’t know what you are talking about.” He took a step back and turned around calmly. “There is no Young Master Su, this housekeeper can trouble go back.”

Because of turning around, Su Liunian missed the flash of smile in the butler’s eyes and his movements.

So, without the slightest preparation, he was knocked out by the housekeeper.

The butler caught the fallen man, but was taken aback by the light weight, and then frowned dissatisfiedly.

He lifted the person horizontally, and the butler ordered the people around him. “Contacting the young master, I said that I brought the young master back to the main house. Please feel at ease. Then he ordered the main house to prepare some warm medicinal meals, and asked Dr. Liang.”

The black man beside him paused and asked, “Mr. Butler, where is the second young master?”

“The second young master will ignore it for the time being, I will tell him personally. Let’s go back.”


Feeling the light weight of the person in his arms, the housekeeper sighed helplessly… I didn’t expect that he really made it right. The young master didn’t want to take care of himself at all… He was thin like this… Next I’m afraid it is necessary to make up for it.


When Su Liunian woke up, the sky outside was already dark. After fainting, he automatically fell asleep again, and finally made up for the sleep he had lost before.

Sitting on the bed for a while, Su Liunian realized that he didn’t seem to be in the house where he had lived for several weeks. Waved aside the slightly absurd thought of “is it reborn again”, he lifted the quilt covering his body and got out of bed.

When the foot touched the ground, not only did it not feel cold, but it was warm and soft, very comfortable.

Su Liunian narrowed his eyes and let out a sigh like a cat. He was very satisfied with this feeling.

After walking barefoot around the bed a few times, Su Liunian reluctantly pushed the door and walked out of the room.

This seems to be the second floor of the villa. The room is at the end of the corridor. After pushing the door open, you can see the long corridor.

The corridor was empty at the moment.

Su Liunian walked along the corridor. On the second floor, there are three rooms and a side hall. The side hall can be regarded as a half balcony, and the room next to the side hall is a semi-lounge study. The remaining two rooms are similar, and the two doors are not far apart. He only walked a few steps and saw the other door, pushed it, and seemed to be locked. Su Liunian blinked, turned and walked downstairs.

Take a bend along the spiral staircase and arrive at the living room on the first floor.

The floor was made of solid wood, and it was a little bit cool, Su Liunian didn’t care about it. He stepped on it barefoot, and it felt cool to his body, which made him a lot more energetic.

He carefully looked at the layout of the living room, for some reason there was no sense of disobedience. This place makes him feel warm. The color of the living room is very elegant and warm, which is very home furnishing. This arrangement surprised him a bit. He was sure that he was taken back to the Su family, but he didn’t want the decoration here to be so appealing to him.

I thought it would be a big mansion. 【Hey】

The butler’s voice suddenly sounded behind him, still soft and respectful. “Young Master, you have been sleeping for 8 hours, and supper is ready, please come to the restaurant.”

Su Liunian was taken aback, but he turned around slowly, putting on an indifferent expression. “This gentleman, this kind of behavior of you can be regarded as kidnapping, I think I have the right to call the police.”

The steward smiled, “Little master, you are underage, and the guardian has become the eldest master since you returned to Su’s house. You are going home, how can you say it’s kidnapping?”

Su Liunian looked at him at each other, and was quite unhappy with his attitude. Everything is in control of an attitude…

He turned his head and walked towards the hallway.

The butler followed him, and said unhurriedly, “Little master, the restaurant is not there.”

Su Liunian paused, turned around and smiled at him. The butler only felt that there was a flash in front of him, and was shocked in his heart. He raised the level of the enchanting young master of his own family to a higher level, placing him in the same position as the young master at home. . “I’m going away from home, Mr. Butler.”

He turned his head back. When it turned dark in front of him, he ran into someone. He was about to fall down due to an unstable center of gravity. However, the black-clad man held his arms around his waist and carried him directly on his shoulders, just against his stomach. Su Liunian felt his stomach. There was a churn, but he couldn’t spit out anything because he hadn’t eaten anything from morning till now.

Su Liunian struggled fiercely, and then greeted him with a big hand.

Su Liunian was dumbfounded for a while, only to realize that he was spanked…like teaching a child…being spanked! ! !

The butler saw everything in his eyes, silently lowered his head, and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

Su Liunian got more and more uncomfortable as he moved, but fortunately he didn’t move anymore and spoke unhappily on his stomach. “You let me down!”

The man ignored him and carried him towards the stairs. Su Liunian had an ominous premonition. He barely raised his head and saw the butler looking at him at the hallway. No matter how he looked at him, he was a “I’ll light a candle for you.” “Yunbei” expression.

Su Liunian realized that if he didn’t leave now, he would have no chance to leave, so he spoke again. “Who are you and what do you want to do.”

The man’s voice sounded again, the lowered voice was full of magnetism, and he obviously didn’t see the man’s face. At that time, Su Liunian subconsciously thought that he must be very good-looking.

“If children want to run away from home, parents must always educate them.”

“Puff.” The housekeeper covered his mouth and blinked at Su Liunian, perhaps because he wanted to express the meaning of-let you be obedient, you wouldn’t be miserable now.

Su Liunian was placed on the bed where he woke up, and immediately touched his chest to sooth the accelerating heart. Damn it, he just thought that person was going to throw him directly onto the bed. He calmed down and looked up at the man with cold eyes.

He is sure that today is the day he has been stupefied the most.

It was a face that was 4 points similar to him, but his face was soft, and the man was very enchanting. It’s not the kind of demon who is indistinguishable from male and female, just one glance, no one will mistake his gender. The sword eyebrows are raised, and a pair of phoenix eyes are fierce. When looking at people with a cold face, he is “murderous”, with a thin nose and thin lips. Su Liunian’s mind turned two or three times and found that there is really nothing to describe other than evildoers. This man.

Seeing him startled, the man raised his eyebrows or chose to speak first.

“I am your second brother, Su Xuanqing.”

“…” So it was him…

“From today, you have to live here.”

“…” Seeing him take it for granted, Su Liunian curled his lips. “I have my own house, this is not my home, I don’t want to live.” The air around the man became cold, and the room seemed to drop a few degrees. Su Liunian rubbed back and moved a little away.

“This is your home. Except here, there is no place worthy of being called home by you.” The man narrowed his eyes and saw Su Liunian chill behind his back. “Either you are obedient, then you can move around here freely. If you really want to run away from home, I don’t mind putting two people by your side and watching you all the time.”

“You!” I have seen a domineering one, I have never seen such a domineering one!

The man obviously didn’t intend to listen to him. “If you want to enjoy the’kidnapping’ treatment, you can also mention it to me.”

Su Liunian chose to shut up.

The man was very satisfied with his compromise, and his broken face softened,…so he became even more enchanting.

He got up to leave, but turned around at the door of the room and looked back at Su Liunian trying to bury himself in the quilt. His expression was a little subtle, but he still opened his mouth.

“You have to eat more in the future…you are too skinny.”

Su Liunian stiffened, and the man closed the door and left.

The butler was standing at the door, his face narrowed, obviously he heard the man’s words. “The Second Young Master will definitely be a good brother.”

The man glanced at him, ignored him, walked straight to the door Su Liunian tried to open before and pushed open the door. Seeing that the butler was still standing still looking at him, he felt reluctant for a while. He says. “It’s not here yet. Tell me what Dr. Liang said after seeing him in the afternoon.”

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