The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 206: The Second Otherworlder

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For a moment, I couldn’t process what Aiba was talking about.

It was such an abrupt confession.

I couldn’t make sense of it. What is he talking about, this guy?


“Yes, I’m originally from the other world. You …… really didn’t realize that?”

Instead, Aiba, who confessed suddenly, seemed more surprised than me.

“I can feel the strong presence of her, the “Death King” Rebel, from you. You’ve met her in this world, haven’t you? You have not heard anything about me or Randall? What about the advance team?”

…..! He also knows about the advance team.

This person is from the other world, which is apparently true.

“……Do you know about Rebel?”

“There is no one on the other side who doesn’t know about her. That woman is the only disciple of that person, and the only human to have earned the title of one of the Six Kings – the ‘King of Death’.”

For some reason, Aiba was talking about Rebel proudly.

“King of Death” is the name of a unique skill that Rebel has, I believe. It is a powerful skill that is given to those who use the best magic in this world. ……. Wasn’t her former master a human?

No, that’s not important right now.

“Where is she now, Kudou? If you know, could you please tell me?”

“What are you going to do if you know ……?”

“There is something I need to tell you. It has to do with the reason why I came to this world, it’s actually–“

Aiba couldn’t complete his sentence.

Before he could, the “shadow” under my feet suddenly widened.

This sign, could it be ……?

“—you are in the way.”

The one who came out of the shadow was Rebel.

In her hand she held a twig, and for some reason she had taken off the robe she always wore.

She was dressed rather roughly, wearing only the shirt and hot pants of our world.

I wondered why she was dressed like that, but I couldn’t say anything about it.

Rebel’s atmosphere was too fierce and full of swagger.


I could feel her killing intent on my skin, and I broke out in a cold sweat.

Her presence alone is enough to make the air around her feel as if it were heavy and oppressive as lead.

“Kazuto, are you okay?”

“huh, ah…… ah yes.”

I could only nod my head vaguely.

But Aiba, who was sitting in front of me, was not fazed at all by this.

On the contrary, he was smiling. 

“My my…. I was planning to come to you but you saved me the trouble.”

“…… Long time no see, Iver Raven.”

“I’m glad to hear you’re doing well, Rebel. Oh, and by the way, I go by Aiba in this world. It appears the sound of my name is similar to Aiba in this world–“

“I don’t care about that.”

Rebel interrupted Aiba’s words, and lightly shook the twig in her hand.

That was all it took for a crack to appear on the ground.

“What I want to ask you is why you are here. At first, I couldn’t understand how you managed to make your way to this world, but now that I have seen you, I understand. I can’t believe that someone would be stupid enough to turn themselves into a monster and come to this world. …… Do you even know what you’ve done?”

“Yes, of course I know what I’m doing.”

Aiba did not lose his composure even in the face of Rebel’s terrifying words.

“….You are not a resident of this world, and yet… Do you understand what it means to abandon your humanity? Do you?”

“Yes, of course. This is an action based on my understanding of everything. I have become this way because I wanted to.”

Rebel stared at Aiba for a long time.

Her face was painted in disbelief and denial.

“…… Are you really Iver? Are you someone else with Iver’s face?”

“It really is me, Iver. Honestly, the way you say it is a bit hurtful. If you want, I can tell you an incident that only you and I know. Hmmm… what about the time you ate the sweets that person made and you forced me to clean up the mess―”

“Woah! Woah! Woah! You don’t have to say anything else! I get it! I get it, I get it!”

With a sigh, Ms. Rebel withdrew her killing intent.

…..I mean, what was that incident? Should I say, I’m a little curious?

“We, well, it looks like you really are Iver.”

“I’m glad you believe me.”

Rebel looked at me. 

“….I felt Iver’s presence near you and immediately rushed over, but from the looks of it, my concern was unfounded.”

“Do you two know each other……?”

Rebel nodded her head. 

“……To put it simply, he was a colleague of mine when I was a court magician.  He was the vice commander of the Royal Knights at the time.”


Seriously……? It looks like Aiba is a bigger deal than I thought.

But Aiba smiled wryly and said, “I’ve already retired.”

“Retired? Were you injured?”

“I was injured when I fought a strong undead king. I was hit in the knee with a cursed arrow. ……Well, I guess it doesn’t matter now.”

An arrow in the knee…….? What’s that? I’m really curious about that?

I’d like to hear more about it, but I don’t think this is the right situation to ask about it……

“But how did you recognize my presence? I thought that when I transformed into a monster, my presence and magic power would also become completely different…….”

“Even if you’ve changed from a human to a monster, there’s always a trace of yourself from your original form. But it’s usually so small that it is not noticeable. I was able to notice it because Kazuto and Sora were nearby. I’ve always been cautious around these kids.”

“I see…. Is that so?”

Aiba nodded his head and looked at me.

“In other words, it is because of Kudou that I was able to encounter Rebel again like this, isn’t it? Thank you, Kudou.”

No, I didn’t really do anything…….

I mean, Rebel, how can you notice what’s going on around us from that far away…… Once again, I realized that this person is really extraordinary.

“So, are you going to tell me, Iver? Why did you come to this world before them, especially in this form?”

“Yes, of course.”

Aiba took a deep breath.

“–It is obviously to kill all these people from this world before the advance team’s arrival.”

He said casually.

At the same time, Nishino and the others were discussing the contents of the mail sent to Rikka.

To be honest, Rikka’s explanation was so bad that their brains refused to understand it, so they asked her to read out the contents of the mail she had received from Ichinose, and Nishino summarized it before explaining it to everyone.

“…… So you’re saying that this Aiba guy’s skill is bringing dead people back to life in their previous forms, right?”

“Shibata, isn’t that a strange way of putting it? It’s only a ‘reanimation’, so it doesn’t mean they’ve come back to life, right?”

“I don’t care about the details. The only thing that matters is whether or not this Aiba guy is our enemy, right?”

“I wonder? Rebel also left us and went away quickly……”

She forced Rikka to take care of Nishino and the others who had fainted while training, and used her ‘shadow’ to reach where Kazuto and the others were.

Her state of mind at that time was not normal.

Normally, Rikka would also have rushed over immediately, but she was too worried about the contents of Ichinose’s mail to follow Rebel.

–The ‘reanimated’ people are not aware that they are dead.

If we accidentally make them aware of their death, we don’t know what will happen.

We need to make sure that we have the right information and that we are on the same page before we make any moves.

After all, ‘his’ family are also among the ‘reanimated’ people.

Naturally, their eyes focused on one person.

That man – Goshogawara.

“…… What should we do, Goshogawara?”

“……I would like to go over immediately if I can……”

Goshogawara responded to Nishino’s question with a faint smile.

“I want to see my family again, no matter what…… it takes. I want to see them and talk to them.”

“….that’s true…”

That’s right.

For him, it is nothing less than a miracle to be able to see his family again.

“Then, the four of us, Rikka, Shibata, Goshogawara and I, will go over there. The rest of the members will stay here. I will mail you if anything happens.”


Under Nishino’s orders, they all started to move


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