The Wizard of Winterhold In Marvel Universe

Chapter 8 - There is no loyalty without a bottom line

Before the super soldier showed his mighty power, after Nolan’s ‘wrath technique’ died, the special forces on the surface quickly entered the garment factory and controlled all the personnel.

After releasing the ‘Wrath Technique’, Nolan didn’t make another move, watching the bunker being swept away.

“Hey, boy, we found a fish that slipped through the net.” The Punisher came over with a serious expression:

“There was a person who was sleeping and was not affected by your spell.”

“With such a big movement, he can still fall asleep?” Nolan was a little surprised.

“Perhaps your ‘magic’ doesn’t work for him? Ask yourself!” Uncle Pu turned his head and motioned for the soldiers to bring him up.

Soon, a muscular man with a bald head covered in tattoos was escorted in by two soldiers with a look of disdain on his face.

“Wait, don’t come any closer, just stop there!”

To be on the safe side, Nolan did not approach him, but chose to ask from a distance, “Name?”

“Earl. Earl Brand. So, you infiltrated our territory and caused us so much damage? Are you the boss of these people?”

“That’s right. Who are you from Jin Bing?”

“I was one of his bodyguards, as well as a yoga instructor. I was in charge of teaching him how to stay calm at all times.”

He took a few steps forward slowly, and suddenly showed a dangerous smile: “You’ve been fooled!”

Before he finished speaking, the muscles in his whole body swelled up, and he, who was originally strong, became muscular and knotted in a second, like a small Hulk, full of explosive power.

Earl roared, and the steel handcuffs behind his hands were as fragile as paper, and he could easily break them away.

The surrounding soldiers responded quickly and immediately raised their weapons to fire at him.

However, the bullet hit his muscular body, leaving only a shallow dent, not even a trace of blood. Instead, after the transformation, Earl gently waved his arm every time, and the huge force was like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves, taking away the lives of several soldiers.

“Retreat! Retreat!” The Punisher shouted, the MK-2 rifle in his hand kept pouring firepower:

“This is not a monster that ordinary people can deal with! Retreat first and use anti-material weapons to attack!!”

The power of the MK-2 was much stronger than that of ordinary rifles, and it was a blood hole when it hit Earl, but this did not stop him from attacking, but made him even more violent.

“You! You ruined this place! Ruined my ‘Super Soldiers’ force! I could have conquered the world with them”

Not caring about the hurried escape of ordinary soldiers, Earl seemed to have only Nolan’s reflection in his cloudy eyes.

The corners of his mouth raised cruelly, revealing a bloodthirsty expression:

“I decided to mercifully give you ten seconds, so that you can choose your own way of dying!”

The situation seemed to be very critical, but Nolan’s expression did not fluctuate, as if victory was in his hands.

“Ten seconds? I’m not that busy. Give you three seconds to kneel in front of me and beg me to spare your life.”

“Haha, little man, you are very brave! But unfortunately, you are facing me, the most powerful human being after Captain America!”

Earl squatted down, his leg muscles began to tense; the next second, he rushed out like lightning, and the concrete floor he stepped on even cracked!

As for Nolan’s spells, except for some low-level spells that can be cast almost instantaneously, most of them require raising hands and preparation time!

At such a close distance, at the opponent’s speed, it is too late to cast spells!

Seeing that the opponent’s huge palm was stretched out in front of him, Nolan could even smell the stench on his body caused by smoking too much hemp.

But he was not shocked, he just took a deep breath, and then let out a terrifying roar:


The dragon’s roar inherited from ancient times reappeared in the world, as if the materialized sound waves hit the stunned Earl like a stormy wave on the shore!

Even if his body has been strengthened, it cannot resist the mighty power from the top species.

The air wave sent Earl flying a dozen meters and then slammed it onto the wall. The reinforced concrete wall cracked instantly, and the debris fell one after another.

Without giving the other party any chance to breathe, Nolan shouted, “Ice Storm!”

A polar storm composed of broken blades of ice and snow rose from the ground, making a breathtaking whine like a small tornado, and driven by mana, it went straight to Earl Brand!

“No!” With a scream, Earl was carried into the air by the storm without fighting back, then hit the top of the bunker and fell again.

His body was covered with bright red ice balls, dripping with blood, and his bald head hung down, motionless, as if he had been scraped to death by the power of magic.

However, Nolan still didn’t approach him rashly because he was on the safe side.


A one-meter-diameter, extremely unstable large fireball quickly condensed from his hand, and was then thrown by him, hitting Earl at a speed close to a bullet, and then it exploded like a bomb;

The big guy who didn’t move his muscles let out a miserable howl, with a large tattoo on his body as if his skin had melted, exposing the muscles and bones Surrender! I surrender! Please stop, I am willing to do anything! “

Earl no longer pretended to be dead, but shouted sharply, tears streaming down his skinless face.

“Anything you are willing to do? Even if it is to let you kill Jin Bing?” Nolan held an ice pick in his hand and approached slowly.

“Of course, of course! Jin is not just a despicable gang leader. In order to eradicate dissidents, he will do whatever it takes. How can he be compared with the powerful you? I am willing to be a witness and expose his crimes in court!”

“is that true?”

“Of course, you can absolutely trust my loyalty!”

The originally arrogant super soldier is now humble like a pug with its tail wagging its tail and begging for mercy.

However, before the other party’s voice fell, the ice pick in Nolan’s hand had penetrated his chest.

As if he could not see Earl’s malicious expression, Nolan said to himself:

“In Hell’s Kitchen, you should have heard of a gangster before. They are called the ‘Grey Snake Gang’. Coincidentally, they taught me my first lesson in New York.”

He opened the hem of his clothes to reveal two missed bullet marks: “Fortunately, their main business is to sell dirt, not to collect money to kill people, so their marksmanship is inevitably a little worse. They taught me one thing, that Just never believe the **** of the gangsters, especially in New York.”

“So, I don’t care if the other party is good or bad, only if he has a bottom line. But obviously you don’t. Goodbye.”


Coulson put down his headphones and looked at Nick Fury, May, and other various SHIELD agents next to him.

Everyone was watching him silently.

(Additional updates for the opinions put forward by solo writers)

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