The Wizard of Winterhold In Marvel Universe

Chapter 5 - New York Squad Established

“Nolan Lee, unknown origin and identity.

We searched population records around the world and found no one who looked alike and had the same experience.

The first record about him was in New York, Times Square, wearing a strange dress.

Later, he was found to be in contact with the famous New York gang, the “Grey Snake Gang”, trying to sell a large amount of gold of unknown origin.

We don’t know what happened next, but it is clear that the “Grey Snake Gang” has never appeared since then. The preliminary judgment is that they planned to eat black and black, but missed.

He bought a bookstore with the money of the “Grey Snake Gang” and transformed a small operating room to provide medical services for some gangsters. “

Over the years, some people have tried to threaten him and collect protection money, but they all disappeared shortly after; so Nolan Lee is respected by most forces in Hell’s Kitchen.

You’ve read all this information, I’m curious why you have to review it again, Phil? “

Phil Coulson held his chin in thought:

“In other words, don’t you have more detailed information here, Director?”


Nick Fury put his feet on the large desk comfortably, his hands spread out in confusion.

“It’s just a little power user with a makeover. I think the fifth-level authority is a huge overestimate. I don’t understand why you’re being very wary. Did he steal your donuts?”

“He knows me very well. Not only me, but us.”

Nick Fury put his legs off the table and became serious: “How much do you mean ‘very’?”

Coulson didn’t speak, just took out a mobile phone-like object and operated it.

The next second, the screen on Nick Fury’s desk began to automatically play a video, exactly what Nolan said to Coulson:

“…I know who you are and what the Punisher talked about with your chief…”

“…you go back and tell the braised egg…”

“What is ‘braised egg’?” he asked suddenly.

“An ancient Chinese food heritage, you can simply understand it as, um, black eggs.”

Nick Fury touched his bald head and said thoughtfully, “It seems that he really knows something about us…”

“So, about his proposal…?”

“For those that don’t matter, give it to him directly. As for cooperation, hum, it depends on whether he is qualified or not.”

He stood up and picked up his jacket: “It’s very simple. Jin Bing’s case will be handed over to him, and you will rate him. If the results are good enough, there is no problem with being a consultant.”


“So, you want me to face an underground empire by myself?”

Nolan frowned. He and Coulson sat opposite each other with a cup of instant coffee in front of them.

“Of course not,” Coulson still had that harmless smile: “With the director’s consent, you have the right to limited mobilization of the police, including but not limited to NYPD, FBI, IAA, SHIELD and other agencies. But complete the task. The way you do it will affect your score in the game.”

“Is there anyone else giving me a ‘rating’? Why should I care about the rating?” Nolan smiled sarcastically: “I have a good life, and I don’t need SHIELD’s permission to survive here.”

“No, you need it.” Coulson’s smile didn’t change at all:

“If the score is too low, it’s a ‘must clear’ sequence in the bureau’s security system. You don’t want to know what they’re going to do.”

“threaten me?”

Coulson continued: “However, if the score is excellent, you may be able to become a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. Not only will many things be more convenient, but you may also get some convenient privileges.”

“The method of adding carrots and sticks has been tried and tested, Phil?” Nolan took the information from him:

“I can do this job, but I won’t accept joining S.H.I.E.L.D. Why should I get into an agency that can’t take care of itself?”

Coulson finally stopped maintaining a formulaic smile and frowned: “What do you mean by being overwhelmed?”

“Want to know?” Nolan also raised the notebook in his hand: “I will also ‘grade’ you. Work hard to make your score excellent, and you can get the chance to know the truth.”


Behind Nolan’s bookstore, in the small operating room, the original medical equipment, including the operating table, were all piled aside, replaced by sofas, coffee tables, coffee machines, counters, and a whiteboard.

Coulson sat in the center. On the left is the famous Punisher, on the right is Nolan Lee, and his friend Franklin.

“Nolan, what’s going on? We are discussing a major event that can affect the safety of the entire New York City, but you brought in an irrelevant rookie Brother Ni? Are you serious?”

Frank the Punisher was lying on the sofa with his back in all directions, questioning the little rich brought by Nolan.

“Hey, old guy, you’d better be more polite!” Xiao Fu expressed his indignation at what the rookie said.

“Really? What are you talking about? If you have something to say to the Beretta 92F around my waist, do you know it, eh? Boy, when you were still drinking milk, I had already slaughtered a lot of people in a row. Human! I don’t see the need to bring a rookie like you!”

“I suggest you guys better shut up and listen to me.” Nolan made a pause gesture and stopped the two people who were arguing:

“Xiao Fu is my friend and the best driver in the whole of New York, very reliable. As for the Punisher, he is an old guy who kills without blinking an eye. This next thing to do is about the safety of New York, so we need each other Help, form an elite squad, OK?”

Seeing that the two stopped talking, Nolan then signaled, “Colson, tell us about the situation.”

Sitting in the middle, Coulson cleared his throat, took off his watch from his wrist, and spun the mainspring counterclockwise a few times. Suddenly, a small laser probe came out, and the watch became a miniature projector. The image appears on the whiteboard.

“This is Jin Bing, Custer, this is your old rival.”

“But this mission, he is not the primary target. Our primary target is here, a garment factory in Hudson County.”

“According to intelligence, the garment factory is connected to an abandoned bomb shelter underground. In 2003, Kim bought the bomb shelter and made some modifications. Our internal database shows that a large amount of it was illegally smuggled from Europe. of high-tech equipment.

The materials needed for the research, as well as the waste generated, will be transported by transport vehicles in the garment factory. According to reliable sources, UU Reading www. uukanshu. com has at least 50 professional mercenaries stationed there, as well as an unknown number of ‘super soldiers’. “

“Fake, is it so profitable to deal with biochemical waste?” Franklin couldn’t help but swear when he heard the number of mercenaries.

“Of course, as long as you can transport it to the right place for processing.”

Coulson showed an apologetic smile: “Because it is a covert operation, the official can’t give you direct help. If you have any other needs, you can ask me directly.”

Nolan looked at Franklin, who shrugged: “Brother, this isn’t a bank robbery. I don’t have any experience. I’ll listen to you.”

The Punisher on the side spoke: “I heard that your bureau has developed some very powerful things recently. You seem to call it the MK-2 series?”

Coulson confirmed the news: “Yes, we have optimized and modified some of the guns, and gained other enhancements by sacrificing some performance in terms of range and so on.”

“There are also some special bullets, such as explosive bullets, armor-piercing steel bullets, etc., right? I need two bases.”

In the end, it was Nolan. He didn’t mention anything, just stretched out his hand: “Where’s my ID?”

Coulson took out a kraft paper bag from his briefcase and handed it to him:

“Driver’s license, ID card, social security card, degree certificate…all you need is here. Your degree is a master’s in sociology from Columbia University, the age on your driver’s license is 24, no other problems Bar?”

“Very good. By the way, just in case, you have to give Franklin a fast enough sports car.”

“How fast is fast enough?”

“At least it can’t be thrown off by your ‘Laura’.”

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