The Wizard of Winterhold In Marvel Universe

Chapter 3 - mage vs warrior

This well-known figure in the Marvel universe, the nemesis of criminals and villains, the vigilante in the night, the man called “The Punisher” feared by the villains, is in a very bad state at this time.

His big back was no longer oily and slippery, but stuck to the scalp in a mess; there were several bloodstains that hadn’t dried up on his face, his eyes were dull, the bridge of his nose collapsed, and there were bloodstains in the middle and the corners of his mouth.

In Nolan’s impression, Frank Custer, known as “Uncle Punishment”, has never been so embarrassed.

Hearing someone speak, the Punisher’s eyes moved slightly, as if he had regained a trace of anger:

“Who are you? Are you also Jin Bing’s subordinate?”

“No, I’m a passerby who happened to save you. What happened here?”

He tilted his head with all his might, and then he saw the corpses lying on the ground:

“Looks like I’ve escaped?”

Nolan squatted down and kept his eye level with him: “What happened, why did the famous Punisher fall into the hands of a few fake police officers?”

“Hey, it’s not just these scumbags, there are some other people. Especially… a superman…”


Nolan felt that he had auditory hallucinations.

Is this not the pure Marvel universe, but the comprehensive world?

“Yes, Superman. He has unimaginable strength, reaction speed, and endurance. He can lift several tons with one hand, like…like…”

“Captain America?” Nolan added.

“Yes! Just like the legendary Captain America!” The Punisher raised his head and closed his eyes, as if recalling something terrible.

Knowing that he wasn’t Superman from the DC next door, Nolan was relieved, but his expression was a little grim: even if he wasn’t a real Superman, he was a bit difficult to deal with a character like Captain America.

After all, he is not a mage who only ordered the light spell, and he is very good at melee level.

Secretly added a layer of stone skin to himself, he asked again:

“So, where is that ‘Captain America’ now?”

“Dead.” Uncle Pu was expressionless.


Well, how fierce are you, fighting super warriors with the body of a mortal?

“I didn’t kill it.” Knowing that it might cause a misunderstanding, Uncle Pu explained:

“It only took less than half a minute for that person to hit me on the ground. Then for some reason, he exploded on the spot with a ‘bang’ like an over-inflated basketball. The fire was caused by his explosion.”

“Understood.” Nolan looked around: “I suggest that we evacuate immediately. Even if the place doesn’t burn in a short time, the fire brigade and police will definitely arrive.”

“I agree.”

Relying on the support of the wall, Uncle Pu stood up with difficulty:

“They may have accomplices, you’d better leave now.”

Nolan supported him and said, “You don’t look too good, so leave with me. I have a fairly well-equipped operating room, maybe I can help you.”

Uncle Pu glanced at him suspiciously, but didn’t say anything.

“Comeon, trust me a little more Frank! You know I’m still your fan.”

Nolan pretended to take something from his arms, but in fact took out the game he bought in the morning from the space bar:

“Look! “The Punisher II: New York Busters”!”

Seeing himself wearing a black trench coat and sunglasses on the cover of the game’s packaging, Uncle Pu’s mouth twisted involuntarily:

“I don’t remember that I authorized the game company. Okay, I know I owe you a big favor. Leave me a phone call and I will find you at the right time.”


The two of them were on the third floor of the building, not far from the exit. Nolan held the gun in front, and the weak Uncle Pu followed behind.

“Wait, someone!” At the stairs, Nolan stopped Uncle Pu, who was going downstairs, with a solemn expression.

“how do you know?”

Uncle Pu didn’t believe it, his keen five senses didn’t detect any movement.

“On the first floor, on both sides of the stairs. Three people with guns. There are also three people in the room at the end of the corner. They have already aimed here and are waiting for us to go out!”

Nolan squinted his eyes very seriously, it didn’t look like he was joking.

“Let me come, you’ll lean back first.”

Custer decided to believe what he said for the time being.

The two walked to the first floor lightly, Uncle Pu took out a grenade from his waist, lifted the latch with his index finger, waited for a while, and threw it out gently.

With a short “holyshit!”, the grenade exploded in mid-air, taking away the lives of the three gunmen.

At the same time, Uncle Pu rolled over to the opposite side, and then made a ‘fire’ gesture at Nolan.

Nolan nodded, only extended the muzzle of the gun, and pulled the trigger at the end of the passage:

“Da da da!”

Not to be outdone, the gunmen who were hiding immediately returned fire. The bullets flew in the small space. The brick wall Nolan was leaning against was hit by several bullets, which startled him.

Taking advantage of the chance that Nolan was on fire and the enemy’s attention was all on him, Uncle Pu quietly revealed half of his head.

“Da da!”

With a few precise shots, the gunmen fell to the ground one after another, and the building returned to peace.

Nolan lost his breath and walked out of the bunker to greet Uncle Pu:

“It’s really amazing marksmanship, maybe you can teach me when you have time…!”

Before he finished speaking, the accident happened suddenly!

A hurricane-like shadow swept across and punched Nolan’s lower abdomen.

He felt as if he was hit by a moving train. A tremendous force knocked him back a few meters and hit the wall, but he was knocked out along with the bricks and fell to the ground on the spot.

If he hadn’t applied the “Stone Skin Technique” to himself in advance and provided him with a certain amount of armor, this would definitely have resulted in immediate death.

For this reason, Nolan also felt a fishy smell coming up from his throat and wanted to vomit. He wanted to get up, but he seemed to have lost control of his limbs. until two people are talking.

“Hmph, sure enough. I knew that I couldn’t count on this group of trash to deal with the famous Punisher, and I had to deal with it myself in the end.”

“You… the same as the one just now…” The Punisher seemed to be stuck in his neck, and his words were weak.

“We? Hahaha, yes, we are soldiers of a new era, ‘super soldiers’.” The man let out a gloomy laugh:

“However, I’m not like the explosive material just now. If you expect me to run away after the explosion, you’re making a big mistake.”

“Who are you? Where do you come from? Why do you work for Kim and?”

“There are so many questions, keep it for the boss!”

Obviously, this super soldier is not like an ordinary movie villain, he is talkative and loves to answer questions.

Nolan was still pretending to be dead at this time. He was crawling on top of a pile of broken bricks and tiles, and his right hand was hidden under his body, quietly releasing healing spells.

Quick Healing Technique!

This is an advanced skill of Healing. It is different from Healing, which has slow and continuous recovery. Quick Healing consumes more mana, but releases it faster and recovers more in the same time.

After the two healed quickly, Nolan had regained his mobility, but he did not get up directly.

Stone Skin Technique!

He first added a layer of armor to himself, and then he chanted the spell: “Flame element summons!”


Along with the raging fire, a red elf that does not exist in the human world suddenly appeared in the air.

It has a shape similar to that of a human woman, but the core is a high-temperature substance like magma, and it will not explode only by the restraint of the outer layer of mana barrier.

This is the most common summoning object in the Elder Scrolls game – the fire element.

The fire element is an elemental life, immune to all fire damage and can release low-level fire magic, such as fireball, etc.

“WTF! What kind of monster is this!?”

Whether it was a super soldier holding his throat or a punisher being held by his neck, he couldn’t help but utter a dirty word.

The flame element obviously had no intention of communicating with them, and the only response was to raise his hand and shoot a big fireball.

The two hurriedly rushed to both sides, and the place where they were standing suddenly splashed with cement, blasting a crater the size of a basketball.

Missing a hit, the flame element didn’t give up, and while flying close in the air, there was a second fireball condensed in his hand.

“Go to hell!”

The super soldier did not care about the dying Punisher, but took out a rifle from behind and aimed it at the flame element.

The bullet caused little ripples on the flame element, but she did not disappear.

But this kind of injury obviously angered her, and after a light spin in the air, she threw the big fireball out of her hand.


Relying on the enhanced reaction speed, the super soldier dodged the fireball technique in embarrassment, and then looked at the big hole that was blown out in the wall with cold sweat on his face.

The terrifying appearance of the flame element made him not dare to go into melee combat close to him, so he could only shoot from a distance, but the occasional bullets could not cause effective damage, UU reading www. made him even more desperate.

The Punisher leaned against the wall weakly, not trying to disrupt the battlefield. He had already vaguely guessed that the monster in front of him should be inseparable from the person who saved him.

“Monster! Die! Die! Die!”

With a ‘click’ sound, the gunshot suddenly sounded.

Obviously, the super soldier’s ammunition is out.

His eyes suddenly turned red, and he threw the rifle out like a flaming stick, and then ran into a piece of ruins in three steps.


An exposed steel bar was twisted and pulled out by him: “Death!”

Blue veins burst out all over his body, and the super soldier jumped high. Accompanied by the whistling wind, the steel bar slashed towards the flame element in mid-air with lightning speed!

The flame element summoned by Nolan had already suffered a lot of damage; he was hit with a sap, and suddenly whimpered, and the whole body was like quicksand, gradually turning to ashes.

“Hahahaha! Sure enough, I’m the strongest! Hahahaha—”

The super soldier leaned on the curved steel pipe and couldn’t help but be in high spirits;

What he didn’t notice was that the remains of the flame element on the ground did not disappear. Instead, it beat like a heart a few times, and suddenly fell like a grenade, producing a very violent explosion!

Under the flames and high temperature at close range, the super soldier screamed and covered his eyes as he retreated!

At this moment, an icy long sword exuding a faint blue color suddenly penetrated his throat, and the small tip of the sword protruded from his mouth, dripping with blood.

Behind him, he applied ‘Still Walking’ and ‘Invisibility’ to himself, and Nolan, who was holding the ‘Summoning Sword’, took a small breath and showed his figure.

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