The Wizard of Winterhold In Marvel Universe

Chapter 27 - Skye

“It’s not really good for you to do this.”

Perhaps it was Nolan’s tall and handsome appearance, but Kerry didn’t show any willingness to resist communication.

“Are you accusing me of stealing?” She showed him what was hidden in her clothes. It was an album that Avril Lavigne released last year: “Actually, I can download these songs in The Pirate Bay, very simple. Just I would prefer to have a physical version because I like this singer so much.”

“No, I’m referring to the fact that you stole something but was found out. It’s stupid.” Nolan put a piece of sugar into the coffee: “Of course, stealing something is not a good behavior.”

Such a statement is obviously very true to this rebellious girl’s mind. Her expression is no longer stiff, but becomes more and more active.

“No way. Since I left school, my parents rarely gave me pocket money.”

Nolan stirred the cup to make the sugar cube melt faster: “So you’ve dropped out of school?”

The girl opposite looked indifferent: “Yes. People at school can’t teach me anything, except for stealing and school bullying.”

Obviously, her school life was not pleasant. Although she didn’t show it, it could be seen from just a few words that other people were not very friendly to her.

“Actually, I’m not biological, although my parents didn’t tell me.” Kerui revealed another little secret to him, and after thinking about it, he added, “But I don’t know who my real parents are.”

“I can’t comfort you, I can only say that this is not an exception.”

“Indeed, I know that too, so I’m very grateful to my parents.”

Social atmosphere determines people’s attitude towards life. There are not a few young people in the beautiful country who became pregnant out of wedlock or broke up due to family discord, and put their children in orphanages.

The conversation between the two suddenly fell into silence. Nolan looked at her face and felt a little familiar no matter what.

Is it because she looks partial to Chinese, so she has a sense of sight?

Kerry also noticed that Nolan’s eyes were always on his face, embarrassed and blushing at the same time.

“Cough,” she cleared her throat: “Actually, after I found out that I was adopted, I have been thinking about naming myself. I thought of a particularly nice one, do you want to know?”

“Okay, let’s talk?” Nolan was a little absent-minded.

“What do you think of the name ‘Skye’?”

“I feel fine… Wait, what did you say?”

“Skye. What’s wrong?”

“S-K-Y-E, Skye? Is that how you spell it? You like to use that name?”

“Yes. If I need to use a pseudonym in the future, I’ll use this name, doesn’t it sound good?”

Nolan observed her carefully and compared her with the person who was also called ‘Skye’. It may be due to age and experience, this ‘Skye’ looks much immature.

“Then what do you think of the name ‘Daisy’? I think it’s pretty good too.” He still asked out of caution.

Kerry, or Skye, wrinkled her nose: “It’s too feminine, it sounds like a little girl, I don’t like it.”

“Okay, then I’ll call you Skye. Skye, have you thought about working in a newspaper?”


“Yes, I have a newspaper, Winterhold Media, between Hudson County and New York City.”

“This name seems familiar…” Mr. Skye had heard this name somewhere, and after thinking hard, he finally recalled: “It’s the ‘Watcher’! You are the ‘Watcher’, right!”

She was excited like a child: “Hey, you guys are so cool! I mean, those superheroes, Spider-Man, Punisher, Daredevil…”

“Some people may be reluctant to be called ‘superheroes’, we prefer to call ourselves ‘watchmen’ in New York.”

Moreover, Daredevil joined completely passively.

“Can I join you? I’m not good at photography and interviews, but I’m good at playing computer games, I know programming, and I can learn everything very quickly. There must be a job that suits me, right?”

“You still know electronics?” Nolan was a little surprised.

Skye is very active, unlike when he was in the store before. Her blond hair gleamed in the sun, and her eyes seemed to have light: “I wanted to be a hero since I was a child, and because of this, I taught myself hacking techniques, hoping that one day those injustices and shady incidents will be brought to light. exposed to the public.”

She seemed to feel that she had found a like-minded partner, and she chattered about her experience:

“You know what? I’ve always suspected that the world is not that simple. There must be a mastermind behind it. They are secretly manipulating everything. I’ve caught their tail on the Internet. It’s an organization called the Bureau of Homeland Strategy. It seems Linked to many covered up events.”

“Well, I believe you feel right.” Nolan agreed with her.

“Thank you, it feels so good to be trusted.” Skye twitched his nose moved: “I also told my parents these words, but they just said that I had persecution paranoia and wanted to take me there. See a psychiatrist.”

“Because they are just a pair of ordinary people, naturally they can’t understand the extraordinary.” Nolan comforted casually: “If you have Would you like to come and see our secret base for chivalry and justice?”

“Wow, are you serious? You don’t need to keep it secret?”

“If you are willing to be one of our members, then the gate of the base will naturally open for you… Wait a moment,” the phone rang suddenly, and Nolan took it out to signal for himself to take a call: “Hello, Peter?”

There was a whirring sound from the other end of the mobile phone. Needless to say, Peter Parker must have been swinging between tall buildings.

“Hey, boss!” Different from what he imagined, Peter Parker’s tone was very anxious: “There is a big problem!”

“Why are you so panic?”

“It’s Lilith Chen, Miss Chen and Mary Jane were taken away by a group of people!!”

“WTF? Are you kidding me? What about the rest of the newspaper?”

“Those people are very strange, and the people from the newspaper can’t stop them. I just received the news that they are driving on Tenth Avenue and are heading for the suburbs. I follow them in the air, but in case they get to the suburbs… “

“I understand, you keep an eye on them, I’ll be there soon!” Once in the suburbs, it is difficult for Spider-Man to catch up with the speed of a car without the help of high-rise buildings.

“It seems that the visit to the base can only be discussed later. I’m sorry, it’s a temporary emergency.”

Nolan apologized to Skye and hurriedly got into the pickup truck parked on the side of the road.

‘click’ ‘click’

The sound of two seat belts being fastened came from the car at the same time.

Nolan looked at the co-pilot in amazement. Skye was pretending to be innocent and whistling, looking at the interior of the car.

Aware of his gaze, she just shook her head:

“Since I’m already a member of the ‘Watchmen’, you can’t leave me on any mission, right?”

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