The Wizard of Winterhold In Marvel Universe

Chapter 15 - Murderer, Peter Parker

After five or six days of busy work, Nolan still lived in the bookstore.

The overall decoration of the newspaper office has been completed, and the staff are also in place one after another.

And the appearance of the base has also been formed. Except for the lack of weapons in the arsenal and the lack of equipment in the equipment research and development center, it is basically done.

During this period, Nolan found a time to talk to Franklin and Uncle Pu, about the formation of a ‘special team’.

He concealed his plans and ideas for the future, but only proposed to form a powerful team to fight against New York criminal gangs and protect the safety of the citizens, to deal with some New York cancers that everyone knew of their crimes but had no way to do about them.

Neither Franklin nor Punisher declined his invitation to join the team.

Uncle Pu just said: ‘If you need help, call anytime. ‘ After that, he was never seen again, and he was probably busy fighting crime.

Franklin has his own home, lives with his aunt Denise, and spends the day running the news.


Nolan threw a bunch of keys on the table and struggled to unbutton his serious suit.

He opened the refrigerator and took a can of Coke and a pack of potato chips. He lazily slumped onto the sofa and turned on the TV, and skillfully transferred to the adult station.

“No, please don’t do this…”

“Hmph, isn’t it too late to say now, miss?”

“Please… ah—!”

Just as he was watching with gusto, the phone on one side suddenly rang.

Nolan picked it up and glanced quickly, the caller ID was ‘Peter Parker’.

“Hello, Peter?”

“Mr. Nolan…I’ve run into a little trouble—”

“Okay, wait for me for a while.”

Twenty minutes later, Nolan appeared at the New York City Police Department.

To his surprise, this time his ‘S.H.I.E.L.D. Consultant’ license did not function as it should.

A strong bearded man stopped him on the way to the basement cell:

“Hey, brother, this is not the place you should be!”

“Even if it’s a…”

“Yes, even if you are some kind of **** ‘consultant’! Not even if you are the FBI!

Where do you think this is? This is the police headquarters! Do you think you can take people away just by saying ‘he’s a threat to the country’ like those **** FBI?

I’ve had enough of this kind of thing, do you think you’re the FBI too?

I tell you, there are no doors! ! “

The beard spit all over, looking very excited.

Nolan pressed his hands down, signaling him to calm down: “Uh… I can understand your mood. But to be honest, I suggest you call your boss.”

Five minutes later, Nolan, accompanied by a beard, saw Peter Parker, who was tightly bound by iron chains, through a steel fence.

When an acquaintance saw him like this, Peter felt a little ashamed and turned his face away from Nolan’s gaze.

Nolan asked, “How could this happen?”

Beard looked at Peter and shrugged helplessly: “No way, he’s too strong, and he’s a dangerous murderer. We used a stun gun to arrest him.”


“Yes, he killed a professional thief.”

“That’s what he deserved!” Peter shouted on the other side.

“Just because he broke one of your uncle’s legs, your uncle may have to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair; you’re going to kill someone?” Beard shook his head: “Young man, this is not going to make you grounds for commutation.

And you have been trying to find him on the street recently, harassing a lot of innocent people, which will aggravate your crime, from negligence to intentional homicide. “

“Wait a minute!” Nolan made a gesture to pause, and then whispered a few words to Beard.

Beard glared at Peter Parker and went out angrily.

When no one heard them nearby, Nolan said, “What’s going on? Tell me, what happened to your uncle?”

“It’s all my fault…” As if remembering something, there were tears in Parker’s eyes:

“That day, when you took me home that day, Mary looked at the car with bright eyes… I also want a car, so that I can find an opportunity to invite Mary to go for a ride together.”

I’m afraid even if you do have a car, you’re too embarrassed to say an invitation, Nolan thought to himself.

The licking dog is always so humble and fanciful.

But Nolan did not interrupt him, but continued to listen silently:

“Then I found an underground boxing match where I could make a lot of money to buy a used sports car; I won. When I came out of the underground, I was robbed at gunpoint in a supermarket…. ..”

“Is that the one you killed?”

“…Yes. I didn’t want to kill him, I just missed… At that time, I was trying to stop him from robbing, but my uncle happened to be outside. He saw the robber pointing a gun at me and rushed in. …”

A tear finally couldn’t stay in his eyes, and it slipped down Peter’s sad face: “I caused my uncle, he lost a leg forever…”

Tears couldn’t stop pouring out, but Peter’s hands were tied and he could only let the tears keep falling.

Nolan put his hand through the cage, stretched out his sleeve and wiped it for him: “It’s nothing, nothing, it’s all over…”

He comforted Peter for a while, then went out to find Beard and handed him a cigarette.

The two walked to a corner and began to puff up:

“If you go on like this, how are you going to deal with this?”

“Manslaughter, harassing people in public, and beating police officers. The latter two depend on whether the other party prosecutes, but manslaughter? Only depends on how good his lawyer is.”

“But he’s still underage.” Nolan remembered that Peter’s adult birthday was only after he went to college.

“That can only reduce the punishment. Being a minor is not an excuse for committing a crime.”

“Okay, okay!” Nolan took out his mobile phone in front of him: “Can I ask your director’s phone number?”

Beard showed a helpless look, but obviously he was used to it and proficiently reported a series of numbers.

“Hey, Director Stacy, hello. Yes, it’s me.” Nolan put the phone between his shoulders and took out a small notebook:

“I have to take Peter Parker. . . . No, no, no, you have to agree. This is an agreement between the Homeland Strategic Defense, Attack and Logistics Support Agency and the various departments of Merijian when it was established.”

He turned over the small book in his hand: “I have found it, Chapter 4, Article 13, … Any case involving supernatural or supernatural crimes, the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau has the right to take it away. Prisoners conduct investigations, and departments at all levels may appeal, but may not interfere.

Any question? ……Yes, you don’t have to be so angry, maybe we can find a chance to sit down and have a and talk about life and dreams. goodbye! “

He put down the phone and closed the book just as he was about to speak, when Beard had already handed a bunch of keys to him.

“The third one, the red one. By the way, can you help me ask, is there still a shortage of people in your bureau?”


Peter Parker sat in the co-pilot, looking at the lighted house not far away, as if he was still in a dream.

“I’m all right?”

“Of course. You can go and reunite with your uncle and aunt.”

“Can I… go back? You won’t take me to a secret institution to slice and study me?”

Nolan couldn’t help laughing: “Peter, you think too much about yourself. Think about it, if there are so few superpowers like you, what is the need for S.H.I.E.L.D. to exist?”

He patted the other person on the shoulder: “Trust me, this world is far more dangerous than you think. I suggest you better go back, comfort your uncle and aunt, then drink a cup of hot cocoa and have a good sleep.”

Peter pushed open the car door and gave him a deep look: “Sir…”

Nolan interrupted him: “Don’t be so polite, just call your name.”

“…Okay, Nolan. Anyway, I just want you to know that I am very, very grateful to you.”

“It’s nothing. By the way,” Nolan handed him a business card again: “I’m often in this place during the day now, you can come to me when you have time. Maybe, your uncle’s legs are not completely helpless.”

“But the doctor…” There was a hint of disbelief in Peter’s expression.

“What a doctor says is not necessarily everything, and the world is not just about medicine.”

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