The Wizard of Winterhold In Marvel Universe

Chapter 13 - \\\'Voice of Winterhold Media\\\'


The workers shouted slogans, pushed the old light box of the Crawford Garment Factory from the roof, and then lifted a brand new sign to the roof by a crane.

Half an hour later, the big characters of ‘Voice of Winterhold Media Group’ shone brightly in the sun.

Nolan and Franklin stood below, slowly looking at the main building here, a gray 5-story building covering an area of ​​several thousand square meters, which was gradually painted by hard-working painters into the white color representing Winterhold.

This will be his new base in the future, and it is also the first step for him to form his own team.

Franklin looked at the building and said, “Wow, brother, you are really developed. I hope you don’t forget your brother, I’ve had a bad time recently.”

“Really? But I heard that yesterday you drove my car around the dance hall for a long time, and finally took two girls to the hotel?”

“Uh, okay, okay… You are really well-informed.”

Franklin admitted defeat: “I just said, maybe you can give me a serious job? You know, it’s been a long time since I lost my last job stealing cars.”

“Of course no problem, Xiao Fu.” Nolan still trusts him: “Can you take pictures?”

Franklin suddenly laughed ‘hehehe’:

“You really asked the right person, brother, the photos I took are of professional level! It’s no problem to use the first-class newspapers directly!”

Professional level? Just a guy on the street, do you think you are Teacher Chen?

Looking at Nolan’s suspicious eyes, Franklin quickly patted his chest: “Have you read the Bugle Daily a while ago? The picture of the ‘Jade Girl Star’ in the headlines messing around with people?

That’s what I filmed, and she was filmed laughing with people, drinking and driving…”

Well, Nolan did read that news.

I have to say that despite the code, Toutiao’s photos still look very cool.

Moreover, the Bugle Daily is very thief using high-definition full-color printing. It is estimated that many people will choose to cut it out and paste it on the bedside: “Why did you learn from the Hollywood paparazzi?”

Franklin was very embarrassed: “There was a paparazzi who came to New York following the whereabouts of the big stars. Because he was unfamiliar…you know. Later, he had a little accident in the process of collecting materials, and I could only choose to sell it to The Daily Bugle is out.”

“Headline News, you sold a lot of money, right?” Nolan laughed secretly in his stomach, but he knew that the Daily Bugle always held back its morality.

Sure enough, Xiao Fu was furious: “MotherFuck! Do you know how much that old **** gave me? 400 dollars! A huge photo of a headline, only gave me 400 dollars!”

400 dollars? ! You can be content.

You must know that the famous Spider-Man, the first time he came to the door, he just got an offer of $300, which is much worse than you.

By the way, when it comes to Spider-Man, Peter Parker hasn’t contacted him since the last time they separated.

I don’t know if he succeeded in turning into a spider.

But it’s normal; even if he really turned into a spider and acquired the ability of a spider, he might keep it a secret.

After all, in the beautiful country, conspiracy theories are still very popular.

Most of the superpowers feel that if the official knows of their existence, they will definitely slice and study themselves.

This distrust of the official has been deeply embedded in the DNA of the people of the beautiful country.

“No problem, Franklin. I now officially invite you to become the chief reporter of the Voice of Winterhold Media Group, with double your salary and reimbursement of gas expenses, as long as you can bring valuable news.”

“Oh, my buddy, you are so generous. If you were a woman, I would definitely kiss you hard.” Xiao Fu was serious.

“Go away, you’re so disgusting. I have to go in and see how the decor is going.”

Half a month has passed, and the interior of the entire building has been completely renewed.

The last time Nolan came here, it was still an old factory with hundreds of sewing machines on the first floor; now there are sofas, tables and chairs, a tea table, and a bar counter that has not yet been put into use. .

The wall was also repainted, and the company LOGO was pasted: a towering castle standing in the wind and snow.

Nolan stared blankly at the icons on the wall, and couldn’t help being a little ecstatic.

“Hi, BOSS!” A fat middle-aged man called him from behind.

“Tom! How’s the preparation going?”

This fat man’s name is Tom, a talent Nolan poached from the Daily Bugle. He was also featured in the original Spider-Man movie, as the man who gave the Daily Bugle boss, J. Jonah Jameson, a reasonable opinion that was ignored.

Although he did a good job in the Daily Bugle, Nolan just gave him a market level plus a 30% premium, as well as the editor-in-chief position, and he recruited him easily.

In Tom’s own words, this is more than double his previous salary.

“Boss, I think we have to start recruiting as soon as possible.” He opened the notebook in his hand: “According to your request, we need a few reporters who can run fast enough to grab the news; and a few with strong pens. editors, and publicists who come to the door to talk about ads.”

“We are a new newspaper, so we can ignore the advertisements and wait for sales to come up. Editors can also hire college students to take part-time jobs. There are only reporters, and we need a group of experienced people.”

Nolan thought for a while: “I have two candidates here, one has already gone to work, and the other should take a while to come.

For the rest, you look for relationships and contact your former colleagues. In terms of salary, I am willing to pay a premium of 20% to 25%; in addition, the bonus for digging good materials is increased by 50%. “

“No problem, boss! Those boys will go crazy when they hear it!”

Then, as if he suddenly remembered something, Nolan instructed him: “Besides, you also need to recruit some programmers, preferably full-time website development.”

“Boss, do you want to launch the news website simultaneously?”

“ What we want to do is not a news website, but a platform.”

“Platform?” Tom chewed on the word and didn’t ask more: “Okay, I’ll go to post the job advertisement now.”

Leaving him alone, Nolan went straight to the 5th floor from the internal elevator.

The second floor of the building is the printing workshop, the third floor is the editorial department, and the fourth floor is intended to be the office of the network company. The fifth floor is his site.

The elevators slowly opened, and the first thing that caught his eye was the extremely empty space.

There is only one set of luxurious boss chairs in the whole room, behind which is a clean one-way glass curtain wall. The buildings in Hudson County are generally short, and he can overlook most of the county at a height of nearly 20 meters.

The only regret is that there are no green plants here, and there is a lack of vitality.

There is a door on the right, leading to a rest area. The lounge is divided into one room and one living room, and an exclusive elevator is equipped according to his requirements, which can go directly to the underground.

The underground bunker also changed its appearance.

Originally it was Sen Leng’s laboratory style, but now it is an underground base.

The layout of the bunker was designed by Uncle Pu personally, and he was quite knowledgeable in this regard.

The perfect functional partition is enough to meet the daily life, gathering, and work requirements of a small team.

The functional areas here include dormitories, dining rooms, conference rooms, reference rooms, weapon warehouses, equipment research and development rooms, and more.

There are also four different exits, connecting Nolan’s office, an underground garage in the newspaper building, a nearby subway passage, and an abandoned sewer.

In the near future, this place will become the base of a special team, starting from New York City and stepping onto the world stage step by step.

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