The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 274

Chapter 274: Shattered Bronze Sword 13

There was an endless starry sky in front of him, Baili Jun’s heart restrained his breathing, holding down his excitement, he moved forward more and more cautiously.

Now, there is darkness in all directions. Hands and feet can no longer touch the rock wall or the ground.

She was supposed to be in the narrow underground passage, but she didn’t know how to enter the strange and mysterious ‘starry sky”.

The body floats, like walking on clouds.

I don’t know how long it floated, but Baili Junxin stopped.

She was a little tired, so she put away the mental picture, closed her eyes, held her breath in this dark void where her hands were invisible, and meditated on the spot.

It is not easy to meditate in this place. It’s not quiet here, it’s actually quite noisy. There seemed to be hundreds of thousands of mechanical rumblings beside Baili Junxin’s ears, but these sounds seemed to be enveloped in the water.

It took a while for Baili Junxin to completely eliminate the noise and meditate.

When she opened her eyes and opened her mental picture again, she could see the uniqueness of this ‘starry sky” carefully.

At first glance, this place seems to be the universe, the starry sky, because it does look very similar.

But not so.

Those ‘stars” that exude a little bit of light, they are all dragging a tiny light. From her position, from a distance, those rays of light seem to be thinner than the spiritual wires. But in reality, these lights should all be rough.

She herself was in one of the rays, as if she had entered a particularly wide tunnel. The light wall is transparent and more than a kilometer in diameter. This distance is greater than her previous mental picture perception range, and she can hardly feel its existence.

After entering the meditation, Lord Baili’s heart cultivation level increased a little bit, so he could see it more carefully.

Baili Junxin called a spiritual touch to touch the light wall. As soon as the tentacles approached, they were forced back by a powerful coercion.

The corners of her mouth couldn’t stop bending upwards. She was familiar with this force that had punished herself for trying to resist more than once.

This power comes from the library… Lord Baili is sure of it.

Could it be that this is the connection between the library and the small world?

With a high concentration of energy, Jun Baili also discovered something.

Among those countless lights, there are different colors of fluorescence flowing from time to time. The light of these fluorescent lights is very faint, but the recovery is with a golden halo. The ‘stars” will absorb and devour the golden halo, and they will become powerful themselves.

Baili Junxin believes that this is an energy exchange. She stopped and waited to see if there would be energy flow in the passage, but after waiting for a long time, nothing happened where she was.

Baili Junxin continued to walk along the passage. This road seemed to have no end, and time was blurred in this world.

The only coordinates that could tell that she was not doing useless work were the increasingly clear mechanical voices in her ears.


These are a few words that Baili Junxin recognized from the chaos.

This tone, this way of speaking, Baili Junxin is also very familiar.


It has been a year since Lord Baili’s heart beat down the abyss of the Zhao Family Ruins.

As long as there is no major incident, Zhao Qingxuan will wait near the site every day, looking forward to Sister Sword Spirit coming out of the cave. However, a whole year has passed, and Baili Junxin has never been seen.

Lord Baili did not return for three days, and Zhao Qingxuan also jumped into the abyss on impulse, wanting to find her. But he was blocked by an inexplicable force, and he was not allowed to enter.

This obstacle did not exist before, nor was it the formation left by Baili Junxin. He even let the daring villagers try it, and they could all go down into the pit.

Tiandao stopped him and prevented him from interfering.

Zhao Qingxuan still can’t figure out why, but he also respects Tiandao’s decision. From now on, he will only be waiting near the ruins, not testing.

Heaven is ruthless, and the rules will not accommodate anyone, nor will they give anyone special treatment. However, there are exceptions that are clearly recorded in various travel notes, novels, and memoirs of great powers in the spiritual world. People often call this type of person the son of luck, the darling of heaven, but Zhao Qingxuan saw another name in the handwritten note of a fallen mighty—the person who should be robbed.

The cycle of life, there is always a time to die, the sky above the head is the same, and so is the way of heaven that masters the laws of all things. If you seek longevity, monks must continue to practice to overcome calamities. The same is true for heaven and earth, and they also have their own calamities.

It’s just that the cultivator’s personal calamity is less involved, while the world’s calamity can affect all beings in the Three Realms. One is not good, that is, the living beings are ruined, and all things are annihilated. People call this kind of calamity a boundless calamity.

Every time an infinite calamity occurs, the Tao of Heaven will choose a person who should respond to the calamity and guide him to grow to resolve the calamity and save all beings. Before the person who deserves to be robbed grows up, the Tao of Heaven will particularly favor him. However, all gifts from the Tao of Heaven require returns, and if you take something from the Tao of Heaven, you owe karma. Heaven helps you in the early stage, and you have to take your life to repay in the later stage.

This time, Tiandao chose Baili Junxin as the person who should be robbed, so Tiandao would stop him no matter what, and would not let him help.

Zhao Qingxuan shook his head, he was still too weak, so he would do anything to help.

“Village Chief, why are you here again?” A fifty-year-old man approached in a hurry, trying to pull Zhao Qingxuan back.

“I came here to be quiet.” Zhao Qingxuan replied. There was a hint of majesty in his words.

A year has passed and so much has happened.

Zhao Qingxuan is no longer a rookie monk with a foolish fledgling, he has become the mayor of Wanglong Village.

Tiandao didn’t let him help Sister Junxin, and he couldn’t do anything. So, according to Jun Xin’s entrustment, he investigated the strange diseases of the mortal world and thought about how to resolve them.

Of course, Zhao Qingxuan did not venture out of the village to investigate by himself.

He still remembered the embarrassment when he first entered Wanglong Village. He didn’t think he could cope with the joint attack of other villagers. When he arrived in a big town and encountered the army, his situation would not be better.

The outside world was not friendly to Zhao Qingxuan, so Zhao Qingxuan dispatched the villagers of Wanglong Village to help investigate. Since the villagers of Wanglong Village swore to Tiandao to assist him in his investigation, they should make good use of it.

During the day, the villagers searched for news for Zhao Qingxuan, and at night, Zhao Qingxuan guarded the villagers and used hypnotism to ensure that they had a comfortable night. At first, it went well. Everyone cooperated very happily, but this friendly cooperation only lasted for three months.

The villagers of Wanglong Village who went out to inquire about the news brought a strange thing.

They found that people in a village thousands of miles away still looked like corpses during the day. This village insisted on not eating monks, and lived for more than ten years under the ugly and corrupt shell.

The people of Wanglong Village call them Fool Village. The whole village mocked them in a way.

“In this situation, since there are still people in the world who have eaten monks?”

“People do nothing for themselves! This is a bunch of idiots.”

“Fake guy.”

From their mouths, Zhao Qingxuan learned that people in Fool Village would be ridiculed and ridiculed by those who had eaten the monks to restore their appearance.

The more this group of people slandered Fool Village, the more Zhao Qingxuan had a favorable impression of those people. I want to see this “Fool’s Village” with my own eyes, and I want to see this place that still retains kindness and humanity. Even start planning a trip.

However, the villagers of Wanglong Village quit. Zhao Qingxuan is gone, what will they do at night?

It’s hard to check in from extravagance. They have had a good time sleeping peacefully for three months. When they return to the pain and struggle, who would like to?

“He doesn’t want to stay, he has to stay!”

The villagers of Wanglong Village are all broken at the roots. The situation is favorable to them, natural and peaceful, the situation is unfavorable, and they may be jealous of Baili Junxin, but they really don’t like Zhao Qingxuan, and they feel that everyone is showing mercy for not eating him.

When Zhao Qingxuan was about to leave, they tied him up and placed him under house arrest. At the beginning, they were still afraid of Heavenly Dao. Since I swore not to hurt him, then I really don’t hurt him, I just plan to tie it up so that no one can go away.

However, Zhao Qingxuan had some physical skills to defend himself, so how could a few people be able to catch him casually?

He fled, and the former village chief gathered a group of people to chase, and a fierce fight broke out between the two sides. Suppressed by the rules of heaven, Zhao Qingxuan is no more than an ordinary martial arts master in the mortal world.

It’s easy to lose weight in this fight. In the beginning, the village chief was just going to leave people behind, but Zhao Qingxuan was very skilled in swordsmanship, and he has practiced a lot these days. At a critical juncture of life, without the protection of Junxin, he did everything in his power to deal with it. Even though he was chased and intercepted by hundreds of people, he did not lose.

The villagers came up after chasing them, and the suppressed cruelty broke out, and they shouted again that they wanted to eat Zhao Qingxuan.

It was at that moment that the situation changed. These villagers suddenly became more powerful, and their movements became more and more violent. They attacked without any scruples, and they no longer flinched because of being attacked. They showed inhuman strength, comparable to the spiritual world, and Zhao Qingxuan still followed the rules of heaven to suppress, but the level of ordinary martial arts masters.

If you want to live, you really have to work hard.

Tiandao seems to be playing with him specially, the situation is so critical, and there is a heavy rainstorm.

The sky suddenly turned cloudy, and pea-sized raindrops fell intensively, mixed with thunder and lightning. It was suddenly dark, the villagers were completely corpse, and their abilities seemed to have risen to a new level.

For the first time in his life, Zhao Qingxuan felt a life-and-death crisis, and he didn’t even know how he survived in a desperate situation.

He has only one belief: can’t die!

Zhao Qingxuan’s sword was stained with blood for the first time, and it was also the first time he killed.

This first time almost wiped out a village.

After that, Wanglong Village was almost dead, and the few people who didn’t participate ran and scattered.

Zhao Qingxuan became the village head of Wanglong Village, a bare commander. He went out to practice and went to see the fool’s village. These people are not doing well.

From the population of Fool Village, Zhao Qingxuan learned that there are still many people in the mortal world who remain alive without harming the monks. Fools like them have also suffered discrimination and oppression over the years. Food, clothing, and living are all restricted, and some people are even detained in prisons without seeing the light of day.

Zhao Qingxuan had done something for the Holy Father in his blood, and Wanglong Village began to take in these people.

He let this group of people live in the village, and he recited the Great Compassion Mantra, the Eight Great God Mantras and other scriptures every day to try to cure their illnesses.

He thought he was saving the world, preserving the kindness that saved the mortal world, and opening up the last peach blossom garden. Those who were rescued also praised him as a living **** who saved the suffering and benevolent. It seems that everything is getting better.

However, this matter persisted for less than two months, and the reality swelled Zhao Qingxuan’s face.

Zhao Qingxuan was attacked by those he took in. It almost happened once again that he was chased and killed by hundreds of mortals.

Only then did he realize something was wrong. Those who were taken in by him were indeed kept alive because of their kindness, but some people did not have the conditions for “cure” because they couldn’t find a cultivator. As a cultivator, he was like a fool, dazzling in front of people who were eager to “cure”, and said that he wanted to help them, but he didn’t know that in their eyes, he had become a meal on a plate.

The evil of human nature, in just eight years, he has deeply experienced.

If Lord Baili was in her heart, she would have thought of this danger early on and prevented it. But he missed it.

For the second time, Zhao Qingxuan’s sword was stained with the blood of mortals.

A more lively teenager with a little bit of middle school began to transform, he became steady and silent.

He still opens Wanglong Village, a peach blossom garden, and welcomes people with good intentions to stay. He would recite the scriptures for them and ease the pain. It’s just that he acts more cautiously and thinks twice about everything.


Lin Jiaojiao got up from the soft bed, the air was still filled with the ambiguity of the double cultivation time.

She didn’t even look at the person behind her, she put on her clothes and was about to leave.

When this double cultivation is over, the people behind it are of no value. Even if the other party’s temporary tenderness confuses her for a while, she always remembers that her goal in this life is to keep getting stronger.

Abandoning her lover, Lin Jiaojiao used the teleportation talisman to return to Chonghua instantly. She immediately retreated, wanting to consolidate and consolidate the experience gained from dual cultivation.

However, the result of her practice frustrated her.

Lin Jiaojiao asked angrily, “System, what’s going on! I’ve been cultivating for so long, and my ability has been promoted to a rank, why did I return it?!”

She originally planned to attack the Nascent Soul, but as a result, the Jindan Great Perfection cultivation base was not preserved, and it degenerated to the middle stage in one breath.

Of course, this power was silently swallowed by the system. It is bound to Lin Jiaojiao, and the spiritual power that Lin Jiaojiao has trained can naturally be turned into his nutrients.

Lin Jiaojiao’s strength has risen, naturally attracting the love of countless young monks. By chance, Lin Jiaojiao tasted the convenience of double cultivation to improve her cultivation. She was initially reluctant to work for the system.

She knew that Zhao Qingxuan’s chance had almost been grabbed, and there were still some who really wanted to exchange their lives, but Lin Jiaojiao was afraid to go.

The system has not absorbed energy for a long time, so it naturally wants to clean up Lin Jiaojiao.

“Host, I’m not sure about this. Maybe you’re not cultivating it right? Or, someone who has double cultivation with you picked you up?” The system pretended to be stupid.

He was vaccinated in advance and warned Lin Jiaojiao that Shuangxiu was unreliable. Now that something happened, Lin Jiaojiao’s stupid head didn’t doubt it at all!

Then, Lin Jiaojiao fell into incompetent fury.

In order to attack Nascent Soul, Lin Jiaojiao had to go to a high-risk secret realm. After going through nine lives, he finally won another divine weapon.

She handed the divine weapon to the system, exchanged her spiritual power and rushed to the Nascent Soul.

The system laughed heartily, expressing contempt for Lin Jiaojiao.

“Idiot, idiot, which one of the divine tools bred by the heavens here is not one that can shake the world and cry the ghosts and gods, and has the ability to change the sky and change the sun, and I feel that I have earned a little bit of the spiritual power to impact the Nascent Soul. This woman is too ridiculous!”

“With her hand, the progress of the world’s destruction has reached 27%. I really hope that the next world can find such a useful person.”

“I’m so smart, the strategy of sniping the mortal world is perfect.”

“As long as the mortal world is over, the entire Three Realms will collapse. The mortal world is the foundation of the Three Realms. If the foundation is gone, the world will also be gone.”

This system doesn’t know that it’s secretly mocking Lin Jiaojiao’s words and boasting are all being heard.

Baili Junxin was standing in the passage, listening to the conversation between the system and Lin Jiaojiao.

She watched helplessly as the golden power of the divine artifact was sucked into the pale blue light above her head from the passage.

This **** system has created a strange disease in the mortal world, and his purpose is to destroy the world.

And she inadvertently entered the channel connecting the system with the small world.

The best solution is in front of her eyes. Destroying this arrogant guy and returning the power of the world that the system has robbed will restore the small world to its original state.


(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-06-18 23:43:54~2020-06-2113:52:06~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: wybf1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: lance2 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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