The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 273

Chapter 273: Shattered Bronze Sword 12

The villagers knelt down and begged Lord Baili to cast the spell.

Baili Jun didn’t bother anyone, and agreed.

She made everyone look into her eyes and planted hypnotism on the villagers. At night, everyone can forget the pain and fall asleep peacefully.

With the benefits and the constraints of heaven, the villagers of Wanglong Village have a very positive attitude towards cooperation.

Zhao Qingxuan was walking on the road of Wanglong Village, and he was not feeling well.

“Sister, isn’t this too cheap for them?” he asked in a low voice.

Zhao Qingxuan did not like the villagers. What a joke these people are going to eat him, and seeing them feel better, of course he’s awkward.

Are these people poor? kinda. Being infected with that strange disease is like living in purgatory. They didn’t deserve this kind of sin.

However, although they are pitiful, they are also ferocious and terrifying.

They can kill monks mercilessly, cannibalize people without any scruples, and even justify this beast behavior.

These people are despicable and condescending, and their misery at night is purely deserved.

Zhao Qingxuan believed that since Lord Baili relieved them of pain, he also lacked the means of punishing these people.

All the villagers act like normal people, but what about the monks who were swallowed? Was it just so forgotten?

The corners of Baili Jun’s heart rose: “Silly brother, if you don’t do this, how can they be willing to be hypnotized by me collectively?”

Even if they swear in front of Heaven, this group of people may break the contract and do things that harm them.

As for the Tao of Heaven, it has its own operating rules, and it cannot be completely counted on.

She and Zhao Qingxuan are safe only when everyone is under control.

Excuses help them ease their pain at night, and in fact use magic to keep everyone in their hands. If these people are honest, they will be at peace with each other. If they dare to cheat, then I will be sorry.

Moreover, they will not stay in Wanglong Village all the time, and they will leave after the clues are investigated.

The pain was only relieved for a few days.

Zhao Qingxuan was stunned again, and once again gave birth to the sigh of “I can still do this!”.

He thought that his brain was very flexible, but compared with Jun Xin, the gap was really too big.


Baili Junxin reached a cooperation agreement with the villagers of Wanglong Village.

The village chief, the elders in the village, and the teacher who taught her all followed Jun Xin, and they all answered what she wanted to ask. Jun Xin knew a lot of details again, and deepened her understanding of this mortal world.

At the time of three sticks of incense, I came to the Zhao family site on the hillside north of Wanglong Village.

Returning to the Zhao family ruins, looking at the scorched earth, although Zhao Qingxuan was slightly emotional, there was no unnecessary disturbance in his heart.

He originally thought that when his homeland came back, he would have dramatic and intense emotions such as kindness and sadness, just like the mood of the protagonists returning to their homes after a thousand sails in the novel.

However, there is nothing, for Zhao Qingxuan, this is the scene of the case.

He was too young when the disaster happened and left no memory.

Everything he knew about this family came from the narration of Chonghua people. He had lived in the spiritual world for many years. How did he develop feelings for this place?

His biggest emotion is that this place is really almost destroyed, the clues have disappeared, and he really doesn’t know how to investigate.

Everything has turned into black carbon, and after more than ten years, there is still no grass here.

Zhao Qingxuan squatted on the ground and reached out to grab the scorched earth. He wanted to analyze what the spell that fell into the mortal world was from its state.

When I first came into contact with this piece of scorched earth, it felt very ordinary. But when he clenched it, feel it carefully. A burning sensation slowly spread to the palm and fingertips, causing a burning pain.

Years have passed, and the scorched earth still has the power to destroy the mortal home.

Zhao Qingxuan felt that this power was very familiar, but unfortunately, after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn’t tell the difference.

He closed his eyes and carefully felt the burning sensation of the skin, trying to distinguish what the spell was. A trace of cold and dark aura rushed into his palm, like a sinister snake.

Unfortunately, although I can feel it, I can’t identify anything.

“It’s Red Lotus Karmic Fire.” Baili Junxin pushed the soil with his fingers. She was all too familiar with the Red Lotus Karmic Fire. The power remaining in the scorched earth of the Zhao Family Ruins was the residual power of the Red Lotus Karmic Fire. That was right.

The power hidden under the karmic fire should be the power of the evil cultivator who fought against Nangong Tai.

Baili Junxin didn’t quite know what spell Xie Xiu used. But only if there is enough time, she can always analyze this gloomy force thoroughly.

In the very center of the scorched earth, there is a pit formed by the magic attack. This pit is about three feet in diameter, not too big, but very deep. It was pitch black and couldn’t see the head.

This is where the purple crystals come from. After a heavy rain, those scourges turned into liquid and flowed away, and spread in all directions. Caused this strange disease that spread to the mortal world.

Zhao Qingxuan glanced at the dark pit and asked, “Has anyone gone down before?”

Perhaps, what can be found at the bottom of the pit? If you can find remnants of purple crystals, that would be great.

“I’ve been there, but none of them came back.” The village chief said, “In the beginning, there were two courageous people who secretly went down to hunt for treasure. But they didn’t come back for three days and three nights. In order to find them, another group of people went down, but one No one has come back. There’s a lot of evil here, young heroes and fairies, don’t seek death.”

“Since there’s something weird, then I’ll go take a look.” Baili Junxin decided to go down and have a look in person.

“Sister, I’ll accompany you down!” Zhao Qingxuan volunteered. How can you let Junxin face danger alone?

Baili Junxin: “No, you stay here.”

She probed the bottom of the abyss with a little mental power, and the dangerous atmosphere became more and more intense.

For the truth, knowing that it is dangerous, it is necessary to go down and see. But bringing Zhao Qingxuan, to be honest, is a bit of a hindrance.

“I’m not going down right away, I’ll talk about it after this evening.” Baili Jun thought.

Just in case, she has to do some preparations.


In a blink of an eye, dusk came.

Baili Junxin and Zhao Qingxuan were entertained by the village chief and lived in their house. The other villagers also rushed home before night fell.

In the middle of the night, under the **** full moon, everyone changed into the ugliest appearance. However, they were less mad, and each lay in bed and slept peacefully. Their bodies twitched occasionally, but they followed the instructions of your heart: don’t move!

Of course, there were a few exceptions, and they ran out and roamed the streets.

“Qingxuan, go and try.” Lord Baili ordered.

“Okay! I will succeed this time!” Zhao Qingxuan was full of confidence.

She is teaching Zhao Qingxuan hypnotism. After dawn, if there is any accident when she descends into the cave, he can save his life by learning how to manipulate the villagers.

Zhao Qingxuan was as smart as ever and quickly grasped the essentials.

He trained for a whole night under the guidance of Junxin Baili, and only finished the course until the first ray of sunshine fell.

In the early morning of the second day, the sun shone all over the earth, and the villagers found that they really had a good night’s sleep.

Although some people feel tired inexplicably, it really doesn’t hurt anymore.

So the villagers sang and laughed and prepared to hold a banquet at noon to celebrate.

They slaughtered pigs and sheep, sang and danced. The best chef in the village cooks the dishes that are not exquisite but absolutely delicious. This is the most luxurious feast in the village.

Baili Junxin and Zhao Qingxuan did not participate in the celebration. They came to the big pit of the Zhao family ruins.

“Qingxuan, in any case, don’t come down.” Baili Junxin said: “If I don’t come up, you must continue to investigate. Remember to make good use of the villagers of Wanglong Village.”

She has to get things in order.

“Sister, you will come back safely.” Zhao Qingxuan was flustered for no reason, “If you don’t go down, we can investigate in another direction.”

Bailijun shook his head: “It’s not the same. Don’t worry, I will definitely come back.”

After all, Baili Junxin jumped and jumped into the pit.

This pit formed by the burning of the red lotus karmic fire and unknown power is bottomless, and Baili Junxin’s heart descended in the dark environment for an unknown amount of time.

Nothing could be seen in the field of vision, Baili Junxin covered his face with a cloth strip, and opened the restricted mental picture to navigate for himself.

She doesn’t know how long it has passed, how long she has traveled, and the surroundings are endless black, and in the mental picture, the surroundings are also empty.

After a long time, the mental picture has changed a little.

Baili Junxin opened his eyes, and in his field of vision, the starting point of stars flickered in the deep black.

She felt that this scene was very familiar, and she must have seen it somewhere.

The density of black, the position, brightness, flickering frequency, density of stars…

This unique scene had a profound impact in the back of her mind.

Stopping, Bailijun recalled and thought, and countless pictures of the starry sky passed through his mind.

“It turned out to be it!” she finally remembered.

Some time ago, Jun Xin tried to attack the library. After the walls of the library were destroyed by her, she also saw a starry sky.

The starry sky is exactly the same as before.

This small world was invaded by the library? ! !


Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during the period of 2020-06-15 23:24:31~2020-06-18 23:43:54~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 3 bottles of Changxi Angli; 1 bottle of Fat Pig Cat;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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