The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 272

Chapter 272: Shattered Bronze Sword 11

Baili Junxin and Zhao Qingxuan stayed at the entrance of the cave all night.

The morning came slowly, the air was fresh with dew, and the blackness gradually faded. When the first ray of sunlight broke through the darkness, penetrated the dense woods, and sprinkled onto the earth, the “living corpse” that had been hungry all night entered the craziest moment.

They struggled in pain, howling piercingly, opening their mouths and repeating their bite. People have been completely mad, lost their minds, and can’t speak.

They struggled with all their might, thinking of their companions rushing towards them. If it weren’t for Baili Junxin’s vines to contain them, there would be a tragedy of mutual devotion in the cave.

This extremely painful process lasted for about half an hour, and the madness of the villagers finally subsided. The rot marks on his body began to fade, because the wounds from the bite and pull were also healing.

They lay peacefully on the ground, their eyes were dull, and their mouths were still opening and closing mechanically.

This looks, more or less funny.

“Haha!” Zhao Qingxuan couldn’t help but laugh.

Baili Junxin glared at him, what’s so funny.

The young man immediately put on a serious expression.

The chaotic and confused state of the villagers was maintained until the sun was in the sky, the carrion-like traces on their bodies completely faded, and they returned to normal human appearances.

“Where is this?”

“what happened?”

“Last night was so painful, more sore than any night before…”

The villagers muttered to themselves.

Zhao Qingxuan walked into the cave and asked, “Are you all awake?”

Seeing Zhao Qingxuan and Baili Junxin following him, the villagers reacted violently.

“Disaster! And that witch!”

“Zhao Qingxuan, you really are not a good thing, you should be killed when you enter the village!”

“Disaster! Isn’t it enough for you to harm our Wanglong Village? Why don’t you die!”

“Let us go soon!”

Zhao Qingxuan frowned, anyone who was scolded by someone would not feel good. Besides, why are these perpetrators so arrogant?

He was about to reason with these people when he heard a “pop” in his ear.

With a crisp snap of fingers, all cursing stopped instantly.

Lord Baili snapped his fingers, and the eyes of the few people who had just regained consciousness were blank again. After she achieved people last night, she gave these people instructions in their minds so that they could be controlled at any time. The sane villagers who had just recovered from the madness fell into a state of hypnosis collectively.

Not enough, Zhao Qingxuan didn’t sympathize with them at all.

“Sister, what kind of hypnotism did you learn?” Zhao Qingxuan asked curiously. Also restricted by the rules of heaven, my sister cannot use mana, but she still has a lot of skills. He felt ashamed.

“I’ll teach you later.” Baili Junxin smiled and shook his head. Heavenly Dao does not restrict her strictly, she has lived ten thousand years longer than Zhao Qingxuan, and she has traveled through such a world, so she will know a lot of things. The current difficulties are naturally not difficult to deal with.

Zhao Qingxuan nodded like pounding garlic.

Returning to Baili Junxin, he ordered the controlled villagers:

“Next, you must answer the questions truthfully, knowing everything you can say.”

“Yes!” The villagers agreed like puppets.

Baili Junxin patted Zhao Qingxuan on the shoulder: “I leave the questioning to you.”

“Sister you?” Zhao Qingxuan asked.

Well, she, of course, is going to Wanglong Village for a walk.


The villagers of Wanglong Village experienced another painful and exhausting night. Infecting this strange disease is equivalent to stepping into **** with one foot, and they seem to become starved ghosts suffering from hunger in the eighteenth **** every night.

After finally waiting until dawn, everyone was lethargic, and the terrifying hunger still lingered in their minds.

This terrible taste will come again in the middle of the next day. The repetition, day and night, never ends.

Unless… a prey comes to the door…

After a while, everyone woke up from the numbness, and everyone worked together.

Shimodian, who should work in the field, after all, everyone still has to eat. The rest of the young and middle-aged people, armed with hoes, sticks and ropes, prepare to go into the mountains and into the woods to hunt.

Of course, this prey is not a mountain animal, but a monk.

They were very aware of where the spiritual world monks descended, and they patrolled nearby. Looking forward to meeting a prey.

When they tapped the team, they found that more than a dozen young and strong young men were missing, and they could not be found in or outside the village.

Some people start to panic, while others are very calm.

“Hey, what’s there to worry about. It must be the calamity star of Zhao Qingxuan!”.

“These bastards, eat alone. Come back and see how I clean them up.

“They must have had enough to eat and slept through the night…”

“If I had known that I had gone too, and ate the disaster star, the night would not have been so painful.”

Most people are envious, who doesn’t want to sleep peacefully.

However, the family members of the missing person are worried, especially the young daughters-in-law.

“My eyelids keep twitching, is something going to happen?”

“Village Chief, this doesn’t feel right.”

“I’m panicking too. Will nothing happen?”

The village chief was so annoyed, with their current state of being half-dead, what other big things could happen?

“You are unfounded. There are so many strong men, can’t you blame a weak boy?” The village chief comforted: “Those **** monks are incompetent when they come to the mortal world, because God can’t stand them! What we have in our hands! Hoe, there are still many people, there is nothing to fear! Besides, the disaster star of the Zhao family is only fifteen years old, isn’t it also planted in our hands that it is thousands of times more powerful than him?”

Everyone sighed, and the village chief said yes.

However, the hanging heart hadn’t let go. In an instant, a silver electric light flashed in front of people’s eyes, and a short knife pierced through the air, sticking straight into the village chief’s bun.

The village chief was so frightened that he lost his mind, but he didn’t dare to move at all. Everyone present screamed and fell to the ground, and some people ran away.

“Don’t run, don’t run! Come back to me!” The village chief shouted, and almost no one paid him any attention.

There were just a few sharp-eyed people who recognized something and screamed and cried.

“My son!!”

“The child’s father…”

The scene is chaotic.

“Why are you crying, take off the knife for me!” the village chief ordered.

Only then did someone step forward and take off the dagger.

This half chopstick is so long and its fingers are so thin, five or six cloth strips are embellished on the handle of the knife, and there seem to be words on the cloth strips.

“This is my son’s headband!”

“This is my man’s…”

Bad premonition experience.

These headbands have a passage written in red blood:

“16 villagers of Wanglong Village have been captured, and the villagers of your village are specially invited to negotiate at the temple outside the village at noon. No waiting. Zhao Qingxuan.”

Wanglong Village was drowned out by the sound of cursing hobbies.

“The catastrophe that kills a thousand knives!”

“The cultivator really doesn’t have a good thing!”

“How to do it?”

What else can I do? To save the hostages, you have to negotiate with the prey.

They didn’t have time to ask for reinforcements, and it took a day to go from Wanglong Village to the city. After the day has passed, what should I do if the ticket is torn?

It would be better for everyone to go and see what the **** Zhao Qingxuan is up to. Anyway, he can’t use spells, and they are not afraid. Well, this is also a good opportunity to hunt.


After Baili Junxin left, Zhao Qingxuan interrogated the villagers who were under hypnosis.

The result obtained is not much different from the heart of Baili Jun. Chonghua’s technique fell to the world, and a strange material was born. People come into contact with this material and get sick that turn into living corpses.

Amidst the pain and despair, someone offered a solution that was unethical. People don’t care about ethics and morals, just to survive.

Basically the same, with some minor differences in many details.

Among these discrepancies, Zhao Qingxuan was more concerned about two points.

First, not all monks are helpless against this disease.

There are indeed many monks’ healing methods that have played a role. Buddhist scriptures and Taoist mantras can slow down the degree of decay of people’s bodies, which are very effective means. But in the end, these monks also suffered misfortune. When hearing about a method that is more effective and can even cure strange diseases quickly, the method that is not very efficient is naturally abandoned. Most of the monks who had been kind enough to help were ruthlessly used as sacrifices for the first time.

Hearing these events made Zhao Qingxuan feel cold.

The second point is the negligence of Baili Junxin’s first interrogation. She forgot to ask what the fake Princess Junxin looked like.

After Zhao Qingxuan asked, he made a big discovery. Princess Junxin in the mouths of Wanglong Village villagers all have different faces.

Some people say that she is full of makeup, enchanting and charming; some people say that she is graceful and dignified; some people say that she is pure and charming, beautiful and sweet. Some people say that the princess looks hideous, more terrifying than evil spirits.

The fake princess sometimes has peach eyes, sometimes Danfeng eyes, anyway, everyone has a story.

Everyone has a “Princess King” in their hearts. It doesn’t sound like a sword spirit, it’s a bit devilish…

“Sister, devil…isn’t it also within the rules of heaven?” Zhao Qingxuan asked.

Even if it is a monster, what it can do to harm the mortal world is limited.

After thinking about it, Baili Jun replied: “The rules are like this. But maybe someone took advantage of it. However, it’s hard to say anything now. Don’t guess.”

After entering the village to investigate, meet the Princess Junxin again. Doubts and mysteries will always be understood.


At noon, the scorching sun hangs in the sky.

The better time has come, but Baili Junxin and Zhao Qingxuan have not yet set off.

With hostages in hand, they certainly have the capital to be late.

Baili Junxin snapped his fingers and temporarily released the hypnotism.

The villagers who once arrogantly and confidently shouted and killed at Zhao Qingxuan, and those who once held unruly hearts towards Lord Baili, all looked at them with horror.

“Zhao, what do you want?”

“Witch! Don’t come here!”

“Don’t mess around!”

They said loudly, adding vicious swearing. At this moment, their scolding is not lethal. They were like a pack of frightened dogs, unable to bark to embolden themselves.

Zhao Qingxuan raised his brows, ignoring the rudeness of these people: “I don’t need to explain to you, just follow.”

He ripped off a streak from each of them and stuffed it in their mouths, acting rudely. Although Zhao Qingxuan made up his mind to thoroughly investigate and solve the problem of strange diseases, he had no goodwill towards these mortal patients. He held the vines and dragged a group of people towards the ruined temple.

The village chief of Wanglong Village led more than 50 people from the village to wait at the door of Pomian, preparing to save the hostages and catch the prey by the way.

However, after waiting for almost half an hour, this person has not appeared.

The sun was big, and everyone was dizzy and dizzy while waiting.

Some people are about to have heat stroke.

When everyone was impatient, Zhao Qingxuan and Baili Junxin arrived late, and they dragged a group of reluctant hostages to the ruined temple. If anyone is unwilling to leave, or struggling to escape, the cane that Baili Junxin grabbed at will will be drawn on him.

When the village chief saw this, he stood five feet away and cursed.

“Stop! Zhao Qingxuan! You despicable child! Don’t let people go!”

Zhao Qingxuan also responded with interest: “Despicable? It’s better than your group of beasts who want to eat me! I’m just self-defense.”

“Stinky boy, you dare to scold us?”

“In this world, only animals with undeveloped intelligence can cannibalize their own selfish desires. So I’m not scolding you, I’m pointing out the truth.” Zhao Qingxuan said. This is the voice of his day.

The village chief was not convinced, and the people in Wanglong Village were obviously not convinced.

“Embryo!, the same kind of shit!”.

“You monks are nothing but demons in human skins”

“Fake benevolence and righteousness, pretentious, no fart skills, but in the mortal world to make good and worship. What if you eat this kind of garbage?”

“This matter was originally caused by the monks. Your spiritual world has been brought to harm the mortal world. We suffered and suffered, but you were free and free in the last session. How can there be such a good thing!”

The common people held a lot of resentment against the monks, and when they were scolded by Zhao Qingxuan, they naturally fought back.

Zhao Qingxuan has understood the difference between travel notes and reality. In the travelogue, the monks acted as chivalrous heroes in the mortal world and were worshipped and welcomed by the people. However, now, mortal people do welcome monks, but this is only to welcome food and medicine.

“Sophistry! The disaster happened or there were other reasons, but it was not the reason why you gave up your life and became a beast. You just couldn’t bear the pain and wanted to take shortcuts. That shortcut won’t make you heal!” Zhao Qingxuan said sternly.

“Then let our thousands of people suffer in despair? You monks are noble?!” The village chief laughed.

“Investigate the truth and solve the problem from the root. I want to go to the village to see my home, find out the cause of the strange disease, and solve this problem completely.” Zhao Qingxuan said.

The village chief sneered: “You have only been in the spiritual world for 15 years, but you have the same hypocrisy as a monk. It’s disgusting!”

The villagers couldn’t help laughing.

“Over the years, more people have been investigating, but the only way is to eat you!”

“Great Calamity Star, if you really want to do something to accumulate merit, you might as well give up this body of flesh and blood, and save me the pain of suffering at night.”

Zhao Qingxuan held his breath and said, “Could it be that you all want to be like this for the rest of your life, that you are human during the day and ghosts at night?

He was helpless, it was too difficult to communicate with these people.

“As long as there is one prey, we can have a good life for the whole village for a month.” Someone laughed.

Zhao Qingxuan didn’t know what to say at the moment. He just wanted to hit people.

Even if Heavenly Dao punished him, he seemed to have slaughtered this group of inhuman things. The veins in his arms bulged.

Lord Baili pressed Zhao Qingxuan in his heart.

The child is still young, what are you fighting at this time? They’re all taken hostage, can’t they just coerce them directly?

He was also impulsive. Almost did something stupid.

According to the rules of heaven, this group of people and their descendants will be punished, and there is no need to intervene in the murder. Moreover, even if Tiandao does not pursue it, with his current ability, he does not have the ability to slaughter the entire village.

“Forget it, don’t fight with people.” Bailijun’s mouth curved upwards and continued: “Since these people refuse to cooperate, there is no need to continue entanglement with them, let’s go.”

Zhao Qingxuan didn’t understand what his sister Junxin meant, why did he leave now.

“That’s fine, then let’s change the direction of the investigation.” Zhao Qingxuan walked back, still dragging the trapped vines in his hands, and the group of people were unwilling to be dragged into the woods.

The village head is in a hurry.

“Zhao Qingxuan, stop! Hurry up and let people go!”

Seeing that Zhao Qingxuan was ignoring it, the group of people caught up with weapons, shouting and killing.

At this moment, Lord Baili kicked the last hostage’s leg bone with one foot, breaking him with one foot.

She tore off the cloth strip from her mouth, letting the strong man’s wailing spread freely.

Screaming in agony, he successfully stopped the villagers from rushing forward.

Baili Junxin took out the rattan again, and kept pumping the last few people, causing them to jump and scream in pain.

The hostages screamed, and relatives here wept.

So the village chief did not dare to enter, and jumped and shouted, “What the **** are you doing!!”

Bailijun smiled smugly and said sarcastically, “Don’t you guys don’t want to have a good talk, don’t you want to cooperate?”

These people don’t care about the lives of monks, but they care about the lives of relatives, neighbors and friends.

Also ironic.

“Cooperation, cooperation! As long as you release the hostages, everything is easy to talk about! Let’s talk!”

I thought I was not afraid because of the large number of people. But they forgot that the hostages were in the hands of Lord Baili and Zhao Qingxuan.

Most of the monks they dismissed were enthusiastic and naive, how could there be such a ruthless one!

The village chief gave in.

“Qingxuan, my elder sister will teach you a lesson.” Bailijun thought: “Sometimes, no one will listen to you when you speak well, and it is very necessary to do it.”

Zhao Qingxuan looked at the village chief who had lost his temper and admired him.

He was still too naive.


In the next conversation, although Zhao Qingxuan talked with the village chief, it was Baili Junxin who controlled everything.

Therefore, the conversation went well, and the village chief kneeled very quickly in the face of the threat of force, so fast that Zhao Qingxuan doubted his life.

Is this still the village chief who just fought with him and made him want to kill him?

The whole village of Wanglong Village swore to Tiandao that they would have the right to assist Zhao Qingxuan and Baili Junxin in investigating the purple crystal and the strange disease, and would not harm them in any form.

Tiandao dropped seven thunders, indicating that it heard it.

Everyone in the village is stupid.

“Don’t worry, cooperate well, it’s not all good for you, at least this night’s pain, with me here, may be able to relieve you a little.” Baili Junxin beat them several times, and he had to give a Sweet dates.

“What did you say to ease the pain?” the village chief questioned, he couldn’t believe it.

“It’s not difficult for some people to get a good night’s sleep.” Baili Jun thought.

It was something she stumbled upon by accident.

The first guy to be hypnotized by her, spent the night in a hypnotic state. Although he was physically exhausted, he was not mentally tortured. I slept well and had a good dream. Hypnosis also has unexpected effects.

The village chief immediately knelt down to Lord Baili, and immediately begged: “I beg the fairy to cast a spell!”

Not only one village chief, but everyone knelt down in place.

Zhao Qingxuan was dumbfounded, how could he still do this? ! Just kneeling like that?

Where is the person who demoted the monk to nothing just now? !

Zhao Qingxuan has a new understanding of human nature.


Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-06-13 20:58:31~2020-06-15 23:24:31~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 2 bottles of fat pig and cat;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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