The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 271

Chapter 271: Shattered Bronze Sword 10

Under the influence of hypnotism, the man knew everything and said everything, and Baili Junxin quickly got a rough understanding of the ins and outs of Wanglong Village’s abnormality.

Of course, a person’s statement is more one-sided, and she still wants to inquire more.

So, Baili Shi gave an order to the mutated villager in front of him, telling him to stay put and stand by, and then return to the ruined temple.

The group of villagers who stayed behind in the ruined temple also mutated. From a distance, a group of carrion corpses were going crazy in the ruined temple.

“The disaster star has run away!”

“I’m so hungry…”

“I’m sorry, brother! Let me take a bite.”

Screams and curses resounded throughout the night sky.

Although the body of this group of people is rotten, their minds are very clear. Just because of the mutation, the body is in a state of starvation.

Without Zhao Qingxuan’s fancy food, they began to attack each other, bite each other, and kill each other. Unquenchable hunger drives them to do so, and the scene is brutal, horrifying and disgusting.

Baili Jun approached generously, and then focused on the killing, but did not notice her existence. She didn’t use any spells, picked up the wooden stick on the ground, and knocked out the villagers who had lost their minds and fell into madness.

She is not a kind person, and she doesn’t like the guy who is going to eat Zhao Qingxuan. But it’s not difficult to control this group of people, and can’t see cannibalism happening.

Besides, Tiandao deliberately led her and Zhao Qingxuan to this place, and the matter was related to him.

Everyone fell down, Baili Junxin found a thick and long vine from the forest, applied a little magic to make it tougher, and used the vine to tie everyone in the ruined temple into a string. This is how people are dragged into the cave.

Zhao Qingxuan was in a hurry in the cave alone. The things he is good at can’t be used, and he is no different from a weak scholar who has no strength. At the critical moment, only to realize that he was too weak, Zhao Qingxuan felt more and more regretful that he did not exercise more skills.

The ugly time is approaching, the full moon in the sky is faintly bloody, and Zhao Qingxuan is more and more worried.

Just when he was about to rush out the door to find someone, Baili Junxin slowly came back, and she was still dragging a dozen strange… corpses in her hand?

But those “corpses” are still talking, like dreaming, shouting “it hurts”, ‘so hungry”, “I want to eat”

Zhao Qingxuan endured his nausea and stepped forward to help. He asked, “Sister, what are these things?”

The smell is really bad.

“These are the **** who made your mind.” Baili Jun thought.

Zhao Qingxuan is here, and he will give this physical strength to him.

After all the villagers were dragged into the cave, the cave could no longer stay, and the rotten stench filled the entire cave. Zhao Qingxuan and Baili Junxin sat at the entrance of the cave to rest.

“Sister, what’s going on with these people? What kind of spell is this?” Zhao Qingxuan asked.

An hour or two ago, they were still alive and well, but suddenly they turned into rotting corpses, and they could still talk.

Zhao Qingxuan has read more than 100 travel journals and encyclopedias. He has also read countless medical and pharmacopoeia, and he remembers the contents firmly. Before going out, he was so full of himself that he couldn’t trouble himself, but he didn’t remember seeing it in the book in front of him. Maybe the book really said it, but he was inexperienced and couldn’t find the corresponding point.

“This matter is a long story.” Baili Jun said in his heart: “Qingxuan, the vision here is really related to you and me.”

The beginning of all the visions in Wanglong Village started from the stray bullet that destroyed Zhao Qingxuan’s family fifteen years ago when the Chonghua faction fought against the evil cultivator.

On that day, it was raining lightly, but a strange dark red flame fell from the sky. The flames fell on the Zhao family, and the fire instantly burned the Zhao family to ashes, leaving only Zhao Qingxuan to escape. Not long after, the spiritual world cultivator came and took Zhao Qingxuan away in order to settle the cause and effect.

The Chonghua faction thought that this was the end of the matter, but in fact, the disaster had just begun.

There was something wrong with the Zhao family ruins. The place burned by the “Sky Fire” first turned into a **** field.

It was normal for the ground to scorch after the fire, but after half a month, the place started to cave in. It was found that there were many shiny purple crystals hidden under the black scorched earth.

These crystals are the most beautiful in the moonlight, and the deep purple attracts the eye like magic, attracting everyone to rush.

Some people invested a little crystal to sell in big cities and made a lot of money. Then every household in the village began to dig out the purple crystals and sell them for money.

People in this village get rich in January.

However, the wealthy life was not enjoyed for two months, and after a heavy rain, disaster began to come.

One night, the purple crystals melted in the rain and the money was gone. Many people who have bought crystals come to the door to claim, and the trouble is endless.

Of course, this is not a big problem. The most serious thing is pollution. These crystallized purple liquids quickly seep into the ground and into the water source. As long as you touch or unfortunately use the polluted water source, your body will turn purple, slowly rot, and you will have an uncontrollable hunger. .

Strange disease brings panic, pain needs a channel to vent. As a result, Zhao Qingxuan, who survived the fire in the sky, was taken into the Xianmen by Chonghua, and Zhao Qingxuan, who was blessed by misfortune, became the target of public criticism. He became a disaster star.

Bailijun looked up at the moon in the sky, and then continued: “In the beginning, it was not serious enough to eat people. Everyone just regarded it as a strange disease and sought medical treatment everywhere. Doctors in the world can’t cure it. , everyone put up a list to find monks who descended to the world. But it doesn’t work.”

A monk walks in the mortal world, always aloof, self-righteous, and regards mortals as ants. People are also happy to enshrine monks for protection.

However, countless people actually suffered from the disease, but found that these people are useless, and their attitude towards monks is naturally not as good as before.

The disease has no cure and continues to spread.

Purple crystals are widely sold, and people who are ‘sick” are very sick. This disease is contagious. If a normal person is caught or bitten by a sick person, he will be infected. In less than three days, it will definitely turn into a living corpse. Not only the small place of Wanglong Village, but also the nearby big cities, and even other countries were infected. There are such “living corpses” everywhere.

In order to cure the disease, the monarchs of all parties led the people to hold many magnificent ceremonies of worshiping the gods and gods, but to no avail.

In the end, the monarchs went to the doctor in a panic, and asked the evil sword monarch, who had been sealed in dust for a long time, to come out. They cast spells to awaken the sleeping sword spirit – Princess Junxin of Asura Kingdom. Princess Junxin came to Wanglong Village in person. After seeing the ruins of the Zhao family, she said that it was the sin of the monks in the spiritual world. She gave an evil solution – devour the monks’ spiritual flesh.

“Sister, wait, Xie Jian Junxin? Asura Kingdom Junxin Princess, is this talking about you?” Zhao Qingxuan was surprised. He is very clear about the origin of Jun Xinjian. Even if Jun Xinjian was seriously injured in her, what happened to the mortal sword of protecting the country?

Baili Junxin: “I don’t know yet, but I will investigate.”

This matter has a causal connection with her, and it must be clearly investigated.

In fact, Jun Baili immediately had an object of suspicion—Lin Jiaojiao. But Lin Jiaojiao has been busy grabbing Zhao Qingxuan’s chance all these years, does she have time to go down to earth? Besides, what good will Lin Jiaojiao do to go down to the world and use her name to make trouble? She can’t think of it.

Baili Junxin reminded herself not to be preconceived, and of course she did not exclude Lin Jiaojiao.

Baili Junxin continued to explain.

After the Princess Junxin gave her advice, several monarchs were reluctant. Although the reputation of the spiritual world monks is not as good as before, most of them cannot break through the ethical barrier.

However, the monarch was unwilling, but they could not control the sick people. People can do anything for their own lives. The people of Wanglong Village were the first to do experiments, and they caught a monk and ate it.

After taking the monk’s meat, they quickly recovered their original appearance.

However, this method treats the symptoms but not the root cause. Every night, when the yin is at its heaviest, the body will still turn into a living corpse. Until sunrise, they will return to human form. Although it cannot be completely cured, it is better than surviving all day long.

The news spread quickly, so the mortal world developed the habit of eating monks. Everyone believes that as long as you eat enough, this strange disease will have a good day after all. Gradually, the cultivator’s spiritual flesh has many strange functions in addition to curing diseases.

In fifteen years, the monks who appeared in the mortal world have basically become the meals of the patients.

The Tao of Heaven imposes strict restrictions on cultivators in the mortal world, and most cultivators who have gone down to the mortal world despise mortals. Many people fall into the trap because they underestimate the enemy, are buried in the hands of mortals, and enter the stomach of mortals and become their medicine.

Zhao Qingxuan felt a chill on his back after hearing this.

Spiritual cultivator, just become the ration of mortals?

I thought that this trip to the mortal world would be easy and relaxed, but I didn’t expect it to be such a sinister situation. The most terrifying thing is that the mortal world has undergone great changes, so many monks have died, and the spiritual world knows nothing about it?

What should I do?

It stands to reason that this matter really has nothing to do with him, and he is really wronged to be involved. He and Baili Junxin can completely return to the spiritual world immediately and reflect the abnormal situation in the mortal world to the master. Let them investigate.

But… this is his trial, and the difficulties he encountered should be solved by himself.

“Sister, I’ll send a message to the teacher first.” Zhao Qingxuan said: “You can’t let other monks fall into the mortal world without warning.”

This place that monks generally despise is full of danger.

Baili Junxin smiled and shook his head: “You can try it. But I don’t think it will work. If you can send a message, why does the spiritual world know nothing about the abnormality in the mortal world?”

Immortal gates large and small in the spiritual world will set up their own halls in the mortal world to facilitate the disciples in the gate to communicate, or in case of emergency, so that they can be sent back to the spiritual world in time.

Such a terrifying change, even if a piece of news is sent back to the spiritual world, it will definitely spread a lot.

There is no news, it can only mean that these halls were controlled or destroyed for the first time.

“Then we can’t go back?” Zhao Qingxuan frowned.

Baili Junxin nodded: “Yes, there is no way out.”

Going down is easy, going back is hard. With limited spells, monks cannot fly back to the spiritual world on their own. Either by teleporting the magic circle, or by accumulating great merit in the mortal world, the heaven descends with golden light and ascends to the spiritual world.

The teleportation circles of each family are arranged in the entrance of the hall. If it is destroyed, it will be difficult to go back.

“In the mortal world, it seems that there are people who understand the rules of Heavenly Dao very well.” Baili Jun thought: “Maybe it’s still an organization…”

Things are more cumbersome, but challenging. Based on one person’s confession alone, many things are still ambiguous and must be investigated in depth. When these people are awake, they can ask again.

Zhao Qingxuan said decisively: “Sister, I want to find out who is behind it, and then solve this strange disease!”

Anyway, if you can’t go back, it’s better to get rid of this matter completely.

Bailijun smiled and asked, “Then how are you going to solve it?”

“Go to my house first, and then negotiate with the villagers of Wanglong Village. We need more detailed information.” Zhao Qingxuan said.

Bailijun asked again: “They are excited when they see you and want to eat you, how to talk?”

Zhao Qingxuan pointed at the group of people who were tied into zongzi in the cave and said, “Take them as hostages, I don’t believe that group of people can’t calm down.”

“It’s the same as what I thought.” Baili Jun smiled reassuringly.

This kid is not roundabout, and his brain is very flexible, which is good.


Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2020-06-1023:47:36~2020-06-1320:58:31~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 8 bottles of lance; 4985 bottles of book friends; 1 bottle of fat pig cat;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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