The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 270

Chapter 270: Shattered Bronze Sword 9

Eating a bite of human flesh can lead to longevity.

Such absurd rumors are widely circulated in the world and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Baili Junxin has only seen so many worlds in classical fairy tales.

Although there are occasional people who are extremely vicious, morally depraved, and extremely ignorant, they hold similar views, but such a large group of people believe in the same rumor, and together they give up their humanity. Baili Jun opened his eyes.

For the sake of longevity, they took up butcher knives, intending to murder the monks.

They are now Zhao Qingxuan, but listening to these people’s conversations is not the first time they have done such a thing. I don’t know how many monks who descended to earth were brutally murdered by mortals.

The Law of Heaven limited the ability of a monk in the mortal world, and he was besieged by a group of people, and finally he really became a mermaid.

Baili-jun shook his head.

Her memory of the mortal world in this world is still ten thousand years ago. At that time, mortal people revered and worshipped monks, and even monarchs valued them.

They ask for longevity, and what they ask for is the medicine pill in the monk’s bag, or the magic of the immortal’s enlightenment.

There were no such rumors at that time, otherwise, her greedy father emperor did not know how many monks she would kill.

Ten thousand years, what juncture is the problem? So that such rumors appear?

Or maybe she thinks about the problem too seriously, it’s just the problem of Wanglong Village, it can’t represent the whole mortal world.


“I haven’t cultivated immortality myself, how can I make them live forever?” Zhao Qingxuan secretly complained: “This rumor is too unreasonable!”

“Before the foundation was established, the cultivator’s body was just an ordinary body of flesh and blood, without any spiritual energy. After the foundation was established, the body was filled with spiritual energy. However, the spiritual energy disappeared directly into the abdominal organs, and mortals could not absorb it. .”

Lord Baili’s heart is full of black lines, why is Zhao Qingxuan still analyzing it?

“Qingxuan, you are their target, let’s run away!” Baili Jun persuaded.

“Why do they keep staring at me?” Zhao Qingxuan was puzzled. He slowly got up and took pictures of his clothes and groomed himself.

He was actually a little scared.

Having never seen the world and never encountered any real danger, he is inherently a bit silly and sweet. Who would have thought that the first time they went out to practice, they would encounter a group of brutal mortals who used themselves as food.

Zhao Qingxuan’s instinctive fear, he also began to doubt the world and life.

Lord Baili sighed, poor baby.

Sympathy belongs to sympathy, but his movements are really too slow, so Baili Junxin picked up the person, covered his mouth and dragged it out.

Sword Spirit has no body, so naturally there is no sound of footsteps. She moved quickly, leaving only a gust of wind.

The greedy villagers who gradually surrounded the ruined temple did not realize that the prey had escaped, and they were still waiting, waiting for a suitable time to strike.


There is a small hidden cave not far from the broken temple.

Before Baili Junxin chose to break the temple to rest, he had already detected this hiding place. She didn’t expect to use it here before the first night.

“Go in!” Lord Baili pushed Zhao Qingxuan inward.

Zhao Qingxuan was reluctant, “Sister, am I going to hide like this in the future?”

A monk, descending from the spiritual world to the mortal world is restricted. But although he can’t use spiritual power, his swordsmanship is still there! He doesn’t have to be so cowardly!

What a joke, these people are going to eat him, and they have to find their way back!

“The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie! Your sword intent and sword qi are ineffective in the mortal world, and that group of people can beat you to death!” Baili Junxin reminded.

Although he let Zhao Qingxuan cultivate his body, he was more resistant to fighting, but he was still a little bit unbearable under siege.

Zhao Qingxuan swallowed: “So cruel?”

Bailijun looked at him contemptuously, but said nothing. Of course, she was exaggerating a bit, but now that the situation is unknown, it is right to be cautious.

Zhao Qingxuan immediately took out a small notebook and wrote quickly.

Bailijun asked in his heart, “What are you doing?”

“No travel journal has ever written that the mortal world can be so cruel! I want to write it down, then submit it, and advertise today’s subversive encounter!” Zhao Qingxuan said.

Lord Baili guessed that Zhao Qingxuan might have wasted his efforts.

Those prejudiced monks wouldn’t believe it at all, and they might laugh at him. But it would be a good thing if his intelligence and his contributions could be seen and reminded everyone.

“Write slowly, I’ll go out first.” Bailijun thought.

Zhao Qingxuan stopped writing alertly and asked, “Sister, where are you going?”

“Get a few people here and ask for information. We can’t be passive like this all the time.” Baili Junxin said.

Now this situation is too strange, completely beyond her imagination. If you don’t understand it, you won’t be able to walk at all.

She could be chased and run around, and she didn’t want to be treated as a Tang monk.

“I’m going too!” Zhao Qingxuan followed, he didn’t want to be protected all the time.

“Don’t! Why are you throwing yourself into the net?” Baili Junxin refused him to join. The next action is inconvenient for Zhao Qingxuan to participate in.

Baili Junxi instructed: “Stay here obediently, don’t make a noise, and don’t make trouble. I’ll be back when I go.”

Zhao Qingxuan was not convinced, but he could only stay in the cave honestly.

To put it bluntly, he is not strong enough, and he is very frustrated.


Baili Jun is a sword spirit in mind and body, and is relatively free in the mortal world. She has less power restrictions than a monk, and can use a little power.

Bailijun’s heart changed, she turned around and changed her clothes. The clothes are thin, with exquisite curves, and there is a layer of almost transparent tulle on the outside, which seems to cover but not cover, and shows where it can be exposed.

She dressed like this, standing in the small woods outside the ruined temple, humming a song.

The group of villagers who were excited because of Zhao Qingxuan were seduced by the sweet singing. Turning to look, under the moonlight, in front of the poplar tree, a stunning woman was seducing them.

Everyone is drooling, and the footsteps can’t help but move in the direction of your heart.

“She’s calling me! Do you see it right? She has a crush on me.” A villager said with saliva, his eyes never leaving anyone. “I’m over!”

One moment ago, he was still asking about immortality, but the next moment he was lustful and evil.

He got up and walked towards the woods. A sober companion grabbed the person!

“Don’t go, the hour will be here soon! Don’t miss this dinner!” said the companion.

In the barren mountains and wild ridges, outside the ruined temple, the moonlight is like a bright fairy. attracted the attention of countless people.

“Go on your own. I have other business.” He put down the **** in his hand and followed the beauty.

“Be awake! Barren mountains and wild ridges, ruined temples and forests, an extremely beautiful woman, ten times ten is a fairy!” The companion reminded: “Don’t be confused.”

The timid villagers laughed: “What’s the matter, monsters are the best. I’ll marry her a few times before eating her into my belly. Don’t you have to guard a stinky man?”

“Go go go! Go go! One less person can eat more food.”

“Be careful not to be sucked dry!”

The man walked in the direction of the woods.

Experience countless worlds and encounter many risks.

Even more terrifying and weirder than now, it’s not that I haven’t encountered it before, but I used the beauty trick to take the bait with the appearance of the target. This is the first time for Baili Junxin.

Someone is hooked.

She walked slowly in the woods, turned back ten steps, and led the man into the depths of the woods.

“Beauty, don’t run away, you wait for me.” The man who was lustful didn’t care about the danger at all.

Bailijun liked his heart, stopped and turned his head, smiling at him.

The moment the four eyes met, Baili Junxin’s eyes radiated golden luster.

The man with a wretched smile was instantly stunned, he stood still, like a wooden board.


This is probably the strongest and most practical of the few spells that Baili Junxin can cast in the mortal world.

The man who is seduced by her beauty is not tough at all, and he can easily be controlled by her after looking at him at close range.

Baili Junxin began to interrogate:

“What’s your name? Which village?”

“Li Laosi. Wanglong Village.”

Baili Jun heart cuts to the topic:

“What are you doing around the ruined temple?”


“What is the specific prey?”

“A monk named Zhao Qingxuan.”

“You want to eat him? Eat a monk? Why?”

“Yes. Zhao Qingxuan is a disaster star. He caused our Wanglong Village. He should pay the debt. Eat it to cure the disease.”

Bailijun frowned, there is a story in it.

“Why do you say that Zhao Qingxuan is a disaster star? How did he harm the village?”

“He was the one who brought the fire from the sky, and the fire killed his family. He was the disaster star. The fire was poisonous, and the land burned by the fire was poisonous. He made the villagers sick.”

“What’s wrong?” Baili Junxin asked.

“In the middle of the night, it will turn into a monster’s disease.” The man replied.

As soon as he finished speaking, the moonlight shone on the man’s body, his dark skin began to swell up one after another, and his body began to twist and swell, and a stench came. The man in front of him gradually disappeared.

In front of Baili Junxin, he became a rotting corpse.

This is the strange disease he talks about. If someone instigates the rumor of cannibalism to cure the disease, they will indeed believe it.

Baili Jun endured nausea and asked, “Who told you how to eat monks?”

“Princess.” The man replied simply.

“Which country’s princess? What’s her name?” She continued to ask. She fell to know the person behind the scenes!

“The daughter of the King of Ashura, Princess Junxin.”

Baili Junxin: ? ! !

It was her name.

Also, isn’t the Asura country in this population the country ruled by her former father?

Who on earth did such evil in her name? !

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